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Welcome to session B2-Biodiversity 2 nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop Bonn, 30 August 2012

Welcome to session B2-Biodiversity 2 nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop Bonn, 30 August 2012. B iodiversity O bservation N etwork. GEO BON: the SBA on biodiversity of GEOSS. The Biodiversity science-policy landscape. Assessment (IPBES). Research. Policy (CBD). Observations

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Welcome to session B2-Biodiversity 2 nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Workshop Bonn, 30 August 2012

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  1. Welcome to session B2-Biodiversity2nd GEOSS S&T Stakeholder WorkshopBonn, 30 August 2012 Biodiversity Observation Network

  2. GEO BON: the SBA on biodiversity of GEOSS

  3. The Biodiversity science-policy landscape Assessment (IPBES) Research Policy (CBD) Observations (GEO BON)

  4. Biodiversity Observation Network Vision A coordinated global system that: • gathers and shares information on biodiversity, • provides tools for data integration and analysis, and • contributes to improving environmental management and human well-being.

  5. Biodiversity Observation Network Mission To improve delivery of biodiversity information and services to users GEO BON focuses on observing and analysing changes in biodiversity over time.

  6. 2005: Establishment of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Biodiversity is one of 9 “Societal Benefit Areas” 2006 Oct: First International Workshop (Geneva, CH) Jan 2008: GEO BON Steering Committee formed (Geneva) Apr 2008: 2nd International workshop (Potsdam, Germany) Produce GEO BON concept document Feb 2010: 3rd International workshop (Asilomar, California) GEO BON secretariat opens (CSIR, S-Africa) 22 May 2010: Launch of GEO BON implementation plan(version 1.0) Nov 2011: Adequacy of biodiversity observation systems to support the CBD 2020 targets (INF/8) Oct 2012: Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) to support the CBD GEO BON: A briefhistory

  7. Expected Achievements by 2015 • An accepted set of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) developed akin to GCOS ECVs • Global Wetland Observing System (GWOS) • A harmonised Ecosystem Map • Major components of a global network of Biodiversity Observation Sites in place • Major geographical gaps in the monitoring network starting to be filled • Expansion of monitoring programs for birds, mammals, plants and butterflies • Inventories for changes in marine biodiversity (certain taxa) • Delivery of a genetic diversity report (CBD-COP11)

  8. How is GEO BON organised? Countries Organisations These network members are independent but linked and coordinated

  9. Challenges • Many positive developments • Clear niche in science-policy interface • Recognition by & collaboration with key partners (CBD, IPBES) • Strong agenda (Implementation plan, adequacy report, EBVs) • Interest of many individuals and organisations • But major challenges • Lack of engagement/recognition at national level • Proper institutional arrangements (Sec, funding)

  10. Programme of session B2: Biodiversity Introduction (10’) A Larigauderie, DIVERSITAS Implementation of GEO BON • Essential Biodiversity Variables: towards an agreement on a common approach for biodiversity (15’ + 5’) Rob Jongman, Alterra, NL • A blueprint for a global operational ecosystem services observation system, based on data and models (15’ + 5’) Wolfgang Cramer, IMBE, F • Discussion: Focus on challenges associated to implementation of GEO BON Rapporteurs: Andrew Skidmore, U of Twente, NL & Rob Jongman, Alterra, NL Biodiversity Observation Network

  11. THANK YOU! anne@diversitas-international.org

  12. Background cont.

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