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Indirect Questions

Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488. Předmět. Indirect Questions. Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová. Notice the differencies and work out the grammar rules of indirect questions. Direct questions Where are you from ? How old is your brother ?

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Indirect Questions

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  1. Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488 Předmět IndirectQuestions Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Kozlová

  2. Noticethedifferencies and workoutthegrammarrulesofindirectquestions Direct questions Where are youfrom? Howoldisyourbrother? CanyouspeakSpanish? Doesyourmumlike her job? Indirectquestions Canyoutellmewhereyou are from? I´dlike to knowhowoldyourbrotheris. May I askifyoucanspeakSpanish? I wonderwhetheryourmumlikes her job.

  3. Grammarrulesofindirectquestions The sentence begins a) with a politequestionlike: May I ask…? Canyoutellme… ? b) withstructureslike: I´dlike to know… I wonder… I have no idea… Itisfollowedwith a) a questionword (Canyoutellmewhere… I´dlike to knowhowold… b) conjunctioniforwhether Thewordorderisthesame as in affirmativesentences: subject + verb

  4. I Make indirectquestionsusing these structures: I wonder…, I have no idea…, I reallywant to know…, Canyoutellme…, May I ask…, Do youhappen to know…, We´dlike to know… • Whattime do thelessons start? • How much isthe bus ticket to Zlín? • Isthere a car park nearhere? • Haveyoueverridden a camel? • Didyouget many presentsatChristmas? • Whoisyourbestfriend? • Willwe live in theMoon in the 22nd century? • Whenwasthe Great Wall ofChinabuilt? whattimethelessons start h.m. the bust ticketis if/wetherthereis a car park if/wetheryouhaveeverridden if/wetheryougot Whoyourbestfriendis if/wetherwiwill live whenthe Great Wall ofChinawasbuilt

  5. II Make indirectquestionsaboutthemissinginformation. • TheAmerican film Amadeus wasdirected by ………… . • There are ………… (number) officiallanguages in India. • The UN wasestablished on ………… . • ………… (city) iscalledthecradleof jazz. • Andy Warholwas a famousAmericanrepresentativeof pop art. His parentscamefrom ………… . • TheRollingStoneshavebeenplayingsince ………… . • ChuckNorrisisinvolved in a lawsuitwith NBC because ………… . • Tamarikimeanschildren in ………… language. • TheHawaiianIslandswerediscovered by ………… in 1778. • The 2016 SummerOlympicswilltake place in ………… .

  6. KEY - Make indirectquestionsaboutthemissinginformation. • TheAmerican film Amadeus wasdirected by Miloš Forman. • There are 27officiallanguages in India. • The UN wasestablished on 24 October 1945. • New Orleans iscalledthecradleof jazz. • Andy Warholwas a famousAmericanrepresentativeof pop art. His parentscamefromSlovakia. • TheRollingStoneshavebeenplayingsince1962. • ChuckNorrisisinvolved in a lawsuitwith NBC (NationalBroadcastingCompany) becausehe claimsthatLaw and Order are registerednamesof his right and left leg. • Tamarikimeanschildren in Maorilanguage. • TheHawaiianIslandswerediscovered by James Cookin 1778. James Cook • The 2016 SummerOlympicswilltake place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  7. Translate • Můžete mi říct, kdo režíroval ten film? • Zajímalo by mě, jestli tě ta knížka bavila. • Mohl bys mi říct, kolik stojí vstupenka na koncert? • Rád bych věděl, jestli je nějaká studentská sleva. • Nevíš náhodou, kde ta skupina hraje příští měsíc? • Mohu se zeptat, jak dlouho to představení trvá? • Nejsem si jistý, kdo hrál v tom filmu hlavní roli? • Zajímalo by mě, zda ten film získá Oskara.

  8. Translate - key • Canyoutellmewhodirectedthe film? • I wonderifyou (have) enjoyedthebook. • Couldyoutellmehow much theticketforthe concert is? • I´dlike to knowifthereis a student reduction. • Do youhappen to knowwherethe band isplaying/isgoing to play nextweek. • May I askhow long the performance takes? • I´m not surewhostarredthe film. • I wonderwhetherthe film willbeawarded Oscar.

  9. Readthe text and askyourteacheraboutthemissinginformation. Make indirectquestions. Thefirst X-rayphotographwastaken by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in ______ . Roentgen was a scientistfrom ______ and in his first X-rayphotographthereis _______. X-rayswerediscovered by accident, while Roentgen wasexperimentingwith _______. Soonafter, he builtthe _______. Immediately, hospitaloperationswere made much safer. In 1901, Roentgen wasawarded _________. ________ still use his inventioneveryday , and they call it _______.

  10. Teachers´ text Thefirst X-rayphotographwastaken by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in 1896. Roentgen was a scientistfromGermany and in his first X-rayphotographthereishis wife´s hand. X-rayswerediscovered by accident, while Roentgen wasexperimentingwithelectricity. Soonafter, he builtthefirst X-raymachine. Immediately, hospitaloperationswere made much safer. In 1901, Roentgen wasawardedthe very first Nobel Prize in Physics. Doctors and dentistsstill use his inventioneveryday, and they call it´thewindowintothehuman body´.

  11. Použité zdroje • TRYML, Sergej. Moderní učebnice anglické gramatiky pro středně pokročilé a pokročilé. Praha: EKOPRESS, 1999. ISBN ISBN 80-86119-18-1. • SOARS, John and Liz. New Headway Pre-Intermediate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-471683-3. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora.

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