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BLAMING GOD. COMMON REACTIONS TO DISASTERS. Blame God Curse God Distance oneself from God. BAD REACTIONS IN THE BIBLE. Adam (Gen. 3:12) Satan (Job 1:11) Job’s wife (Job. 2:9) King of Israel (II Kings 6:32-33) The people of Israel (Is. 8:21) Revelation 16:8-9,10-11,17-21.

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  2. COMMON REACTIONS TO DISASTERS • Blame God • Curse God • Distance oneself from God

  3. BAD REACTIONS IN THE BIBLE • Adam (Gen. 3:12) • Satan (Job 1:11) • Job’s wife (Job. 2:9) • King of Israel (II Kings 6:32-33) • The people of Israel (Is. 8:21) • Revelation 16:8-9,10-11,17-21

  4. ON THE OTHER HAND • Nebuchadnezzar glorified God (Dan. 4:34-35) • Rev. 14:7 • Rev. 11:13

  5. WHY BLAME GOD? • Feel better thinking someone else is to blame? • Feel better as a victim of an injustice? • But will that make anything better (Amos 4:6-13)?

  6. REASONS NOT TO BLAME GOD • Recognize your need for God (Deut. 8:3) • Recognize the consequence of sin (Josh. 7:6-13; Lev. 10:1-3) • Recognize the call to change – and the love that motivates it (II Pet. 3:9; Rev. 2:21) • Recognize the restraint of God (Mt. 24:22; Ps. 78:38-39) • Recognize the sovereignty of God (Job. 2:10; I Tim. 6:15; Rom. 9:20-21)

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