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Religion and Boundaries: Conflicts in World History. Religion and Power in Ancient Rome Classroom Applications February 27, 2010 The UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project Department of History • 2407 Dwinelle Hall #2550 • Berkeley, CA 94720-2550 Phone: 510-643-0897 • Fax: 510-643-2353
Religion and Boundaries:Conflicts in World History Religion and Power in Ancient Rome Classroom Applications February 27, 2010 The UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project Department of History • 2407 Dwinelle Hall #2550 • Berkeley, CA 94720-2550 Phone: 510-643-0897 • Fax: 510-643-2353 E-mail: ucbhssp@berkeley.edu Website: http://history.berkeley.edu/ucbhssp
Discussion Prompts • How do you teach Roman history in your classroom? • What reading strategies do you use? • What kind of assessment do you use?
California Content Standards for 6th Grade 6.7 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures during the development of Rome. • Identify the location and describe the rise of the Roman Republic, including the importance of such mythical and historical figures as Aeneas, Romulus and Remus, Cincinnatus, Julius Caesar, and Cicero. • Describe the government of the Roman Republic and its significance (e.g., written constitution and tripartite government, checks and balances, civic duty). • Identify the location of and the political and geographic reasons for the growth of Roman territories and expansion of the empire, including how the empire fostered economic growth through the use of currency and trade routes. • Discuss the influence of Julius Caesar and Augustus in Rome's transition from republic to empire. • Trace the migration of Jews around the Mediterranean region and the effects of their conflict with the Romans, including the Romans' restrictions on their right to live in Jerusalem. • Note the origins of Christianity in the Jewish Messianic prophecies, the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as described in the New Testament, and the contribution of St. Paul the Apostle to the definition and spread of Christian beliefs (e.g., belief in the Trinity, resurrection, salvation). • Describe the circumstances that led to the spread of Christianity in Europe and other Roman territories. • Discuss the legacies of Roman art and architecture, technology and science, literature, language, and law.
California Content Standards for 7th Grade 7.1 Students analyze the causes and effects of the vast expansion and ultimate disintegration of the Roman Empire. • Study the early strengths and lasting contributions of Rome (e.g., significance of Roman citizenship; rights under Roman law; Roman art, architecture, engineering, and philosophy; preservation and transmission of Christianity) and its ultimate internal weaknesses (e.g., rise of autonomous military powers within the empire, undermining of citizenship by the growth of corruption and slavery, lack of education, and distribution of news). • Discuss the geographic borders of the empire at its height and the factors that threatened its territorial cohesion. • Describe the establishment by Constantine of the new capital in Constantinople and the development of the Byzantine Empire, with an emphasis on the consequences of the development of two distinct European civilizations, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, and their two distinct views on church-state relations.
California Content Standards for 10th Grade 10.1 Students relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought. • Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of law, reason and faith, and duties of the individual. • Trace the development of the Western political ideas of the rule of law and illegitimacy of tyranny, using selections from Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics. • Consider the influence of the U.S. Constitution on political systems in the contemporary world.
Backwards Planning UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project Cycle of Instruction
OUR PREMISE Improving Student Achievement Knowledge of Discipline-Specific Literacy Skills: Building Academic Literacy through History Knowledge of the Discipline: History Content Process of Historical Investigation
INSTITUTE OVERVIEW: CYCLE OF INSTRUCTION • Step 1: FRAMING INSTRUCTION • TOPIC/ ISSUES • MATERIALS • STANDARDS • FOCUS QUESTION./ Teaching Thesis PLANNING REFLECTION • Step 2: Map the Lessons • Accessible steps • Focus question for each lesson • SKILLS: reading, writing, and • discipline-specific analysis skills • Step 7: Analyze the Data • Analyze student work to plan instruction • Do protocol with colleagues • Revise or re-teach as needed • Revise unit for future use Summer Follow up STRATEGIES • Step 3: Identify Challenges and Opportunities to Increase Understanding of Content • Unlocking text and content • Analyzing historical argument • Writing to a focus question • Step 6: Administer the Assessment • Have students complete the assessment • Use the rubric • Provide feedback Classroom Application INSTRUCTION • Step 5: Instruction, Learning, Practice • Reading and writing strategies • Oral language and critical thinking skills development • Content Acquisition • Model - Guided practice - Independent Practice ASSESSMENT • Step 4: Design the Assessment(s) • Writing prompt • Expectations for students • Rubric or scoring guide Adapted from Michelle M. Herczog, Consultant, History/Social Science, Los Angeles County Office of Education
Planning Goals • Identify challenges of and opportunities for teaching reading, writing, and historical analysis skills within the content standards framework by: • Using focus questions to plan and frame content, reading and writing instruction, and assessment • Establishing a teaching thesis to determine the scope of instruction • Introducing instructional strategies for teaching reading, writing, and historical analysis skills within the content standards framework
Planning Strategically • Unit Focus Question: (Getting at the heart of the matter--Unifying a broad range of information) • Unit Teaching Thesis: (A concise answer to myUnit Focus Question) • Unit Assessment: How will students express their learning? How will we measure student learning? • What do the students need to know to answer the focus question? • Lessons • Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 etc. • Lesson Focus ?What will students need to know? • MaterialsWhat resources will students use to access the information/content? • SkillsWhat literacy and thinking skills will students need? • ActivityHow will students interact with the materials/content? • What reading and writing strategies will help students accomplish these tasks? What vocabulary knowledge is needed? • Lesson Assessment How will students express their learning? How will we measure student learning?
