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Reading Apprenticeship

Reading Apprenticeship. BSILI Spotlight June 3, 2014. CSM Student Data. 70% of incoming students place into a basic skills class There are achievement gaps that have not been addressed Our goal is to improve the college-wide student success rates . Framing the Narrative.

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Reading Apprenticeship

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  1. Reading Apprenticeship BSILI Spotlight June 3, 2014

  2. CSM Student Data • 70% of incoming students place into a basic skills class • There are achievement gaps that have not been addressed • Our goal is to improve the college-wide student success rates

  3. Framing the Narrative • Mapping Change-Golden Line (p. 3) Theory of Change specifies… a) how to create partnerships; b) hold purposeful forums; c) focus on results; d) operate collaboratively and e) locate and employ needed support, technical or otherwise.

  4. Old School

  5. The RA Approach

  6. Squiggly Lines of Learning ? • What professional learning have College of San Mateo (CSM) educators experienced and what value does this learning have for the CSM community?

  7. Timeline • June 2012-CSM Team attended BSILI • June 2012-STEM Dean joined RA Community of Practice • Summer 2012-CSM Team attended 3-day RA workshop in Oakland • August 2012-Hosted 3CSN-sponsored RA event

  8. Timeline • October 2012-Hosted LINKS VI • January 2013-FLEX day for 3CSN sponsored RA workshop; other colleges invited to attend. • June 2013-CSM Team attends BSILI • June 2013-CSM Team attends RA LCoP • September 2013-CSM RA Event • November 2013-RA workshop with focus on Social Sciences

  9. Institutional and Curricular An Improved Campus Culture Assessment Better trained faculty Student Success

  10. Faculty Support of Reading Apprenticeship • Academic Senate made RA their highest priority in their 2013/2014 goals • The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Center has been revived to support faculty professional development • Two professional enrichment co-coordinators hired to develop and promote professional development opportunities

  11. Disciplines engaging in RA Spring 2014 • Anthropology • Art • Biology • Chemistry • Math • Physics • Astronomy • English • ESL • Reading • Sociology • Psychology

  12. RA in the CSM Learning Center • Tutoring and FIGs • Pathway to College program • Reading Apprenticeship Workshops

  13. Number of students exposed to RACurrent and Projected • Fall 2012 – 300 students • Spring 2013 – 500 students • Fall 2013 – more than 1500 students (estimated)

  14. How RA is Effecting the Student Learning Experience • “Reading activities helped me improve my performance in this class.” • “Working with reading strategies in class has given me confidence in my ability to comprehend what I read.”

  15. Bio 110 Case Study

  16. Focused on student achievement

  17. “…now that I have actually seen these strategies, I have actually made connections and I have seen other students doing the same, I actually understand what reading is. I just feel it is really important, and I want to take this to everyone else so they can also take advantage of this skill we all have.” Jorge Tafolla – RA Student, 2013

  18. Squiggly Lines of Learning? • What professional learning have College of San Mateo (CSM) educators experienced and what value does this learning have for the CSM community?

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