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Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Commission’s proposal: 6 April 2005 → Now debated by Member States (Council ) and European Parliament → adoption June 2006 ? Duration: 7 years ( 2007 to 2013 ) Budget: 72,7 billion euro Organised in 4 specific programmes. FP7 2007 – 2013
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) • Commission’s proposal: 6 April 2005 → Now debated by Member States (Council ) and European Parliament → adoption June 2006 ? • Duration: 7 years ( 2007 to 2013 ) • Budget: 72,7 billion euro • Organised in 4 specific programmes
FP7 2007 – 2013 Specific Programmes 1. Cooperation→Collaborative trans-national research activities 2. Ideas→Basic research implemented through a European Research Council (ERC) 3. People →Marie Curie actions and other initiatives • Capacities → Research infrastructures, regions of • knowledge, science and society, international cooperation,…
Cooperation programme • Support research activities carried out in trans-national cooperation • Funding schemes : - Collaborative projects - Networks of Excellence - Coordination and support actions - Joint Technology iniatives • Structured in 9 thematic areas
Cooperation programme Thematic areas • Health • Food, agriculture and biotechnology • Information and communication technologies • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies • Energy • Environment (including climate change) • Transport (including aeronautics) • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities • Security and space
Capacities programme • Support the optimum use and the development of Research infrastructures, • Strengthen the research potential of European regions, • Develop the research potential in the EU’s convergence regions, • Science and Society issues, • International cooperation, • Support to SMEs, …
The Research Infrastructures in FP7 July 2005
Objectives • Optimisingthe use and development of the best research infrastructures in Europe; • Helping to create in all fields of Science and Technologynew research infrastructures of pan-European interest needed by the scientific community • to help EU society (including industry) to strengthen itsbase of knowledgeand its technological know how.
Definition of Research Infrastructures • "Facilities", "resources" or "services" that are needed by the scientific community for the development of leading-edge research in the most efficient manner at EU level, as well as for knowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation; • covers major equipments, collections, archives and structured information, enabling ICT-based infrastructures, and any other entity of a unique nature used for research.
Research Infrastructures are at the core of the knowledge Triangle Research Education Research infrastructures innovation
Activities forecasted under FP7 Support for: • Existingresearch infrastructures: aiming at optimising the utilisation, sharing / integrating resources and improving their performance; • Newresearch infrastructures (incl. major upgrades) of pan-European interest based on the work of ESFRI; • Emerging needs: support to the development of a European policy on RI and of its international dimension.
a) Support to existing research infrastructures • transnational access • integrating activities • e-infrastructures Implementation through: • Bottom-up calls for proposals open to all fields of science • Targeted calls implemented whenever appropriate in cooperation with thematic areas
b) Support to new research infrastructures • Constructionof new infrastructures and major updates to existing ones, based on the work conducted by ESFRI on the development of a European roadmap list of priority projects; targeted calls and 2 stage approach • Design studies: through a bottom-up approach, promoting foresight and exploratory analysis.
ESFRI Ambitions • To provide an overview of the needs for RI of pan-European interest in different fields of science and technology • To prepare a European Roadmapwith the objective of regular updatesas different areas mature.The making of the Roadmap will be an ongoing process. • To act as an incubator for international negotiations about concrete RI projects with pan-European interest
Photo NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens spacecraft c) Support to emerging needs Support measures, through a mixed bottom-up / top-down approach in support to • the development of a European policy for RI • to the development of international cooperation
Research Infrastructures Existing Future Support of excellence Support of ideas (design studies) Bottom-up Reinforcement of Capacities (engineering support of pan-European RIs) Optimisation of Resources Strategic ESFRIRoadmap In brief…
Clear Criteria for new Research Infrastructures • Capacity to offer a top-level service to scientific users and guarantee of scientific excellence through continuous performance upgrades; • Impacts at EU and international level, not only on scientific developments but also on long term socio-economic issues; support to ERA; • Maturity i.e. technological feasibility; life-cycle costs evaluated (the ‘business’ case); EU partnership; commitment of major stakeholders; • Added value of EU financial support (catalysis and leveraging effect).
