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Smart Grids

Smart Grids. Smart Grids. What is a smart grid ? How do smart grids changes our eletric network What is necessary for the implementation of the smart grid ? Where do we have smart grid ? And how is Brasil?. What is a smart grid ?. What is a smart grid.

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Smart Grids

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SmartGrids

  2. SmartGrids • What is a smartgrid? • How do smartgridschangesoureletric network • Whatis necessary for theimplementationofthesmartgrid? • Where do wehavesmartgrid? • Andhow is Brasil?

  3. What is a smartgrid?

  4. What is a smartgrid • The logic of the Smart Grid is at one word: intelligence • A smart grid is a form of eletricity network utilisingdigital technology • The implementation of smart grid will bring an evolution in our eletric system

  5. Howdo smartgridschangesoureletric network?

  6. Our system are going to bemuch more efficient • It is gonabeeasier to resolve blackouts • The consumidor canbecame a smalproducer • It will decrease the cases of stolen energy

  7. What is necessary for theimplementationofthesmartgrid?

  8. The changes will start in our homes

  9. Will benecessary build or upgrade ourinfrastructe

  10. Where do wehavesmartgrid?

  11. Moved by the green economy, the world is already making advances to the implementation of smart grids • Studiesof IBM show to us thattheimplementationofsmartgridsmeans a economyof 100 biliondolars in infrastructe

  12. There is a lot of cities around the world that are becoming experiences of this new tecnology • Thefirst city to have a smartgridwasBoulder, in Colorado

  13. Andhow is Brasil?

  14. In Brasil thechalenges are diferent • Wealreadydidoursfirststeps • Companieshavestartedtheirownexperiences

  15. Oneexampleis thecity of Curitiba that is planing to becamethefirstbrasilian capital withsmartgrid

  16. In Minas, the local company Cemig is starting theproject city ofthe future Thefirstexperiencewillhapenatthe city of Sete lagoas

  17. Whysmartgrid is a smartidea?

  18. It bringslowprices to energy • It helpstheimplementationofcleanenergy • Bringsenergyconservation • Improvespowerefficiency

  19. Thankyou for theatentionAnddontlosethefirsteditionofthe magazine Energia Inteligente.Whereyou are going to havemuch more informationaboutsmartgrids

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