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Waterloo Information Systems Limited presents C/PRM, a retail management system that efficiently handles composite products. It offers buying and selling functions, point of sale application, product maintenance, and more.
Waterloo Information Systems Limited presents C/PRM Left Click to Continue
Next Slide Previous Slide End Demo Pause or Resume Demo Restart entire Demo Shows the mouse pointer User Commands WISL Demos use standard Microsoft PowerPoint commands, such as the following : Left Click , space, N, Down Arrow Right Click , Backspace, Up Arrow Escape Key, Minus Key (-), Ctl+Break S or Plus Key (+) Left and Right Click together for 2+ seconds Move mouse for 2 seconds Left Click to Continue
A A A B B C Need a a retail solution for composite products? C/PRM is organized into operational sections corresponding to the two primary functions of retail management - buying and selling. In addressing these functions the system accommodates the special requirements of handling composite products. Left Click to Continue
WISL has the answer !! A A A = $ B B C The ability to effectively buy and sell product packages as well as their components is the strength of C/PRM. WISL also offers a point of sale application originally developed at the University of Waterloo (WATPOS) that complements C/PRM for a complete retail solution. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Functional Overview Buying Sales Database Maintenance Quotations Pending Orders Products Invoicing Inventory Purchase Orders Warranty Processing Customers Receiving R e t u r n s Vendors Sales History Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration Menu Type ”3” <Enter> To Restart C/PRM Overview Type “7” <Enter> To Start Database Maintenance Demo Type “31” <Enter> To Start Sales Cycle Demo Type “63” <Enter> To Start Buying Cycle Demo Type “97” <Enter> To Show Summary Information “ESC” To Exit Left Click to Continue
WISL C/PRM Database Maintenance The product / inventory maintenance routine is grouped together with those for vendors, customers and other miscellaneous files into the data base maintenance menu. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Main Menu • 1_ BCS Buying Cycle • 2_ SCS Sales Cycle • 3_ DBM Database Maintenance • 4_ INQ Inquiry • 5_ REP Reports • 99_ SRT Stop Routine • XXX Enter menu option of desired action <> This is the main menu for the C/PRM system. This demonstration installation is set up for a college computer store which sells hardware and software packages and components. The first portion of this demonstration illustrates typical database maintenance for products, so the DBM menu action is chosen. 1 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Data Base Menu • 1_ PMT Product Maintenance • 2_ CMT Customer Maintenance • 3_ VMT Vendor Maintenance • 4_ UTL Utilities • 5_ DRP Database Reports • 6_ QRP QUIKREP • 99_ SRT Stop Routine • XXX Enter menu option of desired action <> The maintenance of products is important to the functionality of the sales and buying cycles of C/PRM. Quotations and invoices rely on the product data base for pricing, availability and orders, and receiving relies on it for ordering information and inventory control. C/PRM provides for the creation of package products by identifying products as components of the package product. These packages can then be treated as individual products in the buying and sales cycles but where appropriate may be exploded into the components that they represent (such as when pricing or costing is required). 1 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Product File Maintenance • 1_ CPF Create Product • 2_ MPF Maintain Product • 3_ LOC Maintain Product Location • 4_ MCS Maintain Components • 5_ MPI Maintain Product Inventory • 6_ PLM Pick List Maintenance • 7_ IST Inter Store Transfer of Inventory • 8_ DPF Delete Product • 99_ SRT STOP Routine and Return to Previous Menu • XXX Enter menu option of desired action <> CPF and MPF menu actions each invoke the same data entry routine however CPF is used to add new products to the product data base. The product data entry routine will be illustrated by maintaining a product that exists in the data base, so MPF is chosen. MPF Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF 1. Product Desc/SKU: The product can be accessed in the electronic catalogue via the SKU number or by a list of keywords that can include any word that is recorded in the product description or the alphabetic code of the vendor. An "AND" logical connector is deemed to exist between the keywords. