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These 18 ranks can be divided into 3 categories on the basis of the skills of players.<br><br>S1 to SEM: Normally, beginners get these 6 ranks in CS: GO. They tend to lack much experience in organizing team communication or using a certain game strategy. Some of them canu2019t even shoot accurately enough.<br>GN1 to MGE: These 7 ranks are for skilled players. Such players not only have detailed knowledge of weapons and maps, but their in-game skills are also quite commendable. Good at accurate shooting, theyu2019re able to follow different game strategies and can coordinate as well as organize teamwork. <br>DMG to GE: Now we come to the 5 ranks that are earmarked for the best and the most advanced CS: GO players. These players have mastered most of the gaming aspects, but they need to work on little things like perfecting teamwork. Their game strategies are super successful, and theyu2019re able to shoot their opponents with extreme accuracy. Youu2019ll marvel at how excellently these players can predict their opponentsu2019 actions. Indeed, their gaming abilities are so well-polished, that you might even mistake them for cheats. Most of them even participate in international CS: GO tournaments like the ELEAGUE Majors and the ESL One.
Top 10 Benefits of Buying CSGOAccounts shopcsgoaccounts.com/top-10-benefits-of-buying-csgo-accounts August12, 2019 Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive(CS:GO)isanextremelypopulargamethat’sgripped 20.5 millionmonthlyactiveusers.ProplayersusuallyrecommendplayingwithCS:GO rankedaccountstoreapmorerewardsthanusual. Notonlyproplayers,butsomebeginnersalsobuycsgoaccounts.Butwhyshouldyou purchaseaccountstoplayCS:GO?Let’sfindout! WhatbenefitswillyougetonbuyingCS:GOaccounts? Jump to higherranks Asyoumustalreadyknow,thereareatotalof18ranksinCS:GO.Outofthese,6 ranks areforbeginners_SilverI-IV,SilverElite(SE),andSilverEliteMaster(SEM).BeyondSEM, the other ranks are for the skilled and the best players who compete in CS: GO internationally.Toachievethesehigh-tieredranks,youneedtodielessandkillmoreby
becoming a Most Valuable Player (MVP). But it’s an extremely long process, where your rankgetsdecreasedifyoulosecompetitiveCS:GOmatches.Toskipthelongordeal,you canbuyCS:GOrankedaccountstogethighrankofyourpreference. Protectyourselffromcheatsandhackers If you want to play CS: GO for free, you can. But remember, this game has a large numberofplayerswhomightcheatyoutoincreasetheirownrankinginthegame. Or they might cheat or even hack your account to win competitive matches. To protectyourselffromsuchcheatingplayers,youhaveonlyoneoptionleftisbuying a Prime Account in CS GO. Of course, doing so doesn’t guarantee a flawless experience while playing the game. You may still encounter a couple of cheats, but you won’t come across them as frequently as you would without a Prime Account. Get Primebenefits BuyingaPrimeAccountinCS:GOmeansthatyou’llbeeligibleforevenmorebenefits. You might get souvenir items that are exclusively for Prime Users, along with special weapon cases and item drops. Apart from these, you can gain access to every Community-operatedserverwhenyoubuyaCS:GOPrimeAccount. Play with Prime Usersonly Once you buy a CS: GO Prime Account, you’ll be pitted against only Prime Users. It doesn’t matter whether you want to play in casual mode, or competitive mode, or deathmatch.IneverygamemodeinCS:GO,youcanmatchmakewithandagainstonly those users with a Prime Status. This means that you can play with and against skilled players,soitgetsmoreexcitingthanever. Jump into rankedmatches If you’re a new CS: GO, player, you have to play any of the Casual, Demolition, Deathmatch, and Arms Race modes. Once you do, you’ll reach level 2, and only then can you access ranked matches to get your first rank. Win 10 of these ranked matches, and yougetyourfirstrankinCS:GO.Butthere’sacatch_youcanwinonly2matchesperday in this process. Valve has done this to deter hackers. But if you have excellent gaming skillsdespitebeinganewplayer,whyshouldyouwaitoutthisboringpart?JustbuyCsgo ranked accounts to jump right into the competitive ranked matches by skipping the rookiestages.
Compete with newplayers Manyprofessionalorhigh-rankedCS:GOplayerscreatelower-rankedorsmurfaccounts in thegame.Why? Well, they take advantage of the inexperienced players by using their own excellent gaming abilities against the latter. In other words, the high- ranked players use smurf accounts to kick the low-ranked players out of the game. They also buy CS: GO smurf accounts so that they can easily win multiple times against new players. Get aPrime Account directly Generally, you can get Prime Status for free in CS: GO only when you reach a Profile Level or Profile Rankof21 (Lieutenant). And reaching that level is easier said than done.Ittakesaminimumof3weekstogettolevel21 even if you play for24 hours
daily.Invest7-10hoursperweekinplayingthegame,andreachinglevel21willtakeyou around 8-10 weeks. Instead of waiting for such a long time to get free Prime Status, it’s fastertoget PrimeStatusbybuyingaCS:GOaccount. Bettercalibration RankedaccountsinCS:GOofferplayerstheopportunitytocalibratebetterwhileplaying the game. This allows you to boost your in-game stats easily, and the process of ranking up in CS: GOalso gets easier. Cooperate with other rankedplayers Buying CS: GO ranked accounts lets you talk to other ranked players even while the matches go on. Not only that, but you can also cooperate with them during matchmaking.Plus,ifyoubuyaCsgoaccount,you’llbeabletoteamupwithotherhigh- rankedplayers. Boost yourconfidence WhenyoubuyCS:GOrankedaccountstogettohighranksandevenhightieredones, your confidence level increases. You feel you have higher gaming skills, and you can evencheckyourin-gameprogress.Also,asranksallowyoutofightagainstplayerswith roughly the same skill level as yours, you get more positive regarding your gaming prowess. BuyingCS: GO accounts, whether ranked or just smurf ones, gives you the chance to availalotmorebenefitsthanifyouwereplayingitforfree.Wellthen,what’sstopping youfromgettingtothatlevel?GetaCS:GOaccount,andenjoytherealgame! BuyingCSGoaccountisnotonlytheend.Butwhichaccounttobuyisthemainmotive. So,proplayers,adviceistoplaycsgowithrankedaccounts.