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BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan “ Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of the Municipality of Kavala – Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives ” 2nd Meeting, Yerevan, 2013. Georgios GAIDAJIS Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering ,
BSB JOP Project BSBEEP Black Sea Buildings Energy Efficiency Plan “Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of the Municipality of Kavala – Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives” 2nd Meeting, Yerevan, 2013 Georgios GAIDAJIS Democritus University of Thrace, School of Engineering, Department of Production Engineering & Management Laboratory of Environmental Management and Industrial Ecology (LEMIE) Xanthi, Greece
Structure of presentation Covenant of Mayors - SEAP Baseline emission inventory - estimations Baseline emission inventory - results Key elements of SEAP Concluding remarks Challenges and perspectives
1. Covenant of Mayors - SEAP • A few words regarding CoM and SEAP • The Covenant of Mayors (CoM) is the mainstream European movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories. • By their commitment, Covenant signatories aim to meet and exceed the European Union 20% CO2 reduction objective by 2020.
1. Covenant of Mayors - SEAP • A few words regarding CoM and SEAP • A Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) is the key document in which the Covenant signatory outlines how it intends to reach its CO2 reduction target by 2020. • It defines the activities and measures set up to achieve the targets, together with time frames and assigned responsibilities.. • 3,249 Sustainable Energy Action Plans have been submitted until 1/12/2013. • 1,650have been accepted. • In Greece 49 SEAPs have been submitted and 13have been accepted, including Municipality of Kavala!!!
1. Covenant of Mayors - SEAP • Action Plan of Kavala in a nutshell Overall CO2 emission reduction target: 20% Adhesion: 27/9/2010 Formal approval: 31/12/2012 Approved in less than a year! • The SEAP of Kavala is an analytical (210 pages) report including various estimations, energy audits, survey, developed actions and many more! http://www.simfonodimarxon.eu/actions/sustainable-energy-action-plans_en.html
2. Baseline emission inventory - Estimations • First steps: Energy consumption estimation • The development of an analytical energy balance for MoK was necessary in order to proceed to the carbon footprint estimation. • Estimations were performed for the year 2011 (baseline year). • All energy sources were translated into respective MWh with the application of the conversion factors proposed by CoM guidelines. Electrical Energy Consumption: - Municipal Buildings - Municipal Facilities - Municipal Lighting - Residential Buildings - Tertiary Buildings Fuel Consumption: (Oil(heat), Gasoline, Diesel, Wood) - Municipal Buildings - Residential Buildings - Tertiary Buildings - Municipal Fleet - Public Transport - Private Transport • Parameters included into the energy consumption estimation.
2. Baseline emission inventory - Estimations • First steps: Energy consumption estimation • Relevant datawere acquired from various sources including energy audits performed by the authors, local authorities, online databases etc. Data collection sources.
2. Baseline emission inventory - Estimations • First steps: Carbon footprint estimations The first two methods are proposed by the European Commissionfor the municipalities who want to estimate their baseline CO2emissions. Three (3) methods were applied: • a) The IPCC Standard Emission Factors method in line with the IPCC principles. • b) The IPCC Life Cycle Emission Factors method. • c) the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method with the application of relative software. They translate the energy inventory into CO2 emissions with the application of relative emission factors Emission factors applied in methods a and b.
2. Baseline emission inventory - Estimations • First steps: Carbon footprint estimations Three (3) methods were applied: • a) The IPCC Standard Emission Factors method in line with the IPCC principles. • b) The IPCC Life Cycle Emission Factors method. • c) the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method with the application of relative software. Municipality of Kavala is one of very few municipalities that have applied the LCA method! • Method c is a more complicated task. • The energy/fuel flows are modeled and assessed with the application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software. • Data gathered are modeled and assessed with the application of various impact categories methods (e.g. ReCiPe).
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results • Energy assessment • ThetotalenergyconsumptionofMoKfortheyear 2011 wasestimatedtobe972,814 MWh. • The uncontrolled wood flows of unknown origin and the inefficient burning in low-performance fireplaces are issues need to be further examined. • Carbon dioxide emissions from “unsustainable timbering” (cutting of natural forests, long distance travelled etc.), are very high, contributing not only to the total carbon footprint of a municipality, but also the quality of the urban atmospheric environment.
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results • Energy assessment • Energy consumption falling under the municipality’s jurisdiction was relatively low in terms of percentage of contribution(≈5%), howeversignificantinabsolutevalue (≈44.400MWh). • The five most energy intensive municipal buildings contributed almost 50% to the total consumption of all municipal buildings. • Energy consumption for potable water supply and distribution was also significant due to the topographical characteristics of the municipality.