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Desc/SKU IBM P166 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF <2> Products with Keywords : IBM P166 1 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 8573121 10490.00 2 1006953 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP IBM 8573061 9735.00 A list of products that satisfy the selection criteria is presented and the user selects the line number of the desired item. NNN Enter selection number for the corresponding product 1 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price : 0.00 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time : 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components : 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER The product description is used not only to aid in identifying products but also each word in the description becomes a keyword for the product and may be used to access the product. The vendor alpha code, shown beside the vendor number and the vendor's catalog number for the product also become keywords for the product. The product class is a classification code to identify the product as hardware, software, etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1. Description IBM P166 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price : 0.00 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components: 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER The lead time for ordering, units of issue (each, dozen, etc) and the number of items in each unit of issue are used at the time of product ordering. NNN Enter Lead Time 5 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 0.00 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components : 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER The selling unit and the selling package define the product for selling purposes. AA Enter Selling Units Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 0.00 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components : 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P70-121 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER A line of text about the product may be entered as comments. A line of text which will be printed on a purchase order for the product may be entered on the PO comments line. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Comments Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 0.00 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components : 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER A calculator is available from any screen or menu prompt . We will use it in this demonstration to calculate the dealer price of this product. NNNNN.NN Enter Dealer Price \= Left Click to Continue
12:00:00 WISL Calculator 4 OCT 1996 Memory 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0 8. 0 9. 0 10. 0 11. 0 12. 0 13. 0 14. 0 15. 0 C/PRM Demonstration 0.00 +6734.90 Old Total Operation New Total 6734.9 The WISL calculator performs all the standard arithmetic calculations such as addition and subtraction and also evaluates algebraic expressions. In this case for example, the dealer price is 30% more than the cost of the product. Therefore the cost of the product was entered and the following algebraic expresssion is entered to calculate the dealer price. In the expression, the variable X will take on the value of the current total. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Calc Function (X+(X*.3)) Left Click to Continue
12:00:00 WISL Calculator 4 OCT 1996 Memory 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 6. 0 7. 0 8. 0 9. 0 10. 0 11. 0 12. 0 13. 0 14. 0 15. 0 C/PRM Demonstration 6734.9 (X+(X*.3)) Old Total Operation New Total 8790.27 As this is the end of the calculation, the clerk is prompted as to whether the total calculated is to be used as the response to the prompt from which the calculator was invoked. If N is entered the user is returned to the calling prompt. If a Y is entered, as it is here, the user returns to the next prompt. Do you wish to use the final total as the response to the prompt? X Enter Y/N Y Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 8790.27 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components : 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER An auto order code of Y will cause the purchase order routine to create an order for the product, back up