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WELCOME TO DISABILITY SUPPORT- draft content. DETAIL: Am I a carer or a support worker? What is best practice? An issue of quality Hands on support Individualised support Outcome focussed support Burn out Professional boundaries Power in relationhips. MODULE 1. WELCOME TO DISABILITY
WELCOME TO DISABILITY SUPPORT- draft content DETAIL: Am I a carer or a support worker? What is best practice? An issue of quality Hands on support Individualised support Outcome focussed support Burn out Professional boundaries Power in relationhips MODULE 1. WELCOME TO DISABILITY SUPPORT TOPICS: Disability types Service types Job roles Job responsibilities Industry philosophy MODULE 2. RIGHTS & RISK TOPICS: Rights Duty of Care Dignity of Risk OH&S Legislation Risk DETAIL: Awareness of responsibility Self Determination Basic OH&S principles What risk? Legislation that affects my work Privacy & Confidentiality CALD ATSI First Aid – the basics DETAIL: Receptive Communication Expressive Communication Augmentive Communication Complaints management Conflict management & resolution Communicating issues Working with a clients’ network Jargon & language Documentation Mandatory reporting MODULE 3. COMMUNICATING IN THE DISABILITY SUPPORT SECTOR TOPICS: What is communication? Social etiquette Jargon and Industry speak
DETAIL: What is challenging behaviour? What is a critical incident? What is epilepsy & how is it managed? Supporting a healthy lifestyle What is medication/why is it being taken/ how is it being taken? Criminal records Working with children check Types of abuse & neglect Preventing abuse & neglect MODULE 4. SUPPORTING THE SERVICE USER- basic skills & strategies TOPICS: Understanding behaviour Epiliepsy Medication Healthy living Individual Plannign Critical Incidents Abuse & Neglect MODULE 5. BEING A WORKER IN THE DISABILITY SUPPORT INDUSTRY DETAIL: Job profiles in the industry Why have a code of conduct? What is included in a code of conduct? TOPICS: Types of jobs Code of Conduct