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Vocabulary Ch. XVII

Vocabulary Ch. XVII. a, ab. from. agmen. procession. animus. spirit, mind. appropinquo. approach. ara. altar. bene. WELL. benignus. kind. diu. for a long time. exanimatus. ZZZZZ. unconcious. facilis. EASY. graviter. seriously. haereo. stick. huc. HERE. impetus. attack.

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Vocabulary Ch. XVII

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VocabularyCh. XVII

  2. a, ab from

  3. agmen procession

  4. animus spirit, mind

  5. appropinquo approach

  6. ara altar

  7. bene WELL

  8. benignus kind

  9. diu for a long time

  10. exanimatus ZZZZZ unconcious

  11. facilis EASY

  12. graviter seriously

  13. haereo stick

  14. huc HERE

  15. impetus attack

  16. insula island

  17. invitus unwilling

  18. itaque AND SO

  19. litus shore

  20. maximus GREATEST

  21. multitudo crowd

  22. numquam NEVER

  23. pauci FEW

  24. pervenio reach, arrive at

  25. quondam ONCE

  26. recipio take back

  27. resisto RESIST

  28. sine WITHOUT

  29. soleo USUALLY

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