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Mobile and Virtual Learning Through New Pedagogy at School and at Home

Transform traditional learning with innovative techniques for virtual classrooms and online teaching. Explore course planning, lesson structuring, and effective communication strategies for a successful educational experience.

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Mobile and Virtual Learning Through New Pedagogy at School and at Home

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  1. Mobile and Virtual Learning Through New Pedagogy at School and at Home Petri Lounaskorpi andLauri Pirkkalainen Konnevesi High School, Finland petri.lounaskorpi@gmail.com , lauri-pirkkalainen@konnevesi.fi

  2. Happy Independence Day Finland 6.12.

  3. Mold school syndrome

  4. The plan: Home learning! • Finding simple technics (cheap ;-) ) • As small change to daily work as possible • Simple instructions • Trust on professional skills • Support plan • Backup plans ( A,B,C) • Sustainable plan • Courage!

  5. TECHNICS: • WEBLI – Virtual classroom • IPEVO -Ziggy – usb document camera • LapTop / conference microphone polycom • Student: Home computer / Laptop from school • Headset

  6. 1 http://www.webli.fi 2.12.2010 / Petri Lounaskorpi petri.lounaskorpi@gmail.com

  7. The design and implementation considerations • Course planning should consider: The lesson planning - What is the teaching period, and each session? - What is the most important thing taught the topic ? - Who are your students ? - What are the basic information students are being taught this? ? - What is your educational status? • Do the students have previous experience in online teaching ? Lesson structure design : • Online lesson is progressing more slowly than the ordinary teaching , so allow enough time for breaks , questions , etc. • Plan your lesson structure carefully and give a structure to students as soon as an hour early . This will help them to orientate the subject and outline of the subject matter as a whole.

  8. In educational situation, you should pay attention to : Elaborating the working carefully in advance : • Use a large , clear text, the point size of at least 24 • Only the key issues on the paper/slide • Avoid bright colours blending with each other, are they rippling on the screen? Teaching situation, you should pay attention to: - Eye contact with the camera and a possible local group • Speak slowly enough , in a clear and audible voice (do not yell ! ) - Present things clearly and briefly ? - Share speak and listen to the speeches on the end. ? • Ask targeted questions, and do not ask two questions in a row.

  9. Didactic comments • Online teaching/Video conferencing, can be seen in three major characteristics that contribute to its didactic nature: 1) Demarcation and selection,- Teacher limit their own choices describes it, the other participants can see. Something has selected the picture and something has accordingly been omitted. It is a question of choice through on the meaning. 2) The emphasis on- Highlighting associated with the dispute. By restricting the attention is focused on something that the teaching and learning point of view is seen as essential. Again, compared to the conventional teaching effect is more pronounced.

  10. 3) Teaching is transmission of the image.- that education is a continuous image posting. The remote site teaching occurs largely TV-image, and a teacher is aware of this issue, as well as what the picture is and what he has chosen the image- The online teaching/video conference is not insignificant"What is going on in the picture?" => The teacher will be the director of the transmission!

  11. Lesson structure of videoconferencing in education • MODEL STRUCTURE EXAMPLE- News (for example, something along the week, school news, homework) • The Group is divided into the quiet work and education- silent work can be done by machine or such other room • An educational discussion can be machine or a mere microphones- the roles are reversed within a lesson • At the end of the common aggregation • Common Education • The final relief, and homework sharing

  12. MEDIA PLAN. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 5 START,NEWS, INSTRUCTIONS MULTIPOINT VIDEO CONNECTION POWER POINT, DOC CAMERA REVIEW, EXERCICES Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 10 POWER POINT, DOC. CAMERA CD PLAYER NEW TOPIC, TECHING Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 10 MULTIPOINT VIDEO CONNECTION DOC. CAMERA Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx SEALING, CONVERSATION 10 POWER POINT WWW SITES REVIEW, HOMEWORKS Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx MULTIPOINT VIDEO CONNECTION 10 POWER POINT WWW SITES LESSON PLAN TIME GOAL MATERIALS CONTENT

  13. Teachers' experiences Pros + Student performance has not fallen + My expertise and professional know-how to develop + Right now staying + Technology enables: video, pp, internet, etc. sharing opportunity + Document Camera a good thing + Actively posts that send students to discover even better than classroom teaching situation? + Course design to provide new opportunities for creative work? + Student work does not have to constantly monitor and to push, carry out their work more independently than classroom education.? + No time overall "bustle" in the same way as in classroom education. Time management is enhanced!

  14. Cons - Students fairly quiet, questions are less than in a normal classroom education - The danger facelessness and the interaction of parallelism - Connecting to operating in early trouble - Things must be agreed well in advance and the material at the distal end on time - The workload is increasing, at least initially - Teaching spontaneity may suffer - High Group teaching is a daunting task, especially if the course requires a lot of messages in your writing. - Various timetables between institutions, such as the breaks at a different time.

  15. Students' experiences Pros + Study is going on such + Learning outcomes are not impaired + Provides new opportunities for study + Study is a crucial differ from the familiar + Concentration improves + Autonomy and accountability increases, the teacher did not watch the whole period of the student's progress + Fresh variety + Online forum to discuss with other students was nice. + Get to reflect and solve problems on their own, it is not always available in ready-made solution.

  16. Cons - Interaction scarcity, quiet atmosphere - Some thought the discussion of the online lesson was embarrassing, because there is the feeling of all the participants in person - Delay interferes, sometimes the teacher's answer will have to wait a long time - Good coverage, weakness of a distraction - Not all fit in the same picture - Taking responsibility for your learning progress is rather heavy.


  18. https://konnevedenlukio.onedu.fi/oppimateriaalit/zine/23/coverhttps://konnevedenlukio.onedu.fi/oppimateriaalit/zine/23/cover

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