to the maximum stock quantity, when the inventory level drops below the minimum stock quantity. A Enter Auto-Order Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A Guy Maintain Product File - MPF A product type of S identifies that serial numbers are maintained for the product. When invoicing, ordering, receiving, maintaining inventory or performing warranty work for a product with type of S, a serial number to correspond to the product will also be prompted. If any restrictions to the sale of a product exist, they may be identified by a sales restrictions code to be used at the time of sale. The clerk then encounters a screen where products may be identified as components of this product. 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 8790.27 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components: 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER A Enter Product Type Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM Seg. SKU Component Description Type Qty 1. 1005090 WINDOWS 95 R 1 2. 1005081 WINDOWS 95 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL O 1 As before, the product may be accessed via the SKU number or by a list of keywords. In this case there is only one product on file that fulfills the selection criteria and it will be directly retrieved. 1. Product Desc/Component SKU: 2. Component Type: R 3. Component Quantity: 1 Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Desc SKU IBM MOUSE Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM Seg. SKU Component Description Type Qty The component type is either R-equired, O-ptional or I-ncluded. When the controlling product is added to a quotation or invoice, this type will determine the pricing of the component. R type components must be purchased and are priced separately. I type components must be purchased but are included in the price of the controlling product. O type components may or may not be purchased and therefore pricing is done at quote or invoice time. The quantity is the number of this component usually associated with the purchase of the controlling product. 1. 1005090 DOS 3.3 R 1 2. 1005081 DOS 3.3 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL O 1 1. Product Desc/Component SKU: 1014008 PS/2 MOUSE 2. Component Type: R 3. Component Quantity: 1 Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER A Enter Component Type I Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM Seg. SKU Component Description Type Qty 1. 1005090 WINDOWS 95 R 1 2. 1005081 WINDOWS 95 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL O 1 3. 1014008 PS/2 MOUSE I 1 A Seg Mtce Code Q Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product File - MPF 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 1. Product Desc.: PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM 13. Item Cost: 6743.90 2. Ven. Num/Alph: 6 IBM 14. Dealer Price: 8790.27 3. Product Class: 1000 Hardware 15. List Price: 10490.00 4. Catalog Number: 8573121 16. Auto-Order(Y/N): Y 5. Lead Time: 5 17. Min Stock Qty: 2 6. Unit of Issue: EA EACH 18. Max Stock Qty: 6 7. Vendor Pack: 1 19. Product Type: S 8. Min Order Qty: 1 20. Sale Restrict.: 9. Selling Units: EA EACH 21. Components: 3 10. Selling Pack: 1 22. War Period Type: Y 23. Warranty Period: 1 11. Comments: PS/2 MODEL P166-850 12. P.O. Comments: Last Date Maintained : 24 SEP 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER The warranty period type is Y-ear, M-onth or D-ay. The warranty maintenance routine will combine this with the warranty period to calculate the expiry date of the warranty on this product. This concludes the product information collection routine. WARRANTY X Enter Warranty Period Type Y Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Product File Maintenance • 1_ CPF Create Product • 2_ MPF Maintain Product • 3_ LOC Maintain Product Location • 4_ MCS Maintain Components • 5_ MPI Maintain Product Inventory • 6_ PLM Pick List Maintenance • 7_ IST Inter Store Transfer of Inventory • 8_ DPF Delete Product • 99_ SRT STOP Routine and Return to Previous Menu • XXX Enter menu option of desired action <> The on hand quantity of a product, along with any serial numbers if applicable, may be maintained via this menu action. This routine is also found in the Receiving portion of C/PRM. MPI Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Product Inventory - MPI 1. Product Desc/SKU: The inventory portion of the demonstration uses the same product as was just maintained. Here the product ID number is entered to access the product. