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Citing Images

Citing Images. i n your projects. Which images can you use? . Only those you have permission to reuse… The artist has designated the piece for reuse The artist has given you permission to use

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Citing Images

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Citing Images in your projects

  2. Which images can you use? • Only those you have permission to reuse… • The artist has designated the piece for reuse • The artist has given you permission to use • If it is being used for the educational setting and not presented outside of school walls, you may not need to get permission. da Vinci, Leonardo. Self Portrait.

  3. When do you need to cite? • Whenever you use an image that you are not responsible for creating. • A reader might wish to know the source of an image in order to pursue these ideas further Microsoft Office. Star. DiVinci, Leonardo. A Man’s Head.

  4. How do you cite? Questions to ask: • Who took the picture? • What is the title? • When was it taken? • Who owns the image, if not the photographer? (ex: Des Moines Register) • Where online did you find the image?

  5. Cite in two places • Provide a caption under the image itself, listing the author and title of image/brief description. • Link the image or create a hyperlink within the caption to the original location. • Create a complete citation for the Works Cited Page at the end of your project. • If your project is a poster, it’s generally accepted to attach a works cited page. • Use www.easybib.com

  6. Works Cited • da Vinci, Leonardo. A Man's Head. 1505. Back to Classics.com. 2009. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.backtoclassics.com/gallery/leonardodavinci/amanshe ad/>. • da Vinci, Leonardo. Self-portrait. 1512. Royal Library, Torino. Theartwolf.com: Online Art Magazine. Theartwolf. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.theartwolf.com/self-portraits/leonardo-self- portrait.htm>.

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