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Jefferson County DEC

Jefferson County DEC. Background. Jefferson County Just south of St. Louis Population 220,000 “Meth Capital” 346 meth labs in 2012 MEG unit 411 children placed into care in 2012 64% were drug related. How it Began.

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Jefferson County DEC

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  1. Jefferson County DEC

  2. Background • Jefferson County • Just south of St. Louis • Population 220,000 • “Meth Capital” • 346 meth labs in 2012 • MEG unit • 411 children placed into care in 2012 • 64% were drug related

  3. How it Began • Topic of discussion 3 years ago at a Methamphetamine Action Coalition meeting • Find a way to decrease recidivism rate – children once removed are now the offenders • Somehow these children are not receiving the services they need

  4. The process • We began by learning about the system • Coalition members from CD, Juvenile Office and MEG unit shared their processes for removing children • Attended the DEC track of the Substance Abuse Prevention Conference 2011 • June 2012 - Held a free ½ day training “What is a DEC team?” • Chuck Dougherty spoke – MO DEC steering committee • Approximately 40 in attendance • Evaluations of training indicated who was interested and what they felt like our next steps needed to be

  5. The process cont. • MAD – Oct. 2012 – Focused on Drug Endangered Children • Eric Nation was the keynote speaker • Held an “invite only” session led by Eric • Invited key individuals from law enforcement, children’s division, prosecuting attorney’s office, juvenile office, probation and parole, hospitals, health department, COMTREA • About 20 people attended • PA came on board and agreed to take the lead • Conference call with Eric Nation and National DEC

  6. The process cont. • January 2013 – Began building the bylaws committee • Made contacts with key individuals • 1st meeting in April • Reviewed protocols from other states, found one we could easily modify and began, paragraph by paragraph • Continued to meet on monthly basis and drafted a (almost) complete protocol by 4th meeting

  7. Next steps • We are in the process of pulling in hospitals • Will begin disseminating the protocol to applicable agencies and asking for signatures of support • Develop trainings for law enforcement regarding the new protocol • Will hold regular trainings for the DEC alliance • Ideal – case review on a quarterly basis

  8. The challenges • We visited the topic several times before we were able to achieve “buy-in” • Difficulty explaining the issues – felt like “outsiders” criticizing • Needed “buy-in” from those who are actually working the cases • Now that protocol is written we must pull the other agencies on board • Must keep the group moving forward

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