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Desc/SKU 1006962 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM Clerk: A USER Maintain Product Inventory - MPI LN# Store Quantity Inventory Date Ordered Qty 1 Kitchener 4 4 OCT 1996 2 Main Holding Lot 1 4 OCT 1996 Inventory is kept by store. This demonstration will change the on hand quantity in the Kitchener store from 4 to 5. The inventory date defaults to the current date. Recall that the product we are maintaining is a type S product. Therefore a screen will be encountered displaying the serial numbers for the products already in inventory and the new serial number will be added. 1. Store ID: KIT Kitchener 2. On-Hand Quantity: 4 3. Date of Last Inv.: 24 SEP 1996 NNNNN Enter On-Hand Quantity 5 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 1006962 PS/2 P166 LAPTOP MULTIMEDIA IBM (Kitchener) Clerk: A USER Maintain Product Inventory - MPI Seg No Serial Number 1 1231 2 1232 3 1233 4 1234 5 1235 The serial number for each new unit is prompted.This concludes the product maintenance demonstration. Customer and vendor maintenance routines follow a similar pattern and maintain databases which are used in different portions of the buying and selling routines. 1. Serial Number:1235 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1. Serial Numbers 12345 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration Menu Type ”3” <Enter> To Restart C/PRM Overview Type “7” <Enter> To Start Database Maintenance Demo Type “31” <Enter> To Start Sales Cycle Demo Type “63” <Enter> To Start Buying Cycle Demo Type “97” <Enter> To Show Summary Information “ESC” To Exit Left Click to Continue
WISL C/PRM Sales Cycle - Quotation The Quotation facility constitutes the first step in the sales cycle. It provides access to an electronic catalogue that enables anyone, including customers, to generate a raw quotation. Items can be selected, quantities maintained and a running summary of net selling price is provided. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Sales Cycle Demo Menu • 1_ QTM Quotations • 2_ IVM Invoice Generation • 3_ WTM Warranty Maintenance • 4_ RTM Returns • 5_ SRP Sales Reports • 6_ QRP QUIKREP • 99_ SRT Stop Routine • XXX Enter menu option of desired action <> An extended capability of the Quotation routine allows an authorized store staff member to generate or modify an existing quotation, adding considerations such as discounts and tax exemption indicators. Out of this registration process emerges a record that can be provided in hard copy to the customer and constitutes the basis for generating an invoice or a pending order. 1 Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation • 1_ AQT Add Quotation • 2_ MQT Maintain Quotation • 3_ RQT Register Quotation • 4_ DQT Delete Quotation • 5_ PQT Print Quotation • 6_ CCP Change Control Parameters • 99. SRT Stop Routine • XXXXXXXXXX Enter identifier of desired menu action <SRT> • MQT The maintenance of quotations is illustrated by adding a product item to an existing quotation. This is the basic capability that can be made available directly to customers. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT • 1. Quotation ID : • 2. Customer ID : • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Enter Quotation ID • C;Whiteside The quotation ID is initially assigned by the system. The quotation record may be subsequently accessed by specifying the numeric ID or by entering "C;" followed by the customer's last name. This capability is illustrated as follows : Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT • 1. Quotation ID : • 2. Customer ID : Whiteside • The following records correspond to these initials: • 6 Bruce, 1340 Queen Street • 18 Bob, 200 University Ave West • XXX Enter Customer ID A list of customers who match the input specifications is presented and the user selects the line number of the desired individual. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT • 1. Quotation ID : 40 • 2. Customer ID : 18 Whiteside • Seg. Quote # Quote Type Status Quote Date Expiry Date • 1. 39 P P 10 FEB 1996 17 FEB 1996 • 2. 41 P P 18 MAR 1996 18 FEB 1996 • 3. 47 P R 05 MAR 1996 10 MAR 1996 • 4. 48 P P 20 MAR 1996 27 MAR 1996 • 5. 40 P Q 14 FEB 1996 17 FEB 1996 • 6. 54 D C 09 MAR 1996 14 MAR 1996 • 7. 55 D C 07 APR 1996 14 APR 1996 • X Is Data Collection Complete For This Screen Y/<N> • Y A list of quotations that match the input specifications is presented and the user selects the line number of the desired record. