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Explore the four Purposes of Varnasrama Dharma in ISKCON for physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs fulfillment, as outlined by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada.
Based on the four Purposes of Daivi-varnasrama- dharma
sadhana-kale ye paryanta / hrdaya kama ache se paryanta varnasramadi / dharmera apeksa thake At the time of practicing sadhana-bhakti, as long as there is material desire within the heart, one should remain within the confines of the varnasrama system (Relation Vaidhi-bhakti with varnasrama) Srila Bhaktivinoda T.
The Four Purposes of varnasrama-dharma are: • To maintain the body, • To develop the mind, • To perform good works for society, and • To learn spiritual topics, all with the goal of developing pure bhakti.
Physical Needs of the Devotees • Sufficient food • Good health • A proper living place or house • Basic economic development
Mental Needs of the Devotees • Professional skills • Personal growth • Training for integration in a cooperative society, according to occupation (varnas)
Social Needs of the Devotees • Need of family • Need of friendship • Need of belonging • Need of spiritual neighbours, association and environment
Spiritual Needs of the Devotees • Good association with spiritually advanced and dedicated devotees • To live near a temple with a fix daily program • Knowledge of the Absolute Truth
About the four Needs, from Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura´s writings
…(these needs) cannot be denied, for without the development of the body, mind, society and spirit, human life becomes degraded. • (Srila Bhaktivinode Th.)
Prabhupada: Revolution means they are dissatisfied. Satsvarupa: French Revolution, Russian Revolution. Prabhupada: These things were not going nicely. Therefore gradually it broke. … You have to keep the citizens satisfied in all respects. You must know the necessity how people are satisfied. You have to arrange the government in that way. Then there will be no revolution
The first duty of government is to see that everyone is happy, without any anxiety. These preliminary necessities of life, ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam [eating, sleeping, defending and mating], there must be sufficient arrangement for these preliminary necessities of life. (S.P. Mayapur, Feb.14. 77)
From: Mr. S. R. Covey • We can validate it by knowing the experience of all the human beings that is extended all over the world and through all ages. The “sapience literature” has recognized these needs throughout history as vital areas of human realization.
The four principles to fulfill the four purposes of daivi-varnasrama-dharma
The fulfillment of Physical needs is based on the principle of: idam sariram ksetram, “Land distribution is the base of civilization” (S.P.) ISKCON Co. (6) To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler and more natural way of life.
Idam sariram ksetram. That means (that) to own a certain piece of land is the basic civilization. Everyone must have a portion of land to produce his food. (S. P.)
God’s representative, king, he gives you land. Possess, you can possess. Tena tyaktena bhunjitha You work and grow your food. And because it is God’s property, you give some tax. Whatever you produce, twenty-five percent give to God or king, and balance, you enjoy. If there is no production-no tax. This is peaceful life. (Johannesburg, Oct. 75)
Prabhupada: So the florist is given a certain tract of land free, and let him produce flowers and make business. But the quantity of flowers I require for my temple, he must supply daily. Similarly, the bandsman, he should come and play band. Everything was [based] on land distribution. That was the system (Montreal, July, 16. 68)
The fulfilment of Mental needs is based on • the principle of: • “Wherever we have got our centre, a varnasrama college should be established to train four divisions.” (S.P.) • General teaching (to 10-12 years) • Varna (professional) training, after 12 or 15
The fulfilment of Social needs is based on the principle: • Organized village life. • “Plain living, high thinking” • A government based on two varnas: brahmanas, or advisors, and ksatriyas, or managers. • There must be divisions for cooperation (S.P.) • Neibhoring devotees near Krishna´s Temple
The fulfilment of Spiritual needs is based on the principles of: • Brahminical section • Daily spiritual program • Deity worship • Cow protection • Krishna´s festivities • Harinams, for purification of general society
PREACHING IN BIG SCALE In big scale you cannot make all of them as brahmanas or sannyasis. No. That is not possible. This is a small scale... But if you want to make the whole human society perfect, then this Krishna consciousness movement should be introduced according to Krishna's instruction…
The whole mass of people will get the benefit of it. Then it is required, systematic. Sve sve karmany abhiratah samsiddhim labhate narah. Para-upakara means mass benefit, not there is certain section. Then we have to introduce this varnasrama-dharma. It must be done perfectly, and it is possible and people will be happy. • (Mayapura, Feb. 14 1977)