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Why did Labour win the 1945 election?. Answer this question in a paragraph. Note down how confident you feel with this topic (1 being very uncertain, 10 being very confident) Can you add anything from this Andrew Marr clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurGssKn7PA
Why did Labour win the 1945 election? Answer this question in a paragraph. Note down how confident you feel with this topic (1 being very uncertain, 10 being very confident) • Can you add anything from this Andrew Marr clip? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lurGssKn7PA • Ext. Is there anything you would criticise as not being historically accurate in this clip?
How successful were Labour’s domestic policies from 1945 to 1951? Standard (C or below) – to learn evidence for and against and reach an overall judgement. Super (B+) – to assess whether labour overcame challenges effectively to make its domestic policies successful Starter – what do you think? What did they introduce and were they successful?
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Use your card sort to fill in this table.
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Did it cure Beveridge’s 5 giants from 1942? Label your source with what the giant is, what Labour did to tackle it, any other information, and whether it was cured.
Keynesianism John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) was a British economist. He believed that there had to be an economic middle way between free capitalism, where people could make as much money as they liked at the expense of others, and state socialism, where the state controlled all industry and looked after the people. His new idea was KENYNESIANISM. It was a middle way. He believed that depressions could be avoided if demand remained, when demand for goods fell this is when depression sets in. He argued it was the government’s role to keep demand high. To do this he believed that the government should raise money from its taxes and state industries, which is should then invest into the economy. If they had to go into debt to do this for the short term this was fine as in the long run as greater growth would happen and it could tax workers and companies to pay back any money they had borrowed. This would allow companies to have full order books and to maintain full employment. This in turn would allow workers to stimulate the demand for goods and services. The government followed Keynesianism until the 1970s. How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Why did Labour follow Keynesianism from 1945-1951? Write a short definition or draw a diagram to show what Keynesianism is. Ext. What consequences did following Keynesianism have for the 1945-51 Labour government and for the following Conservative government?
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? • What is this cartoon suggesting about the NHS? (From a cartoon in Punch magazine, 21 January 1948. The letters ‘A. B.’ [Aneurin Bevan] appear on the hat and ‘M. D.’ [Medical Doctor] on the briefcases. The bowl has ‘National Health Service’ written round its rim.) Things I should have mentioned about why Labour won the 1945 election... Soldiers Archbishop of Canterbury
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Successes Failures Standard (C or below) – to learn evidence for and against and reach an overall judgement. Super (B+) – to assess whether labour overcame challenges effectively to make its domestic policies successful Make a brief list of successes of Labour’s domestic policy and the flaws of Labour’s domestic policy.
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Quick quiz... Read who is who on your handout. Hide it! Who’s who? Churchill: Attlee: Beveridge: Bevan: Bevin: Morrison: Wilkinson: Butler: Terminology: Keynesianism Socialism
How successful were Labour’s domestic policies from 1945 to 1951? Standard (C or below) – to learn evidence for and against and reach an overall judgement. Super (B+) – to assess whether labour overcame challenges effectively to make its domestic policies successful What did Attlee mean by ‘building a green and pleasant land’? Was he successful?
How successful was Labour’s domestic policy from 1945-1951? Homework Answer in writing online. Feel free to comment and challenge each other – respectfully and politely please http://historywcsch.wordpress.com/ Year 12 Discussion Read pp. 32-34 (Creating the new Britain: Paying for it main text) and pp. 39-42 (Cripps and Austerity main text) and makes notes on... What was the Age of Austerity? Evidence that there was an Age of Austerity Evidence that the Age of Austerity is a myth This is in preparation for next lesson. We have a lot of content to cover and not long to do it in, therefore you need to do this reading to cover material we are analysing next week.