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STATUS OF ASME CC N-755 & N-808. Frank J Schaaf, Jr Sterling Refrigeration Corp NESCC Meeting Washington DC 18 April 2013. STATUS OF ASME CC N-755 & N-808. Disclaimer

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  1. STATUS OF ASME CC N-755 & N-808 Frank J Schaaf, Jr Sterling Refrigeration Corp NESCC Meeting Washington DC 18 April 2013

  2. STATUS OF ASMECC N-755 & N-808 • Disclaimer • This presentation is the intellectual property of Frank Schaaf. The comments made are his alone, Project Manager of CC N-808, and are not an ASME official position.

  3. STATUS OF ASMECC N-755 & N-808 • Presentation Elements • Reason for N-755 Separation • Code Case Format CCN - 808 • Fusing Issue • UT Examination Issue

  4. STATUS OF ASMECC N-755 & N-808 • During approval of Revision 1 of CC N-755, negative was received, requiring Owners to procure PE material in accordance with Section III requirements. • The negative could not be cleared, Individual felt Owner’s should procure same method as Section III. • The Chairmen of Section III and Section XI decided to separate CC N-755 into two Code Cases.

  5. STATUS OF ASMECC N-755 & N-808 • First effort had N-808 detailing only the differences between Section XI (Owner) and Section III • Both Cases were locked, so the technical requirements were matched and locked together. • Section XI, added UT examination based on Appendix VIII and Callaway experience. • Approval of N-808 was taking longer and impacted N-755 revision • At the February 2013, BNCS meeting, it was decided to remove the lock on both Code Cases, and each Section would pursue their own Case.

  6. ASME CC N-808Code Case Format • Case Layout (Based on Section III & CC N-755)) • CC Inquiry & Reply (Buried Pipe Only) • 1000 General Requirements (IWA-4000, NCA and ND) • 2000 Material (Technical (Mech. Properties, Fusing Qualification and QA) • 3000 Design • 4000 Installation (Section IX – Fusing) • 5000 NDE (UT Examination) • 6000 Pressure Test • 8000 Stamping

  7. ASME CC N-808Code Case Format • Case Layout (Based on Section III) • Appendixes • Mandatory Appendix I – Forms Required for fabricated product off site using the fusing process • Non-Mandatory Appendix A – Unacceptable Fused Joints Required to support visual examination

  8. ASME CC N-808Code Case Format • Case N-755 Appendixes eliminated • Appendixes - Mandatory • Mandatory Appendix I Fusing – Adopted Section IX to be published in July 2013 • Mandatory Appendix II Standards – Moved to General Requirements • Mandatory III Forms – Moved to Appendix I • Mandatory IV PE Material – Moved to -2000 of Case

  9. ASME CC N-808Code Case Format • Case N-755 Appendixes eliminated • Appendixes – Non-Mandatory • Appendix A, Training – Adopted Section IX • Appendix B, Data Logger Review – Eliminated, may add the Section IX, Data Logger Review sheet to -5000. • Appendix C, Unacceptable Joints – Moved to Appendix A • Appendix D, NONMANDATORY METHOD – Eliminated

  10. ASME CC N-808Fusing • Incorporation of Section IX, FUSING (2013 ED.) • No nuclear extras • Essential Variables • Thermal Butt fusion & Electro-fusion (future) • Fusion Procedure Specification (FPS) • Fusion Data (FPS) comes from the PE Material Manufacturer (TR-33 (PPI) Standard Fusion Procedure Specification) • Has the requirements for different FPS development (PQR) • Qualification of both Procedure and Personnel essential variables in FPS • Uses testing ASTM’s, Section IX has acceptance criteria

  11. ASME CC N-808Fusing - Experience • Poor Material • Fusing Problem – Major Problem • Material will not fuse correctly • Coupons using project material at the site and test facility failed all tests. • Tensile – Impact Test • ISO Tensile Test • DVS (German) Tensile Test • Pipe manufacturer could not fuse the pipe and pass tensile-impact tests (fusion box numbers)

  12. ASME CC N-808Fusing - Experience • Tensile – Impact (T-I) Test • Pipe maker felt the test was misleading yet signed letter in TR-33 that their material passed T-I tests • Follow on testing showed that this test is a good indicator for condition of PE material; • Poor or defective resin • PE product form defective • FPS not followed

  13. ASME CC N-808Fusing - Experience • PE Material • ASTM’s don’t have acceptance criteria • NOT ALL PE 4710 RESINS ARE EQUAL • Material Properties are very different • NOT ALL PIPE MANUFACTURERS ARE EQUAL • Old equipment (windows) in pipe wall • QA program • TR-33 Data sometimes is not repeatable • Need method to confirm material is fusible

  14. ASME CC N-808FUSING • Fusing • Callaway Relief Request, fusing process was reviewed by the NRC as an NDE procedure • Any variable identified in an NDE procedure is an “essential” variable • Section IX – defines essential variable as; Essential variables - are those which will affect the mechanical properties of the fused joint, if changed, and require requalification of the FPS when any change exceeds the specified limits of the values recorded in the FPS for that variable. .

  15. ASME CC N-808FUSING • Fusing PE Material Conformation • -2600 POLYETHYLENE MATERIAL FUSING QUALIFICATION TESTING • Use Project Material • Test each corner of Fusion Box • A. 60 psi – 400oF • B. 60 psi – 450oF • C. 90 psi – 400oF • D. 90 psi – 450oF • Use Tensile-Impact Test • Test each combination of different manufacturers product form

  16. ASME CC N-808UT Examination - History • UT Examination – Callaway Project • Used UT examination for ease in examination of joints versa destructive test • Pipe is 175 lb/ft (Crane service) • No testing machine on site • Callaway used Time-of-Flight (TOF) tested over 200 joints (no miters) • No indications in any joint • Performed Section V, Article 14, performance demonstration of TOF technique

  17. ASME CC N-808UT Examination - Incorporation • UT Examination • Requires UT exam on > 4 inch product form • Requires Phased-Array technique • Can examine all joints, including miters • Common technique so little training is required • All UT examiners will be trained as fusion machine operator, • Requires Section V, Article 14, performance demonstration of technique, intermediate rigor

  18. ASME CC N-808UT Examination - Incorporation • UT Examination Acceptance Criteria • No indication or response • No evaluation of data allowed • Detailed coupons for Section V, demonstration of technique to ensure adequate coverage • No repairs allowed

  19. ASME CC N-808Future • Approval • Final Approval November, 2013 • Owner will need CC N-808 • Will seek approval from the NRC (partial)

  20. ASME CC N-808 • THE END • Thank you for listening • Any Questions?????

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