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What did the Romans do for us? Watch the clip and note down anything they did which would have helped either health or m

 starter activity. . What did the Romans do for us? Watch the clip and note down anything they did which would have helped either health or medicine. What did the Romans do for medicine?.  LOs. To be able to compare Greek and Roman medicine

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What did the Romans do for us? Watch the clip and note down anything they did which would have helped either health or m

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  1. starter activity  What did the Romans do for us? Watch the clip and note down anything they did which would have helped either health or medicine.

  2. What did the Romans do for medicine?  LOs To be able to compare Greek and Roman medicine To reach a judgement on whether the Romans made a greater contribution to medicine than the Greeks

  3. Roman medicine – all change? • Imagine you are an ancient Greek wandering through the streets of this Roman town (p.12-13). Which ideas would have been familiar to you and which would have been new? Write the down in a table similar to the one below.

  4.  Your task • Study Sources 1-4 on p.34-5 and add any additional evidence you find to your table • Categorise the new ideas into: causes of disease & infection; public health; surgery and anatomy. • Which category has the most evidence? •  Extension: Can you think of any reasons why this category might be so important to the Romans

  5.  Plenary • Give 3 examples of medical practices that the Romans ‘stole’ from the Greeks • Give 3 examples of new practices that the Romans invented • On balance did the Romans make a greater contribution to the history of medicine than the Greeks?

  6.  Extension • Explore the weblinks on the History learning site and produce a fact sheet on Roman medicine. Include the following: • Galen • Public health • Surgery • Other improvements in Roman medicine

  7.  Homework • Imagine you are a Greek doctor travelling to Roman Londinium in AD 200. Write a postcard home to you Mum describing your journey. Include the following: • References to similarities in medicines & treatments • References to differences • Descriptions of public health facilities • You may wish to source suitable images for your postcard

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