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 • Seg. SKU Component Description Type Qnty List Price • 1. 1001074 MAC II 4 BIT VIDEO EXPANSION K 2 154.0 • 2. 1000380 1.44M 3.5" DISK DRIVE-EXTERNAL 4 173.0 • 3. 1001163 MAC II PC DRIVE CARD 2 133.0 • 4. 1001261 28800 BAUD MODEM FOR MAC 2 442.0 • 1.Product ID : • 2.Quantity : • Last Date Maintained : 23 OCT 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Product ID • Apple Printer The product can be accessed in the electronic catalogue via the SKU number or by a list of keywords that can include any word that is recorded in the product description or the alphabetic code of the vendor. An "AND" logical connector is deemed to exist between the keywords. The user is then prompted for the line number of the desired product. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 • <3> Products with Keywords : Apple Printer • 1 1000657 LASERWRITER 600 APPLE A9M0340C 1343.00 • 2 1000648 LASERWRITER 600 APPLE A9M0340 1343.00 • 3 1000497 APPLE II PRINTER CABLE APPLE A9C0314 33.00 • NNN Enter selection number for the corresponding product • 2 A list of products that satisfy the selection criteria is presented and the user selects the line number of the desired item. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation - MQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 • Seg. SKU Component Description Type Qnty List Price • 1. 1001074 MAC II 4 BIT VIDEO EXPANSION K 2 154.0 • 2. 1000380 1.44M 3.5" DISK DRIVE-EXTERNAL 4 173.0 • 3. 1001163 MAC II PC DRIVE CARD 2 133.0 • 4. 1001261 28800 BAUD MODEM FOR MAC 2 442.0 • 5. 1000648 LASERWRITER 600 2 1343.0 • Cumulative Price : 8465.00 • 1.Product ID : 1000648 LASERWRITER 600 • 2.Quantity : 2 • XXXXXXXX Enter Segment Maintenance Code • Q This process is repeated until all desired items are included in the quotation. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation • 1_ AQT Add Quotation • 2_ MQT Maintain Quotation • 3_ RQT Register Quotation • 4_ DQT Delete Quotation • XXXXXXXXXX Enter identifier of desired menu action <SRT> • RQT Registration of quotations is intended to be done only by authorized store personnel. The result of this process constitutes an offer of sale to a customer. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Register Quotation - RQT • 1. Quotation ID : • 2. Customer ID : • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Enter Quotation ID • 40 The same quotation is being utilized to illustrate the registration process and it is being accessed by specifying the quotation ID. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Register Quotation - RQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 • 1. Customer ID : 18 • 2.Quotation Type :P Personal • 3.Quotation Status :Q • 4. Date of Quotation : 14 FEB 1996 • 5. Date of Expiry : 17 FEB 1996 • Last Date Maintained : 23 OCT 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER • A Enter Quote Type Quote type and quote status are classification codes that help define the quote for operational and reporting purposes. Control is then passed to a routine that provides for maintenance of the product information. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Register Quotation - RQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 Itm SKU Component Description T Qty List Pr Sell Pr Extn 1. 1001074 MAC II 4 BIT VIDEO EXPANSION K 2 154.00 154.00 308.00 2. 1000380 1.44M 3.5" DISK DRIVE-EXTERNAL 4 173.00 173.00 692.00 3. 1001163 MAC II PC DRIVE CARD 2 133.00 133.00 266.00 4. 1001261 28800 BAUD MODEM FOR MAC 2 442.00 353.60 707.20 5. 1000424 MAC MOUSE (BEIGE) 3 142.00 127.80 383.40 6. 1000899 MAC II INTERNAL 800K DRIVE 3 321.00 321.00 963.00 7. 1003381 PERSONAL PAGEPRINTER ADAPTER P 1 758.00 758.00 758.00 Cum List Price : 8465.00 Discount : 756.60 Cum Sell Price : 7708.40 Tax 1: 539.59 Tax 2: 616.67 Tax 3 : 0.00 Quote Price : 8864.66 1.Product ID : 1000648 2.Quantity : 23. DISCOUNT % : 20 4. Discount $ : 5. Tax Ex 1 : 6. Tax Ex 2 : 7. Tax Ex 3 : Last Date Maintained : 23 OCT 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER XXXXXXXX Enter Segment Maintenance Code Q Quantity may be changed, a percentage or flat discount applied and taxes overridden separately for each product item. At any point the specification process may be terminated by striking the appropriate function key. