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D ISTRICT a nd C LUB d ata b ase ( DaC-db ) TRAINING FOR CLUB SECRETARIES. DaCdb the “ E-Z key ” for Rotary Club Data Management!. Using DaCdb makes your life easier. ALL of your Secretary tasks, and more, can easily be done using the…
DISTRICT and CLUB database(DaC-db) TRAINING FOR CLUB SECRETARIES DaCdb the “E-Zkey” for Rotary Club Data Management!
Using DaCdb makes your life easier ALL of your Secretary tasks, and more, can easily be done using the… On-Line DISTRICT and CLUB data base (DaCdb) (pronounced: daK-dee-bee ) Less TIME with LessSTRESS…
How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission • Upload electronic copies of your club bulletin (and for archival purposes) • Add items to your club calendar • Coordinate scheduling of projects with other clubs’ schedules
How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission • You can create and manage all of your club’s committees on the database • You can print out a Club Roster, Membership Directory, TRF Giving, and Attendance check-in sheets, plus lots of other club reports
How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission • You can easily communicate on a “personal” level with one or all of your club members by using the P-MAIL feature built into the DaCdb system“Dear Rotarian <name>”
Logging In • Using your web browser, go towww.DaCdb.com • Also www.DaCdb.com/2009has all these materials, and more…
Logging In • Click Goto LOGIN on left side key-in…(-or- let Remember Me fill in the values) • UserName (usually your e-mail address) andPassword (usually your RI MemberID number), and YOU ARE READY TO BEGIN!
Getting Started • The interface is “intuitive”… - Just click on a “TAB” and follow the instructions found within. And remember, ALL Club Officer functions are found under the “My Club” tab
Getting Started • Look for the “POWER BUTTONS” – those brightlycolored buttons that take you to the various actions you can take within your club or member’s record • The “POWER BUTTONS” allow you to use the functions built into the database
Getting Started • ALL activities affecting the management of your club’s information can be found under the My CLUB tab
Getting Started • As a club officer (or an officer-elect), you are automatically given the Security LEVEL 4, to maintain your club and members’ data • Note: You can not make changes to any other club, members or committees outside of yourclub.
Getting Started You will have the ability to……… • Maintain your own CLUB record • Maintain any member’s record in your CLUB • ADD/CHANGE/DELETE members on any committee in your CLUB
Getting Started You will have the ability to… • View or print all reports for your CLUB, including a Membership Directory, with photos • Submit “club events or fund raisers” to the Club calendar so they can be viewed by all clubs, in the District calendar
Getting Started You will have the ability to……… • Send “P-MAIL” (personalized email) all your Club members, in just a couple clicks • Use one of many “templates” already available • Save your OWN templates
P-MAIL A menu of preformatted PMAIL templates are already defined.
Getting Started You will have the ability to……… • Submit "club bulletins”, minutes and other documents; and archive them on the database – and you have 100Mb of storage available to your club.
Getting Started VERY IMPORTANT: Make all of your changes at once… BUT, you MUST click the“UPDATE”button or your changes will not be recorded!
Getting Started Also, you will have the ability to… • View the data for any Member or Club in your district • Find any Member, and viewtheir contact information
SUCCESS! • Now all you have to do, is USE the DaCdb system to help make your club “HUM” and stop “Hmmmming!” • So, “What’s stopping you now?”
Guided practice • Log in to the DaCdb • Edit your own Member record … Just click on My Cluband scroll down to Section 3 to find your record • Or, Just click on the MEMBERS tab to view your record, then EDIT.
Guided practice • Log in to the DaCdb
Guided practice • Edit your own Member record
Guided practice • Or, Just click on the MEMBERS tab to view your record, then EDIT.
Guided practice • Make someone President-Elect … Just click on My Cluband scroll down to Section 3 to EDIT Club Positions • NOW, change them back. • DO NOT “click” UPDATE!!!!
Guided practice • Make someone President-Elect …
Guided practice • Make someone President-Elect …
Guided practice – my CLUB • Create a Membership Directory for your club… go to REPORTS and choose #1 and choose to “RUN/VIEW ON SCREEN” • Add an event to your club calendar (delete later)….click on the ClubCALENDAR link in Section 1, to begin
Guided practice – my CLUB • Create a Membership Directory
Guided practice – my CLUB • Add an event to your club calendar
Guided practice • Search for a member with the last name “Johnson” in your district….under the MEMBER tab…click the FIND a MEMBER (first entry in sub-menu) • Find who is on your District’s Rotary Foundation Committee….look under the COMMITTEES tab and select the committee to VIEW
Guided practice • Search for a member with the last name “Johnson” in your district….
Guided practice • Who is on your District’s Rotary Foundation Committee….
Guided practice • Send a “PMAIL” to yourself (which is always a good idea, when composing a lengthy message). • Just click on MEMBERS tab… (which is exactly the SAME as clicking VIEW a member, in Section 3 of My Club)
Guided practice • Then, click the PMAIL envelope on the right side of the screen, just above your photo. Select #01 Dear Rotarian “template”. • Then key-in your message and click SEND. (you could use any of the message templates already there!)