Backwards Planning Model • Framing Instruction • Mapping the lessons
Step 1: Determine Topic & CA State Content Standards • Determine TOPIC • Identify the ISSUES • Determine Instructional MATERIALS • Identify STANDARDS • Design a UNIT FOCUS QUESTION: What question will guide the students’ learning?
Determine Topic & CA State Content Standards Determine TOPIC Identify the ISSUES Topic vs. Issue Discussion • Topic: • Medieval China • Late 19th Century & early 20th Century Imperialism • Expansion of the Roman Empire • Issues: • Costs of expansion during the Tang Dynasty • Influences of militarism and nationalism • Deification of the Roman Emperor
Designing a Focus Question Criteria for Focus Questions • Provides a focus for student learning on a standards-based issue • Creates connections among the issues and topic • Requires students to utilize critical thinking and writing skills • Elicits an explanation or argument that will be used to generate a thesis statement supported by evidence (i.e. how, why and what role questions do this) • Elicits more than one answer
Writing a Teaching Thesis • Focuses on the significance of unit/lesson • Answers the Focus Question • What you want the students to know • Establishes learning goal • Directs assessment Note: Take into account if the students will be able to get this information from the materials and texts you have planned for the unit or lesson.
Ancient Rome Unit Focus Question: How did Rome expand from a tiny republic in central Italy to the center of a vast empire that encircled the Mediterranean Sea and included most of Europe? http://www.allempires.com/article/index.php?q=social_reform_and_civil_war
Caesar Augustus Lesson Focus Question: How did Augustus use Roman religious symbols and beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor?
Two statues of Augustusleft: in military dressright: as pontifex maximus
typical coin of Roman Republic:left: bust of goddess Roma; right: Dioscuri on horsebacksilver, 190 BC
Octavian coin series 1:top: portraits of Octavianbottom, from left to right: goddesses Pax (Peace), Venus, Victoria (Victory)
Octavian coin series 2:top: portraits of Pax, Venus, and Victoriabottom: Octavian addressing army; giving signal to attack; triumphal statue
Roman Artifact Notes Name ______________________ Focus Question: How did Caesar Augustus use Roman religious symbols and beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor?