Useful links • Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) http://www.cordis.lu/infrastructures/ http://www.cordis.lu/ist/rn/ • ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures)http://www.cordis.lu/esfri/http://www.e-irg.com
FP6-Research Infrastructures Overview of proposals evaluated and selected under Calls 1 – 4 – 5
AM CNI 10% TA 8% 34% DS 13% CA 10% I3 25% Breakdown by instrument FP6-Research Infrastructures Global overview: 431 evaluated proposals TA: Transnational Access I3: Integrated Infrastructures initiatives DS: Design Studies CNI: Construction of New Infrastructures CA: Coordination Actions AM: Accompanying Measures
Engineering, ICT and Energy and Mathematics Socio-economic Nanotechno- Sciences and logies 5% Humanities 18% 11% Physics, Material Sciences and Analytical Environment Facilities and Earth Life Sciences Sciences and Biotechnolo- 22% gies 24% 20% Thematic areas FP6-Research Infrastructures Global overview: 431 evaluated proposals
AM TA CNI 1% 10% DS 9% 11% CA 6% I3 63% Breakdown byinstrument FP6-Research Infrastructures Global overview: Requested EC contribution: 1.933,32 M€
CNI TA 9 DS 32 18 AM 9 CA I3 10 30 Breakdown by instrument FP6-Research Infrastructures Outcome: 108 selected proposals Selected proposals: Funded for calls 1 and 4 (1 project in reserve list not included), Short-listed for call 5 (9 projects in reserve list not included)
Engineering, ICT and Energy and Mathematics Socio-economic Nanotechnolo- 4% Sciences and gies Humanities 13% 13% Environment and Earth Physics, Sciences Material 20% Sciences and Analytical Life Sciences Facilities and 33% Biotechnolo- gies 17% Breakdown by thematic area FP6-Research Infrastructures Outcome: 108 selected proposals Selected proposals: Funded for calls 1 and 4 (1 project in reserve list not included), Short-listed for call 5 (9 projects in reserve list not included)
Socio- ICT and Engineering, economic Mathematics Energy and Sciences and 4% Nanotechnolo- Humanities Environment gies 4% and Earth 10% Sciences 11% Life Sciences Physics, and Material Biotechnologie Sciences and s Analytical 14% Facilities 57% Breakdown by thematic area (selected proposals) FP6-Research Infrastructures Outcome: EC recommended contribution: 509,9 M€
160 Success rate 22% Rejected proposals 140 Selected 120 28% 100 115 Proposals 80 78 33% 60 20% 23% 26% 40 37 33 35 25 20 32 30 18 10 9 9 0 TA I3 CA DS CNI AM FP6-Research Infrastructures Success rate: 25% of evaluated proposals 431 Evaluated Proposals 108 Selected Proposals
1.400 43% 1.200 Success rate Rejected 1.000 selected 706,2 800 M € 600 400 55% 20% 525,2 39% 21% 200 91,9 152,1 12% 102,9 98,4 10,8 26,7 114,3 1,4 64,7 38,8 - TA I3 CA DS CNI AM FP6-Research Infrastructures Success rate: 40% of total requested contribution
Associated Candidate Candidate Associated countries countries Third countries countries Third 6% 3% countries 3% 5% countries 4% INO+JRC INO+JRC 4% 2% 3% New EU MS New EU MS 9% 7% Old EU MS Old EU MS 76% 78% Selected proposals Evaluated proposals FP6-Research Infrastructures Participants: Geographical areas
700 39% 600 Success rate Rejected Selected 500 32% 35% 400 30% Participants 300 32% 36% 34% 200 18% 26% 37% 23% 35% 37% 24% 29% 22% 16% 100 33% 31% 30% 38% 24% 26% 21% 23% 23% 25% 17% 17% 19% 10% 13% 0% 56% 0 ITALY SPAIN LATVIA ISRAEL MALTA POLAND FRANCE TURKEY CYPRUS GREECE IRELAND ICELAND ESTONIA FINLAND SWEDEN AUSTRIA CROATIA NORWAY BELGIUM ROMANIA SLOVENIA SLOVAKIA HUNGARY LITHUANIA BULGARIA DENMARK PORTUGAL GERMANY SWITZERLAND NETHERLANDS LUXEMBOURG LIECHTENSTEIN CZECH REPUBLIC UNITED KINGDOM EU member states, candidate and associated countries FP6-Research Infrastructures Participants: Succes rate by country
45 Success rate 15% 40 Rejected 47% Selected 35 30 25 Participants 20 69% 15 60% 83% 10 40% 50% 50% 50% 67% 50% 0% 0% 0% 5 100% 50% 0% 0% 50% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 Cuba Chile Egypt China Japan Mexico Algeria Albania Belarus Tunisia Canada Ukraine Moldova Australia Georgia Lebanon Morocco Argentina Yugoslavia Montserrat Azerbaidjan Kazakhstan New Zealand South Africa Faroe Islands United States Russian Federation Third countries FP6-Research Infrastructures Participants: Succes rate by country
Female Female 14% 16% Male Male 86% 84% Evaluated proposals Selected proposals FP6-Research Infrastructures Coordinators: Gender dimension
