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PLEASE SIT IN TEAMS AS ASSIGNED find your assigned computer by sticky note Log on ASAP!. ASH/SPA Dr. Duncan, Trish Peterson, Victoria Jackson Boley AHES/EPES Tricia Brady, Edie Banker, Paul Nabors DCS Herman Calderon, Dixie Lopez Giffen Esther Jackson, Mike Pelky
PLEASE SIT IN TEAMS AS ASSIGNEDfind your assigned computer by sticky noteLog on ASAP! ASH/SPA Dr. Duncan, Trish Peterson, Victoria Jackson Boley AHES/EPES Tricia Brady, Edie Banker, Paul Nabors DCS Herman Calderon, Dixie Lopez Giffen Esther Jackson, Mike Pelky MMS/SAA Sue Hodom, Karen Pirozzi, Joephine Iglesias NAA Donna CoonleyHotaling, Sandy Oberlander, Michele Harmon PHESDefnyGamboa, Katie Lawlor SECONDARY – Form work groups of 2 to 3
HOW TO CREATE AN FBA:SOUP TO NUTS September 18, 2013 ELEMENTARY: Brianna Olsen & Cathy Huttner SECONDARY: Gina Norton
When do we need to develop an FBA? • The student exhibits persistent behaviors that impede his or her learning or that of others, despite consistently implemented school-wide or classroom-wide interventions • The student’s IEP indicates behaviors that impede his or her learning or that of others • The student exhibits behavior that places the student or others at risk of harm or injury • The student is being referred to the CSE due to behaviors concerns • The student is classified by the CSE as a student with an Emotional Disturbance
When do we need to develop an FBA? • The CSE is considering more restrictive programs or placements as a result of the student’s behavior • The student has a high number of office referrals, in-school suspension, and/or out-of-school suspension • If the manifestation team determines that the conduct was a manifestation of the student’s disability, an FBA will be conducted • When should FBA’s be completed? • A new OR updated FBA and BIP should theoretically be completed by the first week in November for every student who meets one of the above requirements
NOVEMBER 1STTASKS AND TIMELINES • NEW documents – Tasks and timelines • UPDATED documents – Tasks and timelines Both documents are available as hardcopies in your packet AND are on the website under “FBA” tab – “FBA Consent and Planning”
Today you will as a team… Complete a MOCK FBA using direct and indirect data gathered from- • Defining Target Behavior worksheet • Mock IEP • Mock Parent Interview • Mock Teacher Interview • Mock Frequency Data • Mock ABC data • Mock Reinforcer Preferences Survey
You will be working with BOTHhardcopy and web-based documents Hardcopy packet includes: • Mock IEP • Blank FBA form (..to use as a reference. You will complete your Mock FBA web-based) • Timeline to complete NEW FBA & to complete UPDATED FBA (one 2-sided document) Web-based documents you need to open from the SpEd Shared Drive include: • FBA Planning Worksheet • Defining Target Behavior worksheet • Mock ABC • FBA Template • Mock Records Review form • Mock Student Interview • Mock Parent/Guardian Interview • Mock Teacher Interview • Reinforcer Preference Survey This year ALL FBA/BIP documents need to be done as WEB-BASED documents. No more HARD COPIES!
“FBA Planning Worksheet”SHARED DRIVE • Open your “FBA Planning Worksheet” on the Shared SpEd Drive. Find it in the file labeled “OFBA”. Elementary: look in “Elementary” folder Secondary: look in “Secondary” folder • This is the first document you as a team should consider as you approach FBA planning • Today we are ALL doing ALL tasks for purpose of training. In reality, you will parse out duties at the outset among team members (Teacher, SWK, Psych, etc.) using this document.
“ABC DATA”Shared Drive • Open your “ABC Data” on the Shared SpEd Drive. Find it in the file labeled “OFBA”. Elementary: look in “Elementary” folder Secondary: look in “Secondary” folder • Review data • Analyze for PATTERNS • Discuss • Determine FUNCTION of each incident and record on the document. • Time of Day? • Antecedents? • Consequences? USE THIS THINKING TO INFORM YOUR FBA AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS SUCH AS THE TEACHER INTERVIEW FORM FOR EXAMPLE: DECIDING ON A REPLACEMENT BEHAVIOR
“BASELINE DATA” “Frequency of target behavior is between 1 and 3 incidents per day assessed over a two week period. Mickey demonstrated the Target Behavior a total of 15 times in this 2-week period. Intensity varied from a 3 to a 5 using the 5-point rubric” (see FBA document for rubric) IT’S YOUR LUCKY DAY! WE ARE GIVING* YOU THE BASELINE DATA!!! USE THIS TO INFORM YOUR FBA DECISION MAKING *Ordinarily, you would decide which measure to use to gather your baseline data – frequency, duration, latency or time sampling
“Defining Target Behavior”Shared Drive • Open document “Defining Target Behavior on the Shared SpEd Drive. Find it in the file labeled “OFBA”. This is a not a standard document but is just being used for this workshop. Elementary: look in “Elementary” folder Secondary: look in “Secondary” folder • Read • Discuss • Decide together and then… • Write your Target Behavior Think about these questions as you write your Target Behavior Is it observable? Is it measurable? Is it meaningful? Is it one behavior or a cluster that is typically linked (“…and/or…”)? Are there value laden statements in your definition?
“Mock IEP”Hard Copy Now might be a good time to look at that hard copy FBA in your packet! PSSSSTTT • Find the “Mock IEP” in your packet • Read • Discuss in light of the information required by the FBA (EX: Contextual Factors, Student Skill Performance Strengths, etc.) “Mock Records Review From” Shared Drive • Read • Discuss in light of the information required by the FBA (EX: Contextual Factors, Student Skill Performance Strengths, etc. Gaps in your knowledge at this point are OK
“Mock Parent Interview”Shared Drive • Find the “Mock Parent Interview” on the Shared SpEd Drive in the folder labeled “OFBA” • Read • Discuss in light of the information required by the FBA (EX: Contextual Factors, Student Skill Performance Strengths, etc.) “Mock Student Interview” Shared Drive • Find the “Mock Parent Interview” on the Shared SpEd Drive in the folder labeled “OFBA” • Read • Discuss in light of the information required by the FBA (EX: Contextual Factors, Student Skill Performance Strengths, etc.) Another good time to look at that hard copy FBA in your packet!
*Mock Teacher Interview*Shared Drive • Find the “Mock Teacher Interview” on the Shared SpEd Drive in the folder labeled “OFBA” • Using what you now know about Mickey, complete this form as if you were interviewing the teacher. When in doubt, make an informed guess for the purposes of this training. • Discuss in light of the information required by the FBA (EX: Contextual Factors, Student Skill Performance Strengths, etc.)
You Are Now Ready to Write The FBA!!!! • Decide as a team how you want to write this document… • Do you want one person to take all the collected information and create a draft for the team to then finalize? • Do you want to assign sections to dofferent team members to complete to a draft document saved on the Shared Drive? THIS IS A TEAM DECISION THAT YOUR TEAM MAKES
Let’s Share!! Save your documents to the OFBA folder Any volunteers to share their work??? Save using one team members name EXAMPLE: DixieFBA