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results • Carbon footprint assessment • Results ranged from 511,799 to 571,000 tons CO2 or 6.9 to 7.7 tons of equivalent CO2 emissions per capita Total carbon dioxide emissions for every assessment method applied. • Correlation of the results with all three methods support the quality of estimations. • Variations were attributed to the different scope and greenhouse gases inventoryincluded in every method. • LCA results were higher, something to be expected since they include emissions from other greenhouse gases (expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents) and life cycle stages.
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results CarbondioxideemissionsofMoKpersectorandfueltype (method a). • Nearly 77% (396,264 tons CO2) of the total carbon footprint is attributable to the building sector, the private and commercial transport is accountable for approximately 23% (115,535 tons CO2). • The electrical energy consumption highly affected the results (≈65%) due to the relatively high CO2 emission factor of the electricity produced in Greece (1.149 t CO2/MWhe).
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results • Carbon footprint assessment - LCA Application of midpoint methods (e.g. ReCiPe) Focus on environmental mechanism (cause) • Various complicated indicators were assessedincluding carbon footprint, ozone depletion potential and others.
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results Application of midpoint methods (e.g. ReCiPe) Focus on environmental mechanism (cause) Residential building being the major factor affecting the CF Low contribution of municipal buildings compared to the total CF • Development of analytical networks per impact category – Identification of “hot spots” e.g. Carbon Footprint network
3. Results Application of end-point methods (e.g. Eco-Indicator 99) Focus on the consequences (impact on health) DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years) PAF (Potentially Affected Fraction) PDF (Potentially Disappeared Fraction) • The annual (2011) environmental impact due to energy and fuel consumption, is 474 EcoPts per citizen of Kavala.
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results Application of end-point methods (e.g. Eco-Indicator 99) Focus on the consequences (impact on health) • Identify the impact categories highly affected by current municipality’s energy profile
3. Baseline emission inventory - Results • Comparison with other municipalities • The average CO2 emissions in EU27 for 2011 were 7.5 tons per capita (European Joint Research Centre). MediterraneancountrieslikeItaly (6.7tons) and Spain (6.4tons) exhibited lower average emissions. • Regarding Greece, reliable data are available for the year 2008 that set its carbon footprint to 8.6-8.8 tons per capita.
4. Key elements of SEAP • Quantification of improvement potential – Select targets! • Questionnaires to assess the willingness of residents to adopt an energy efficient attitude and take action.
4. Key elements of SEAP • Quantification of improvement potential – Select targets! • Energy audits with the application of thermographic methods to find specific buildings for retrofitting actions and develop a “building efficiency” profile of municipality. Performed to over 50% of the estimated municipal buildings total area
4. Key elements of SEAP • Why all this work?? • Energy assessment • Carbon footprint assessment • Life cycle analysis • Survey • Energy audits • Special characteristics of Kavala • … Develop an efficient Sustainable Energy Action Plan in other words… Find those actions that will focus on carbon footprint “hot spots” thus ensure maximum reduction (with low cost…)
4. Key elements of the SEAP • Expected CO2 reduction per field of action (t) in 2020 from the base year level. • Estimated CO2 reduction per sector.
4. Key elements of the SEAP • Specific actions to be performed
4. Key elements of the SEAP • Specific actions to be performed Estimated cost of the proposed actions: € 4.2 M.
4. Key elements of the SEAP • E-tool development for periodic revaluation
5. Concluding remarks • Residential buildings and private transportation were the key sectors affecting the energy consumption and carbon footprint of MoK. • The participation of inhabitants to the energy conservation efforts is necessary in order to achieve the target of 20% reduction until 2020. • The electrical energy consumption highly affected the results due to the relatively high CO2 emission factor of electricity produced in Greece (1.149 t CO2/MWhe). MoK should highly focus on reducing the local electricity emission factor by integrating RES in its energy flows. • Municipal activities contribute to a small percentage of the total energy consumption (and carbon footprint). In that aspect, municipalities should focus on acting as an exemplar for habitants, by providing motivations, ideas, information etc. regarding energy saving benefits.
6. Challenges and Perspectives • The implementation of a SEAP can be a challenging and long task • Data for Baseline Inventory and CF estimation are too hard to be found – time and effort is required. • Specific steering committees, special personnel must be developed within the municipality. • Continuous revaluation and commitment to the target is essential. • However: • Provides a useful management tool for the municipal authorities. • Significantlystrengthenstheadoptionofeffectiveregionalstrategies. • Strengthens communicationoftheresults. • Enhance participationinrelativeprogramsandfinancing.
Thank you for your attention! • Partner: Democritus University of Thrace • Contact Person: Ass. Prof. GeorgiosGAIDAJIS • E-mail: geogai@pme.duth.gr • info@lemie.gr • Tel. & Fax: +30 25420 79877 • Mobile Phone: +30 6945 395 119 • Skype address: geogai Visit ourwebsite: http://www.lemie.gr/en/