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Combining Education and Research Summary

Combining Education and Research Summary. Steven Nijhuis Hogeschool Utrecht Inleiding Internationaal www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/ontwerpprojecten. Focal point of the method. Professional assignments: Assignments you are likely to get when graduated

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Combining Education and Research Summary

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  1. Combining Education and ResearchSummary Steven Nijhuis Hogeschool Utrecht Inleiding Internationaal www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/ontwerpprojecten

  2. Focal point of the method • Professional assignments: • Assignments you are likely to get when graduated • Assignments enabling you to learn skills needed to become the professional

  3. Consequences • Real life problem (someone is needing your solution) • ‘Real life working situation’: • You are a contractor with an assignment • You are aided by experts, but only on demand • You can confer with the principal (or problem bearer), but he/she is pressed for time • You can confer with the tutor, but he/she won’t solve the problem for you

  4. Other consequences • No hit and run assignment: • Regular sessions with the problem owner: • Getting the assignment clear, aggreeing upon project plan (approach), aggreeing upon design and test(groups). • Your solution needs to be tested before it can be delivered, test results need to be processed.

  5. Three assignments • P: Solving the problem • K: Producing (new) knowledge • C: Develop competences

  6. Validate: problem bearers (practical problem / knowledge Q) give feedback on project plan, design, test results and final presentation Develop the problem: wanted ad describing problem, needed expertice etc. Mobilise Knowledge Knowledge Q Knowledge Practical Problem Solution Competence Q Competences Gathering Knowledge Criteria Review: tutor and experts review products and feeedback on basis of criteria. Studenten gather knowledge to answer practical problem In one ‘easy’ schematic

  7. Levels of support

  8. Comparison / feedback • How does this compare to what you are used? • What are the oppertunities and threats for you • Small groups, discussion and feedback

  9. Validation & Review • 4 sessions: • Kick-off (When?) • Project plan (Client) / Startup Review (experts) • Design (Client) / Mid term review (experts, halfway project plan / end presentation) • End presentation (Client) / Lessons learned review (experts last week) • Client(s) validate what you are planning to do for them, Experts review if what you are doing is correct. For the last one you need to have criteria

  10. Criteria • Discussion in small groups: • Define criteria, be specific (e.g. ask yourself questions like: • Can this be measured • Is this clear / aparant • Does this really define a quality aspect of my work

  11. Digital Coach

  12. Current situation • Creating a plan of approach is difficult (especially for inexperienced students). • Students don’t experience the creation of a plan of approach is part of the ‘real’ work. • Bad PoA’s lead to troublesome projects. • Most students learn the importance of a PoA by failure. This is often not an appreciated lesson.

  13. Knowledge Q (research q) (generic) Knowledge Real-life Q (practical problem) Solution Competence Q Competences Criteria Trouble area’s (which most likely go wrong) • Client mostly validates (even if problem definition and/or results are bad) • Criteria are non existent or at best too global to be of any use • Competence growth is not what was expected / planned • Knowledge question get’s no (serious) attention • Solution usually doesn’t

  14. View of the world • For higher degree of skills (Bachelor and higher) there are aids: PréScriptum and Excellent Research. • Project management literature all state PoA is pinnacle, but none provide a digital aid for creating one (lots of digital aids for going through the literature though) • Conclusion: for novices there is nothing.

  15. Why a digital coach • In real life, you need to do it yourself • In real life, your project plan will also be the contract • But (see current situation) • This instrument can help you to create a better project plan

  16. Results lab test

  17. Results field test • 100% of tutors say project plans are better with the coach • 50% of students say it helps, the others are not so sure • It’s is now compulsory for graduating students final project at Built Environment

  18. Instruction • The DC consists of two parts: • Informative questions (what do you know about…) • Opinionating questions (is what you know good enough?) • Questions can be answered in ‘random’ order • Opinionating questions will provide you with clues what to do to get the needed knowledge • The last page will provide you with clues for criteria

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