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Progressive Reformers. Reforms In Society. “Social Gospel”. He believed that by following the Bible’s teachings of charity and justice people could make society a better place. Many people followed his teachings and started urging for a shorter work week and the end of child labor. .
Reforms In Society “Social Gospel” He believed that by following the Bible’s teachings of charity and justice people could make society a better place. Many people followed his teachings and started urging for a shorter work week and the end of child labor. Walter Rauschenbusch
Reforms In Society Settlement House Community center that provided social services for the poor Hull House in Chicago Jane Addams
Reforms in Society Child Labor Reform Her work lead to: the state of Illinois passing the first factory law prohibiting employment of children under age 14. First women factory inspector 10 hour work day for women Florence Kelley
Reforms in Society Triangle Shirtwaist Factory March 1911. A fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City shocked Americans. When the fire started workers had little chance to escape because the managers had locked most of the exits. One hundred and forty six workers, mostly women, were trapped and died. (Prentice Hall, 421) Reforms: NY made workplace safer, workers compensation laws, laws limiting workday hours.
Quick Write Using your notes organizer answer the following question in your quick write. • How did muckrakers and progressive reformers help the urban poor? List 2 of the 3 reformers and/or muckrakers and give examples of what they did. Hint words: photographer, settlement house, social gospel, fire
Reform Government Reform political process to reform society Progressive reformers This hurricane wiped out Galveston. More than 8,000 people were killed. The city realized it didn’t have the structure in place to take care of rebuilding so they replaced the mayor and board of aldermen for a commission. This model of government was adopted in over 500 cities. Galveston Texas New city governments took the power away from big bosses and political machines.
Reforms in Government Laboratory of Democracy Direct primary Robert La Follette Initiative referendum recall In state and local races, citizens voted for candidates rather than party leaders. Citizens could propose a new law for the next ballot with enough signatures. Citizens could approve or reject laws passed by legislation. Power for citizens to remove public servants from office
Reforms - Women’s Suffrage Progressive Women Florence Kelley Margaret Sanger Ida B. Wells Opened the first birth control clinic in Tucson, AZ 1936 • 1896, helped form National Association of Colored Women • Blocked segregated schools in Chicago • One of 1st black women to run for office. National Consumers League (NCL)
19th Amendment June 1919 Congress Approved the 19th Amendment November 2, 1920 Women were able to vote in their first presidential election.
African Americans-Reform Booker T. Washington W.E.B Du Bois
African Americans-Reform • Born into slavery. • Worked in manual labor and attended seminary. • Told blacks to have patience. • Learn trade skills. • Eventually with respect and hard work blacks would win the respect of the whites and be given their full rights. Booker T. Washington
African Americans-Reform • Wanted blacks to immediately demand the rights guaranteed by the constitution. • Raised in New England • Went to Harvard W.E.B Du Bois
Niagara Movement 1905 Worried that black men in the south were being denied the right to vote Du Bois and others formed the Niagara Movement. They met at Niagara Falls, but had to stay in Canada since none of the US hotels would give them a room. This group disagreed with the gradual idea that Booker T Washington proposed. They wanted immediate change. Plus, they didn’t just want to teach trade skills but rather educate black men. This movement never got the backing it needed to be successful.
NAACPNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People • Formed 1909 • Progressive Reforms and the Niagara Movement helped form NAACP. • Intention: protect the lives of blacks, secure civil rights, and win the right to vote.
#2 Quick Write If you were living in the Progressive Era whose cause would you want to be involved in? Explain your passion for this social reform and why you would join forces with this progressive reformer.