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From Conflict Prevention to Nation Rebuilding - The Civilian Role

This article discusses the multi-dimensional nature of peace operations, the various sectors and stakeholders involved, and the importance of capacity building. It also explores the roles of different actors, including national governments, regional organizations, and UN agencies, in post-conflict reconstruction and reintegration. Additionally, it highlights the need for training and education opportunities for civilians involved in peace operations.

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From Conflict Prevention to Nation Rebuilding - The Civilian Role

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  1. From Conflict Prevention to Nation Rebuilding -The Civilian Role Mr. Cornelis (Kees) Steenken Senior Advisor DDR Swedish National Defence College Cornelis.steenken@fhs.se

  2. PEACE OPERATIONS:MULTI-DIMENSIONAL • Broad spectrum; • prevention, mitigation, termination and recovery phases; • Multi-organizational; • Multi-disciplinary;

  3. Participants, Stakeholders and Sectors • SECTORS: • Security; • Humanitarian Assistance; • Human Rights; • Law and Order – ROL; • Governance; • Development; • Industry & Economy • STAKEHOLDERS: • National Governments • Local Community; • Regional Organizations; • Military; • Police; • International Organizations • NGO • Politicians and Diplomats; • Financial Institutions; • Business; • Transnational Corporations; • ICRC

  4. UN Mission National Government Civil Society • Gender DDR IFI Post Conflict space SSR NGO´s Human Rights IO Social and Economic Reforms Humanitarian Capacity Building Infrastructure Development Regional Issues

  5. National Actors • Government (real, representative?) • Armed Groups, • Politicians and Diplomats. • Interlocutors for peace and political processes • National Ministries and Commissions on DDR (NCDDR) • Civil society • Communities • All need capacity building ….

  6. UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES IN PEACE OPERATIONS • OCHA -- Coordination of Information • UNHCR -- Basic human needs and protection of refugees • WFP -- Food • UNICEF -- Children • WHO -- Health • UNHCHR -- Human Rights

  7. United Nations; • UN in country Mission • Multi-Agency • Civilian, Military and Police • Integrated Training Section (DPKO) • Merge of TES and CTS • Does in Mission training with a mix of Military, Police and Civilian trainers.

  8. REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) • Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) • Organization of American States (OAS) • African Union (AU) • Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN) • European Union(EU)



  11. Community • The key to successful reintegration • What have they gone through and what are their reactions to former combatants, refugees and returnees? • Is forgiveness possible? • Acceptance, co-existence, tolerance, reconciliation? • Time

  12. Lots of Actors – like Herding Cats

  13. Peace Building Operations • These are too delicate, too expensive and fraught with many dangers as were again made aware of through the tragic loss of more civilians and military in Iraq yesterday.

  14. Governance & Participation Social & Economic Well-being Refugees & IDPs Food Security / Public Health Shelter / Educational System Social Safety Net Economic Strategy and Assistance Physical Infrastructure Employment Generation /Markets Legal and Regulatory Reform International Trade / Investment Banking and Finance • National Constituting Processes • Transitional Governance • Executive Authority • Legislative Strengthening • Local Governance • Transparency and Anti-Corruption • Elections • Political Parties • Civil Society • Media R DD Adapted by Anton Baaréand Kees Steenken • Control of Belligerents • Territorial Security • Protection of Populace • Protection of Key Individuals, Infrastructure, and Institutions • Reform of Local Security Institutions - SSR • Regional Security Transitional Justice /Law Enforcement Judicial System / Laws Human Rights Corrections International Courts and Tribunals Truth Commissions Community Rebuilding Individual Healing and Empowerment Security Adopted from: Post-Conflict Reconstruction Task Framework, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Association of the United States Army (AUSA, 2002) Justice & Reconciliation

  15. Roles of Civilians • Very Broad range of roles • EU focus on four priority areas of Civilian Crisis Management: Policing, Rule of Law, Civil Administration and Civilian Protection • They need to have at a minimum some basic, culturally appropriate, comprehensive training package

  16. Where do they get the knowledge and skills • On the ground or OJT • Academic Institutions • Peacekeeping training Centres • EU Group on Training • IAPTC • Eg SWEDINT and Peaceworkers UK • Specialty Courses – DDR, CIMIC, ROL • Exercises and scenario based training • Self Study

  17. Need for training opportunities • We need to sustain and even reinforce training centres , their courses as well as the pre-mission training so as to maximize our effectiveness on the ground. • We should encourage donors to mandate that some of the allocated funds be used for training and capacity building of new staff and continuing education of those who have the hard won experiences. • Civilians should be encouraged and funded to attend military training exercises as it improves realism and benefits all parties.

  18. Lesson Learned? • Need to write and outline what we did • Need to share this information openly not just park it on desks or behind unrealistic security constraints • Clear details of Monitoring and Evaluation so as to be self critical and improve capacity, interoperability and efficiency in the field • Needs to be better coordination and cooperation between all elements in missions

  19. Summary • Civilian roles are varied and multiple • They are present in every sector of the post conflict space and the rebuilding of a shattered country • They like the militaries need to be trained educated

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