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Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Comprehensive Approach

Learn what fluency is, why it's important, and how to teach and assess it effectively for students. Discover strategies, research insights, and instructional approaches to boost reading fluency and comprehension skills.

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Enhancing Reading Fluency: A Comprehensive Approach

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  1. Fluency

  2. What is Fluency? • The ability to read a text _______, _________, and with proper __________ • _________: ease of reading • _________: ability to read without errors

  3. Why is Fluency Important? Research says: Successful readers… • rely primarily on the __________ in the word rather than context or pictures to identify familiar and unfamiliar words. • process virtually every letter. • use ______________________ to identify words. • have a reliable __________ for decoding words. • read words for a sufficient number of times for words to become automatic.

  4. Automaticity with Code • Definition: • Reading words with no noticeable cognitive or ____________. It is having mastered word recognition skills to the point of overlearning. Fundamental skills are so “____________” that they do not require conscious attention. • Skills that are automatic: • shifting gears on a car • writing your name • playing a musical instrument

  5. Students who are automatic with the code… • Identify ________________________ accurately and quickly. • Identify familiar spelling ________________ to increase decoding efficiency. • Apply maximum resources to the difficult task of blending together isolated phonemes to make words. • Apply knowledge of the ______________ to identify words in isolation and connected text fluently.

  6. What do fluent readers look like? • More fluent readers… Need to direct relatively little effort to the act of reading, allowing them to focus active attention on ________ and ________________. • Less fluent readers… Must direct considerable effort to the act of _____________, leaving little attention for reflecting on its meaning and message.

  7. How Fluent? • It is not enough for students to simply meet a goal; they must meet the goal by a specified time period so that they can make the necessary progress they need to develop into lifelong readers. • End of 1st grade: ___ cwpm (correct words per minute) or more • End of 2nd grade: ____ cwpm or more • End of 3rd grade: ______ cwpm or more

  8. Instructional Approaches • _________________ • Repeated reading procedures • Paired reading • _______________ • Silent reading • Accelerated Reader • Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) ** Research has not yet confirmed independent silent reading as a means of improving fluency and overall reading achievement

  9. Teaching Fluency: Critical features of Fluency instruction

  10. Effective Fluency Instruction • Three decisions: • Selecting appropriate __________________(i.e., letter sounds students can produce accurately but not fluently). • Scheduling sufficient ____________ (multiple opportunities per day). • Systematically increasing the ________ of response.

  11. Passage Reading • Structured activity in which students can read stories or connected text designed to provide practice and application of ____________ and ________________ skills. Passage reading provides students the ____________ to become accurate and fluent.

  12. Levels of Challenge • Independent Level: ____% • Instructional Level: _________% • Frustration Level: _____% or lower For fluency building, materials should be at ________________ level or above. (Modified from Hasbrouck, 1998)

  13. How to Determine Appropriate Level Text • Select text that students read with 95% accuracy # of words read correctly total words read Example: 100 words read correctly 125 total words read 80% accuracy ________________ be appropriate for fluency building % accuracy 80% accuracy

  14. Fluency programs and materials • What you should look for in materials to build fluency: • Are passages within the learner's decoding range? (95% accuracy or higher) • Is there an ______________ strategy for teaching students to transition from accuracy to fluency? • Is there _____________ opportunity for fluency building? • Is there ____________ in words (i.e., words show up multiple times in different text)? • Are target rates identified?

  15. Oral Reading Fluency Programs • Reading Mastery (focus on fluency checkouts) • Individual oral reading fluency checkouts scheduled every 5 lessons beginning at lessons 108, Level 1. • Target rates and error limits are established systematically • Student performance is graphed every 5 lessons documenting whether students reached reading criterion.

  16. What is PALS for Beginning Readers? • Peer Assisted Learning Strategies • A ___________________ program to practice beginning reading skills • All students work in _________ several times each week for reading practice activities

  17. Purpose of PALS • To develop important ________________ skills for young children • To provide teachers with a practical and effective means of meeting early literacy needs for all students in _________________________

  18. PALS • Peer Assisted Learning Strategies • K PALS • 1st grade PALS • 2nd-6th grade PALS • High School Pals • FLUENCY & COMPREHENSION!

  19. Important Features of PALS • ______________ (Coaches and Readers) • _______________ activities • _______________ support • More time engaged on task • Includes __________ students • Opportunities for ___________ for all students • Encourages positive ________________ • Practical AND effective • Opportunities to _________ student progress

  20. Benefits of PALS • Meets the needs of increasingly diverse population in classrooms • Strengthens general education’s capacity to meet academic needs of broader range of children • Uses empirically validated instructional practices

  21. Read Naturally (supplemental fluency building program for grades mid 1-6) • A supplemental tape-recording program that build on three primary practices: model oral reading, repeated readings, and progress monitoring. • Students are place in appropriate level text and practice listening to and reading with tape-recorded passages. • Comprehension questions are included for each passage.

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