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Brainstorming session discussing aspects of VET guidance, workplace learning, coherence in QA systems, EQAVET indicators, partnerships, and future work.
Brainstorming Session 1 The work of the working groups in 2013
With regard to WG 1: Q1: Which aspects of VET should be included within the scope of the guidance? Q2: Workplace learni ng different to work-based learning? Q3: Are there forms of guidance e.g. case studies, building blocks, lessons learnt which would be particularly useful? • Questions to be addressed
Work based learning and workplace learning are different – the latter is much broader • Need to go beyond “Dual system” and apprentices and include all VET arrangements • Be as broad as possible given the time available • Use the external evaluation to identify more effective forms of guidance • Messages emerging from discussion regarding the work of WG1
With regard to WG2: Q1: How to ensure coherence/compatibility between the national QA system, scheme or mechanism and EQAVET? Q2: Are there specific forms of guidance which would be particularly useful for this exercise? Q3: What core elements should make up a broad guidance approach to EQAVET customisation? • Questions to be addressed
The core elements to consider in the analysis are: the quality cycle; indicators and descriptors • Encourage quality assurance not the acquisition of certificates • Avoid saying that any particular model/approach/tool is better at meeting the EQAVET framework • Messages emerging from discussion regarding the work of WG2
Brainstorming Session 2 EQAVET indicators and increasing EU cooperation
Q1: How do you see your role in increasing EU cooperation in the use of EQAVET indicators? Q2: What can the Network do to support you in this regard? Q3: How can the outcomes of this cooperation be transmitted in the national level? • Questions to be addressed
It is too early to consider revising the indicators • The context (e.g. socio-economic, regional, type of VET etc.) is highly significant when using each indicator • The indicators are a toolbox from which everyone can select the ones that meet their needs • The indicators were designed to measure progress towards the Lisbon objectives • Messages emerging from discussion
Brainstorming Session 3 EQAVET in lifelong learning perspective – the importance of partnerships
Q1: How do you see your role in promoting partnerships at national level? Q2:As a NRP and/or working at system level: How would like you to strengthen your engagement with stakeholders? As social partner representative: How do you engage with the VET sub-sector at national level? Q3:What can the Network do to support you in this regard and foster incremental and substantial cooperation and partnership? Q4: What contribution can you make to responding to the challenges of Bruges Communiqué and Rethinking Education in the context described above? • Questions to be addressed
We need to respond to the reality of SMEs being the majority of employers in Europe • We need to recognise that NRPs do not have the power to change things • NRPs can do more to make the case for employers to be more involved in work based learning – win/win situation needs to be developed • NRPs cannot do everything by themselves – they need to work in partnership • Messages emerging from discussion
How to ensure that EQAVET supports the development of responses to the challenges facing VET? We need to support the use and understanding of the EQAVET instruments as well as helping NRPs to use them in specific contexts in order to strengthen the culture of quality e.g. in work-based learning, in assessment, in developing learning outcomes etc. • Messages emerging from discussion
Reflection on future work, including the review of the EQAVET Recommendation, keeping in mind the 7 scenarios presented in the mapping study and the results of the external evaluation We did not vote but we had a wide ranging and detailed discussion!! • Messages emerging from discussion