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Kentucky Department of Education. Digital Divide Secondary Committee December 18, 2013. 1. A Digital Day of KY K-12 student. http ://sdrv.ms/19wuQ6a. 2. 3. KETS Major Achievements Since 1992. 1 st state to have all districts and schools connected to the Internet.
Kentucky Department of Education Digital Divide Secondary Committee December 18, 2013 1
A Digital Day of KY K-12 student http://sdrv.ms/19wuQ6a 2
KETS Major Achievements Since 1992 • 1st state to have all districts and schools connected to the Internet. • Top state in K-12 cloud based computing. • Top state in K-12 product standards. • Top 5 state in access and use in instruction. • Top 10 state in Data Quality. • Top state in equity of access and services. • Top state stewardship of taxpayer funds. • Kentucky Top 10 state in education quality. 4
Ease and Equity of Access • End devices for students and teachers. • Fast Response (i.e., wireless and Internet speeds). • Quality Content. • Home. 5
The history of KY K-12 edtech funding has been “Peaks and Valleys” • 1990 Start of KERA. • Then steady drop of funding. • 1998 Surplus Funding. • Then steady drop of funding. • 2006 KEN and IDU initiative. • Then steady drop of funding. • 2012 KEN and KETS cut, IDU bond not reissued. • 2014? 6
Within the Past 4 years • Federal edtech funds have been cut 100% (30% reduction in the number of technology integration specialist positions in Kentucky schools). • KEN funds have been cut by 18%. • KETS funds were cut by 16%. • IDU funds have been cut by 100%. • 6-8 year crisis cycle since 1992. 7
Tell Survey Results • The percentage of the teachers surveyed in the 2013 TELL that feel the reliability and speed of their school's Internet connections are sufficient to support instructional practices (a decrease of 5 percent from 2011). • End devices too old and unreliable. 9
Digital Learning 2020 • All students should be eligible for digital learning. Eligibility for full and part time learning options is key to a number of recommendations including advanced courses, world languages, and special needs, credit recovery, and dual credit. • Authorize multiple statewide online learning providers to expand full and part time options. Like recommendation #1, a multiple providers environment fulfills the vision. • Allow students to personalize their learning. • Support customized learning pilots. • Support competency-based learning pilots. • Plan for shift to online instructional materials by 2013-14. • Support the shift to blended instruction Assessment and Accountability (DLN 8, BNG 8). • Plan for online assessment by 2013-14. • Create a statewide online/blended learning authorizer/contractor. • Develop a fractional and performance-based funding model. • Create a program management office and fund the transition. 14
Technology Readiness Survey (TRS) • 5 years of empirical data. • District, groups of districts and state comparisons. 16
In 2013 Modern Student Devices (IDUs) Will Likely Dip Below 50% 18
Next Generation Kentucky Education Network (KEN) KIH3 Update Nov 2013 “First Wave” bandwidth upgrades completed (42 Districts) in August 2013. “Second Wave” begins in Nov 2013; monitor potential bandwidth issues . “Third Wave” all districts on KIH3 by June 2014: New Bandwidth Allocation model of 50 kbps/ADA. Next FY request is for 100 kbps/ADA (funding dependent). 19
Students of All Ages that have Access to Mobile Devices Responded that they Use them for the Following Educational Purposes: • 74% check grades (e.g. they can check their grades by mobile app in Infinite Campus since Oct 2011). • 60% take notes. • 50% calendaring. • 44% communication- e-mail. • 40% school activities. • 70% Internet research. • 53% collaboration with peers. • 37% create and share content. • 35% record lectures. 26
6th Graders • 6th Graders are much more tech savvy and more likely to use emerging tech tools than their older siblings in high school. • 25% use e-textbooks, 50% have a cell phone and a third of those are Smartphones with data plans. • 50% of the 6th grade girls and a third of the 6th grade boys have Facebook accounts. That is a 125% increase in 2 years. • 22% are in virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life) and 50% play educational games. 27
Electronic Content Delivery Devices • Close to 70% of the parents believe on-line text books are a good investment. That number was just 21% in 2008. In Hancock County they plan to move totally away from paper text books as soon as possible. • Previously Hancock County paid $144 for a single new math book per student. For that same $144 they will get electronic text for not just one student but that $144 covers the cost for an electronic textbook for all students for that year. • The electronic textbook will automatically get updates placed in it and overall it costs half of what they would have had to pay with a normal 6 year commitment to a paper book. 28
Blended Learning • 30% of students have experienced blended learning. Just two years earlier that was just 10%. • A blended learning environment also yielded similar high results: 81% report increases in high-stakes test scores, 63% report reduction in disciplinary action and 59% report dropout rate reduction. 29
Student On-line Collaboration • On-line collaboration with these mobile devices no longer limits students to face to face interaction. • They use Skype/Lync, Facetime, social networking, e-mail, IM and chat to interact with their peers while working together on school projects. • Online collaboration increases student engagement. 69% of schools reported a drop in disciplinary action and 62% reported a reduction in dropouts due to student’s online collaboration with mobile devices. 30
Consolidation of Devices • In both Hancock and Woodford County the iPads allow consolidation of other devices that districts or parents had to previously acquire. • For example, $120 no longer has to be paid by parents in Hancock and Woodford County for a graphing calculator for each high school student since there is a 99 cent iPad app that does the same thing. • The school no longer has to pay for student response systems (aka Clickers) that are used in their classrooms for formative assessments since the tablet can do that as well. • Also significantly reduces (by at least 50%) the printing and copier costs/needs of organizations. 31
Kentucky K-20 Initiatives • Lync (observations, surgery, distance learning). • Grid Computing with KY K-12 and Louisville. • E-Transcripts between KY K-12 and KY colleges. • KET Encyclomedia K-12 and future teachers. • District 175 for future teachers. • Individual Learning Plan, College and Career. • Hickman County’s Falcon Academy. • P20 Data System 43
Kentucky Department of Education Questions? David Couch Associate Commissioner Kentucky Department of Education Office of Knowledge, Information and Data Services (KIDS) 44