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The Church Planter Coaching Network. Preparing For Explosive Growth Through Multiplication. 1. Prepare For Spiritual Warfare.
The Church Planter Coaching Network • Preparing For Explosive Growth Through Multiplication
1. Prepare For Spiritual Warfare • “When I came to Buffalo, New York, to plant my first church, eight of us began with great enthusiasm. Now, 20 years later, only one of our churches remains. Four pastors are out of the ministry; three are out of their marriage and faith.” Ed Stetzer
Spiritual Warfare • “My marriage was attacked.” • My house was burned by arson. • “When you leave something always happens.” Car, refrigerator, water heater, etc. • Having a realistic understanding and expectation increases survivability 400%. • What are you doing to protect yourself and your leaders?
2. Intercessory Prayer: Examples • Peter in prison Acts 12:1-19 • Moses, Aaron, Hur Exodus 17:10 • Asa 2 Chronicles 14 • Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 20 • Esther Esther 4:16 • Abraham & Sodom Genesis 18
Prayer Covenant • Samuel: “Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way” • 1 Samuel 12:23
3. Network Atmosphere • LeadershipAccountability • TransformationSupport • TrustVulnerability • InterdependenceTeam Spirit • PrayerSpiritual Growth • CoachingResourcing
A Kingdom Attitude • “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” • Interdependence is fostered • “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” • A Body Mentality of Unity is encouraged.
4. Training • Demographics: • Outreach Ministries—Ministry Match • Demographic Congruency • Worship Style • Core group: • Incubation Period • Vital start-up ministries • Music Ministry • Evaluating Leader
No Miracles • “God does not generally work miracles to advance His truth. If the husbandman neglects to cultivate the soil, God works no miracle to counteract the sure results. He works according to great principles made known to us, and it is our part to mature wise plans, and set in operation the means whereby God shall bring about certain results.” The Southern Watchman, December 1, 1903. – ChS 228
Importance of Core Teams • 88 % of the fastest growing Church Plants had a trained core team in place prior to public launch. • Only 12 % succeeded without having a core team in place. • Two biggest reasons for failure: Wrong planter, Mismatched core team
Fastest Going Church Plants • 92 % had at least 3 key ministries in place before they officially launched. • 98 % had worship ministries • (100% of failing plants had worship service ministry) • 96 % had Children Ministries in place before they launched • 48.3 % had youth & teen ministries
Planter Assessment • “Assessment is arguably one of the most important church-planting developments during the past 20 years. For those seeking to facilitate a church-planting movement, it would be foolish to ignore some type of formalized church-planter assessment process.”Ed Stetzer • Potential Planters: Richard, Rigo, Steve
Avoid Burnout • Matthew 10:1,5 “He called twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.” • “These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions:” • Verses 5-42 Jesus instructs them • What could have happened had Jesus not instructed them first?
5. Support & Synergy • As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 • Growth happens in the context of relationships • Jesus sent His disciples two by two • Synergy & Support are developed • “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 • Burnout & Isolation are avoided
Stack The Odds In Your Favor • Survivability is significantly higher when the church planter engages in support systems provided by denominations, networks, and/or church-planting churches. • Odds increase by 135% when the Planter meets with a group church planting peers. Stetzer
6. Coaching • “By this all will know you are My disciples; if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 • Fellowship, Unity, & Sacrifice are deepened
Coaching Fosters Growth:Acts 9:20ff • Saul is converted and preaches the Gospel in Damascus. • “Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus proving that Jesus is the Christ.” • Barnabas takes Saul and brings him to the disciples. • How did Barnabas impact on Saul?
More Than Just A Good Idea • Are these principles more than just a good idea, or are they actually Kingdom Growth Principles? • What do they teach us about methodology & unity?
Coach To Develop Leaders • Coaching is taught and practiced. • Leaders break into pairs or triads. • Self-Discovery through personal insight is ten times as powerful as another’s advice.
Coaching • Transformation is experiential and relational, not informational. • Change is more a function of motivation than information. • The first year: “church planters involved in peer support groups lead churches that are more than twice as large as those who did not participate in peer support groups. • Ed Stetzer
7. Accountability • “Confess your faults to one another” • Accountability is encouraged • Accountability helps build the leader. • Leaders take responsibility for their own growth. • Authority and responsibility go together.
Proactive Vs. Reactive • Essential to church planting multiplication. • Systematic Quality Control & Accountability. • Ensures church plant development. • Detects need for adjustment; problems are anticipated through intentional dialogue. • Coaching is in place if help is needed.
Extreme Case • Sabbath morning coach shows up after being absent for 6 months (many new people who had no idea who he was). Headed to the platform to take the microphone and the lay leader called the police and placed a restraining order on him. His absence allowed the wrong person to take over the group.