Candidate Associated Associated countries countries Candidate INO + JRC countries 1% 9% INO + JRC countries 1% 8% 4% 1% New EU MS 4% New EU MS 1% Old EU MS Old EU MS 85% 86% Selected proposals Evaluated proposals FP6-Research Infrastructures Coordinators: Geographical areas
23 25 Selected 18 20 17 15 Coordinators 9 9 8 10 4 4 3 3 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 Italy Spain Israel Poland Finland Greece France Norway Bulgaria Sweden Belgium Germany Switzerland Netherlands Luxembourg United Kingdom International Organisation FP6-Research Infrastructures Coordinators: Breakdown by country
Evaluation criteria General criteria: • Relevance to the objectives of the programme • Scientific and Technological excellence • Quality of the management • European added value
Relevance to the objectives of the programme • Existing research infrastructures • World class service provided • Integrating effect (e.g. « Joint » research) • Project answers a need from the scientific community at a European scale • New opportunities of access, with « peer review »
Scientific and Technological excellence • Enables users to conduct high quality research • Joint Research Activities are scientifically and technologically innovative
Quality of the management • Objectives: sound, clearly defined, and justified • Appropriate structure of project management and competences of the participants, that enable objectives to be reached • Adequacy of the requested resources
European added value • Infrastructures can attract users from other countries than operator’s countries • Results of the project can improve access to the corresponding pool of European infrastructures • Structuring effect on European research
Cohesion Policy & Lisbon Agenda European Council March'05"Mobilisation of all appropriate national and Community resources, incl. Cohesion Policy to pursue Lisbon Strategy." Cohesion Guidelines 2007-2013 Cohesion policy to focus more on knowledge, research, facilitate innovation and improve entrepreneurship
Article 4.1 "Research and technological development (R&TD), innovation and entrepreneurship" Draft ERDF Regulation • Strengthening R&TD capacities, incl. infrastructures • Aid to R&TD in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to technology transfer • Improvement of links between SMEs and universities, and research and technology centres • Development of business networks and clusters, • Support for the provision of business and technology services to groups of SMEs • Fostering of entrepreneurship • Innovation funding for SMEs through financial engineering instruments Art. 4 'Convergence'
Structural Funds to reinforce R&D investment • Improve conditions for research, innovation and the knowledge economy • Under "Convergence" Objective SF can support RTD and education infrastructure, equipment and instrumentation • Both in publicly funded research institutions as well as businesses • Condition that there is a direct link to regional economic development objectives
Typology of eligible actions • Infrastructures : business parks, innovation centres, incubators, research centres, etc. • Networks : development of clusters, competence networks, co-operation between university and SMEs, technology transfers • Innovative projects : transfer of new technology to business, start-ups, spin-offs (researchers into entrepreneurs), or straightforward research projects • Environment for Innovation : encourage innovation in SMEs e.g. marketing, financing, consulting, etc.
SF Programming system 2007-2013 • Community Strategic Guidelines Guideline II : "Improving knowledge and innovation for growth" • National Strategic Framework Document (Art.25) : link Community priorities to national and regional priorities • Drafting Operational Programmes : R&D part of OP 'Competitiveness' (Min. of Economy) ? • Development (R&D) strategy through partnership with relevant stakeholders • In less developed Member States : concentrate RTD actions around existing poles of excellence (avoiding dispersion of resources)
Financial Allocation Budget period 2007-2013 Bulgaria Cohesion Fund € 2,083,100,000 Convergence € 4,025,200,000 Co-operation (cross-border and international) € 141,000,000 Total € 6,249,200,000 SF Co-financing ERDF – public Member State: • Cohesion Fund – 85% ERDF / 15 % Member State • Convergence and Territorial cooperation 75% ERDF / 25 % Member State (80% ERDF for regions in countries eligible for Cohesion Fund?) NB: No formal agreement after Council Meeting on Financial Perspectives June '05