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IB Physics with Mrs. Fowler

Welcome to IB Physics with Mrs. Fowler! Explore grading policies, WebAssign system, syllabus, and more. Join the field trip to Silverwood Amusement Park for a fun physics experience.

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IB Physics with Mrs. Fowler

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  1. Welcometo IB Physics (HL)RebeccaFowlerFowlerR@issaquah.wednet.eduOffice Phone:  425-837-7827  

  2. About me: • I’ve been at Skyline since 1998 (starting my 22nd year here!) • Have taught IB Physics since it began in 2002-03 • BS in Sec. Ed: Physical and Earth Sciences Focus (UW-River Falls) • MA in Physics Education (University of Virginia) • I play piano and handbells; I participate in a curling league; I love baseball, rocketry, giraffes, and travelling…not necessarily in that order. 

  3. Grading Policies • No late penalties on missing due dates on assignments, but ultimate due date before the assignment will be entered as a “0, Missing” rather than “ *, Missing” will be the end of a grading period (quarter and semester). • No late work for either semester will be accepted after the Friday of the week before semester finals. • 2nd year has 1 exception: the IA will have a very firm deadline that students are expected to honor, Typically around the end of February. • Weekly Quizzes—retakes are available to any student who earns less than a threshold level (~88% (A-)) the first time around

  4. Grading Policies • Assignments: online WebAssign problems (see next slide) will be scored. A LOT of the practice worksheets will not, but will be helpful practice for weekly quizzes, unit tests, and quarter exams • Mini-labs are periodically collected and reviewed/scored, after we’ve discussed them in class and corrections can be made • Formal labs are always collected and reviewed/scored, generally at least 1 full week after data collection has finished, so students have time to ask questions and we’ve talked about results in class.

  5. What is WebAssign, you ask? • WebAssign: $11.50 (approx.)—yearly access to online homework problem (paid online, and most of the kids are set with this ) • Instant feedback for responses—kids will know right away if they did a problem’s calculation correctly (unless there’s a glitch in the coding…which happens periodically, but I try to catch) • Has both general problems for practicing various calculations, and IB-style Questions (questions from IB sources)

  6. Physicsrocks.com

  7. Miss a Day? Look at the Assignment Calendar • Months will get added as the year goes on • Updated at least once a week, usually more often

  8. Syllabus Pages: Unit Notes and Assessment Statements Assessment Statements

  9. Field Trip to Silverwood: Amusement Park Physics • End of May/beginning of June—Date TBD (depends on a few things—nothing has been set yet) • Both years of IB Physics are invited! They just have different analysis assignments! • Cost ~$160-$170 (depends on # going, and cost of transportation)—includes: Charter Bus; hotel rooms; entrance ticket; meal at park, chaperone expenses. • I will need chaperones! Please let me know if you are interested! 

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