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Register Quotation - RQT Store ID : MAIN Quotation ID : 40 1. Customer ID : 18 2.Quotation Type : P Personal 3.Quotation Status :Q 4. Date of Quotation : 14 FEB 1996 5. Date of Expiry : 17 FEB 1996 6. Sales Person ID : JOHNSON Johnson Last Date Maintained : 24 OCT 1996 Maintenance Clerk : A USER X Is Data Collection Complete For This Screen Y/<N> Y The date of quotation defaults to the current date and the date of expiry defaults to a specific number of days following the date of quotation. The expiry date may not exceed a specified number of days following the current date. Special controls are present for the recording of these dates due to the importance of the specification of expiry date with respect to product pricing. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Maintain Quotation The quotation may be printed in batch from the reporting menu or it may be printed interactively from this routine. A prompt provides the option to specify the printer or the terminal. • 1_ AQT Add Quotation • 2_ MQT Maintain Quotation • 3_ RQT Register Quotation • 4_ DQT Delete Quotation • 5_ PQT Print Quotation • 6_ CCP Change Control Parameters • 99. SRT Stop Routine • XXXXXXXXXX Enter identifier of desired menu action <SRT> • PQT Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 24 OCT 1996 College Computer Store Page 1 Customer Quotation Quote No : 40 Quote Date : 14 FEB 1996 Expiry Date : 17 FEB 1996 Store : MAIN Sales Person : JOHNSON Customer : Mr B Whiteside, University of Itm SKU Component Description T Qty List Pr Sell Pr Extn 1. 1001074 MAC II 4 BIT VIDEO EXPANSION K 2 154.00 154.00 308.00 2. 1000380 1.44M 3.5" DISK DRIVE-EXTERNAL 4 173.00 173.00 692.00 3. 1001163 MAC II PC DRIVE CARD 2 133.00 133.00 266.00 4. 1001261 28800 BAUD MODEM FOR MAC 2 442.00 353.60 707.20 5. 1000424 MAC MOUSE (BEIGE) 3 142.00 127.80 383.40 6. 1000899 MAC II INTERNAL 800K DRIVE 3 321.00 321.00 963.00 7. 1003381 PERSONAL PAGEPRINTER ADAPTER P 1 758.00 758.00 758.00 8. 1006631 PRINTER CABLE PARALLEL 2 65.00 65.00 130.00 9. 1005778 586 4MB SYS BRD MEM KIT 1 1352.00 1352.00 1352.00 10. 1000648 LASERWRITER 600 2 1343.00 1074.40 2148.80 Cum List Price : 8465.00 Discount : 756.60 Cum Sell Price : 7708.40 Tax 1: 539.59 Tax 2: 616.67 Tax 3 : 0.00 Quote Price : 8864.66 This concludes the demonstration of the quotation maintenance routine. Left Click to Continue
WISL C/PRM Sales Cycle - Warranty The Warranty module provides for recordkeeping for any warranty work regardless of whether the purchase was made at the same store. Indexing done in the invoice module facilitates the process for those items acquired from the same store. The design of the work order provides for the tracking of warranty and chargeable work. Extensive reporting is available to provide for liaison with vendors and the tracking of problem items or customers. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Warranty Recordkeeping • 1_ WRG Warranty Registration • 2_ WOR Work Order Recordkeeping • 3_ DWR Delete Warranty Record • 4_ CCP Change Control Parameters • 99. SRT Stop Routine • XXXXXXXXXX Enter identifier of desired menu action <SRT> • WOR WARRANTY Warranty registration can be initiated by the receipt of a manufacturers warranty registration card in which case the WRG menu action would be used. Probably the more common circumstance is that the warranty is registered at the time of the first service claim. When the work order menu action is selected the warranty registration screen is always presented first for information and possible update. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Work Order Recordkeeping - WOR • 1. Product ID/SKU : • 2. Serial Number : • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Enter Product ID • MODEL 50 The product can be accessed in the electronic catalogue via the SKU number or by a list of keywords that can include any word that is recorded in the product description or the alphabetic code of the vendor. An "AND" logical connector is deemed to exist between the keywords. In this case there is only one product on file that fulfills the selection criteria and it is directly presented for maintenance. Left Click to Continue
C/PRM Demonstration 12:00:00 College Computer Store 4 OCT 1996 Clerk: A USER Work Order Recordkeeping - WOR • 1. Product ID/SKU : 1013930 MODEL 50 CONFIGURATION 8550-031 • 2. Serial Number : 1235 • X Is Data Collection Complete For This Screen Y/<N> • Y It is important that the serial number be recorded properly for proper tracking and analysis of warranty work. Left Click to Continue