Aeneid Excerpt This is the man, this is him, whom you have often heard promised: Augustus Caesar, descendant of a god, who will again establish The golden ages which once reigned in the field of Latium [original area where Rome was founded] Under Saturn of old, and who will carry forward empire Over the Garamantes (Libyans) and Indians (southeast Asians)… -Virgil, The Aeneid, book VI, lines 790-796 Excerpt from A. Wallace-Hadrill, Augustan Rome, (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1993), 92
ANALYZING A PRIMARY SOURCE Focus Question: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title of Source: ____________________________________ Author: ___________________ Genre (letter, cartoon, photo?): ________________
IDENTIFYING THE MAIN IDEA Looking at your observations of the primary source, what is the main idea or message of the source? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________. WRITING USING THE PRIMARY SOURCE Focus Question: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ tells us that _____________________________________________________ (title of source OR author)(author OR subject) thought _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (the primary source’s message, what it is trying to tell me) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (evidence in the primary source) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. This primary source relates to the focus question because ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Aeneid Graphic Organizer Virgil, The Aeneid, book VI, lines 790-796, Excerpt from A. Wallace-Hadrill, Augustan Rome, (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1993), 92 Descendant of a god Augustus carry forward … again… ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ Overall Evidence: - - - Overall Evidence: - - -
Aeneid Graphic Organizer – KEY Virgil, The Aeneid, book VI, lines 790-796, Excerpt from A. Wallace-Hadrill, Augustan Rome, (London: Bristol Classical Press, 1993), 92 Descendant of a god Augustus The Future Roman Empire The Past Roman Republic carry forward… again… -again establish a golden age - once reigned in the field of Latium [original area in which Rome was founded] -Saturn of old -carry forward the empire -over the Garamantes [Libyans] and Indians [southeast Asians] • Overall Evidence: • Coin: Roman Republic depicting Roma and the Dioscuri • 2. Virgil’s Aeneid • Overall Evidence: • Statue of Augustus as pontifex maximus(as a priest) • Augustus/Roman goddess coins • 3. Virgil’s Aeneid
Basic Thesis & Evidence Paragraph Outline Focus Question: How did Augustus use Roman religious symbols and religious beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor? Give at least two examples. Thesis statement: Augustus used religious symbols and religious beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor by showing himself as a man with godlike qualities._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence #1: One way Augustus strengthened his power was by the use of ___________________________________________ which showed __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence #2: Another way Augustus strengthened his power was through ____________________________________________ showing________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence #3: And finally, Augustus’ power was strengthened by ____________________________________________________ This shows that __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concluding statement: In conclusion, ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Basic Thesis & Evidence Paragraph Outline - KEY Augustus used religious symbols and religious beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor by showing himself as a man with godlike qualities.One way Augustus strengthened his power was by the use of statues which showed him as a priest. Another way Augustus strengthened his power was by having coins printed with his face on one side and Roman goddesses on the other (or by showing him in his jobs as emperor on one side and the other side were the faces of the Roman goddesses.). And finally, Augustus’ power was strengthened by the poem Virgil wrote, The Aeneid. [This shows that] Virgil wrote about Augustus connecting the past Republic to the future of the Roman Empire. In conclusion, Augustus was seen as a strong Roman emperor because the ancient Roman people saw him in a variety of places carrying out the religion of the Roman Republic.
Advanced Thesis & Evidence Paragraph Outline Focus Question: How did Augustus use Roman religious symbols and religious beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor? Give at least two examples. Thesis statement: Augustus used religious symbols to strengthen his role as emperor by __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Specific Evidence #1: One way Augustus _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: This showed ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Specific Evidence #2: Another way Augustus ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: This showed ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Specific Evidence #3: And finally, Augustus _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: This showed ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Concluding statement: In conclusion, _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Basic version omits analysis. More advanced version could include more generalized examples with specific evidence and analysis to support or elaborate upon the generalizations. See example below.
Advanced Thesis & Evidence Paragraph Outline Augustus used Roman religious symbols and religious beliefs to strengthen his role as emperor by portraying himself as a man with godlike qualities and god-given authority. One way Augustus did this was by having statues made of him as a priest. This showed that he was pious, a Roman virtue. Another way Augustus strengthened his role as emperor was that he had coins minted with his image stamped on them. This practice [or This] encouraged his people to view him as godlike because Roman practice during the Republic was to mint coins with images of gods on them. Augustus followed the practice begun by Julius Caesar of minting coins with his picture on them. Later, Augustus minted coins with a goddess on one side, and with Augustus’s head on the other. Romans who used such coins all over the empire saw their emperor as more than a mere man. And finally, Augustus’ power was further strengthened by Virgil’s epic poem, The Aeneid. These passages said [showed] that “Augustus Caesar, descendant of a god…will once again establish the golden ages which once reigned…and will carry forward empire…” (6.791-5). In conclusion, although we cannot be certain that Augustus authorized Virgil’s portrayal of him in this way, we can say that Augustus used this important literary work, along with other aspects of Roman culture, to strengthen his position as emperor by presenting himself as a virtuous and godlike man sent to save and extend Roman power.
Discussion Prompts • How do you think you might be able to implement these strategies in your classroom? • What do you think will be the most effective strategy for the challenges your students face?