Without Coaching… • A mature church planting couple, professional & educated experienced several years of excellent church growth. • No time to develop and disciple leaders. • Many tragedies occurred among members. • Discouragement set in. • No Coach to help or support through the valleys or help them be more strategic. • Plant dwindled from 120 to 40 over time. • Coach is now engaged and the couple is feeling supported and encouraged.
8. Multiply Leaders • 2 Timothy 2:2 “the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” • What does this passage teach us about multiplying leaders? • How could you benefit by having more leaders?
To Add Growth, Lead Leaders • “Leaders who develop followers grow their organization only one person at a time. But leaders who develop leaders multiply their growth, because for every leader they develop, they also receive all of that leader’s followers. That’s why I say to add growth, lead followers, but to multiply growth, lead leaders.” • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, 208-209
9. Leadership Mentoring • “He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with Him and that he might send them out to preach….” Mark 3:14 • Did the disciples learn more from Jesus’ instructions or His example?
Leadership Development • “The odds of survivability increase by over 250 percent in church plants that offer leadership-development training. In addition, survivability increases by 178 percent when there is a proactive stewardship-development plan within the church plant.” Equipping Church Planters for Success,Ed Stetzer
10. Holistic Stewardship • “He who is faithful in that which is least is also faithful in much. Matthew 25:21 • “Why would God send more people to our church if we don’t have a great dream. Why would God give a multi-gifted, multi-talented, and financially wealthy person to a church if the biggest thing you are going to do is paint the restrooms next year.” John Maxwell • “God gives us resources according to our dreams and according our obedience.” John Maxwell
Waiting For A Great Opportunity • Often we wait for Great Opportunities to move while daily Small Opportunities parade by us every day. • God blesses us according to our faithfulness in the small things He has given us to do every day. • Growth is a matter of faithfulness.
11. Spiritual Development • Methodology Vs. Spirituality • Have we focused too heavily on copying methodology from successful churches while failing to lead & develop spiritual leaders?
$ The Currency Of Heaven $ • Currency of Heaven: The spiritual behavior, attitude, and character the Holy Spirit looks for in those He will bless with success. • John 14:15,16 • Acts 5:32 • Ezekiel 36:22-33 • “this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Matthew 17:21
"Character is power. The silent witness of a true, unselfish, godly life carries an almost irresistible influence. By revealing in our own life the character of Christ we co-operate with Him in the work of saving souls. It is only by revealing in our life His character that we can co-operate with Him. And the wider the sphere of our influence, the more good we may do. When those who profess to serve God follow Christ's example, practicing the principles of the law in their daily life; when every act bears witness that they love God supremely and their neighbor as themselves, then will the church have power to move the world." • God's Amazing Grace, 231
Who Attends The Network • Pastors & Lay Leaders of Church Plants • Potential Church Plant Leaders • Additional Leaders from each Plant or Group • We encourage Church Plant Leaders to bring two other leaders with him/her.
12. Survivability • “Every group surveyed indicates that having well-designed support systems for the planter improve their survivability. Some groups report that their survival rate has doubled since implementing important systems such as assessment, training, and coaching. • The NAMB study also focused on the value of peer groups. Odds of survivability increase by 135 percent when the church planter meets with a group of church planting peers.”
13. Faster Growing Churches • “Church planters involved in church-planting systems tend to lead faster-growing churches and reach more people than those who are not. • The reason is simple: Each component of church-planting systems is designed to support planters in an area of major need.” • Equipping Church Planters for Success, • By Ed Stetzer
Faster Growing Churches • Church Plants that have a Coach are much more likely to thrive and succeed than those without a coach. • How could a network have helped you to deal with an issue in the past?
Opportunities To Multiply • A sanctuary that is full • A very successful Evangelistic Mtg • A rapidly growing Bible study group • A rapidly growing sub-demographic in your church • A rapidly growing population group in your area
Suggested Topics: • Incubation/Vision Coaching • Mother ChurchConference Relationship • Evangelism Spiritual Leadership • Leadership LidDemographics • Core GroupMomentum • PreachingWorship Services • NCD Strategic Planning • MultiplicationScheduling
Network Meeting Schedule • Monthly Meeting • Schedule: Two Hour Meeting Sabbath P.M. • Send reminders two weeks ahead & again 1 week ahead with address, date, time • Seating at tables facilitates discussions • Refreshments: Water & treats on tables • Room set-up: Cozy but cool!! • Powerpoint Presentations, Materials, etc • Distractions are removed
Meeting Format (2 hours): • 10 minutesWorship/prayer • 60 minutesNetwork Training • 40 minutesCoaching, Application, & Prayer • What can we celebrate? (group) • 10 minutes“Aha” moment • Afterglow: sometimes as long as two hours
What Are We Missing? • Church Planter Bootcamp 3-5 days • In development: 24 Topic Manual • ETA 2011 • Available through Andrews University Bookstore • What else? 41
Contact Information • Walter Allred • 713-824-1444 • wdallred@hotmail.com