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Business and stakeholders – moving towards even closer integrated cooperation?

Business and stakeholders – moving towards even closer integrated cooperation? Experiences from the business response to the European CSR Agenda. Ben Davies Director, Membership Services CSR Europe. CSR Europe Members. 2006 Corporate Members. Who are we? CSR Europe National Partners.

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Business and stakeholders – moving towards even closer integrated cooperation?

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  1. Business and stakeholders – moving towards even closer integrated cooperation? • Experiences from the business response • to the European CSR Agenda Ben Davies Director, Membership Services CSR Europe

  2. CSR Europe Members • 2006 Corporate Members

  3. Who are we? CSR Europe National Partners

  4. What is the business contribution to the EU Agenda on CSR? EU leadership Lisbon Summit I Lisbon Summit II Delors Appeal 1st EUCommunication 2002 2nd EUCommunication 2006 EU Multi-stakeholder Forum European Alliance on CSR 1995 2000 2005 2010 European Business Campaign on CSR Roadmap for competitive and sustainable enterprise Business leadership EABIS-2003 Launch of European CSR Marketplace series ‘05 ‘06 1st European Business Convention on CSR ’07 Creation CSR Europe

  5. Brief overview of EU Agenda on CSR • March 2000 – Lisbon Summit: European Heads of State appeal to business for greater social responsibility: • CSR is part of the EU strategy for 2010: “To make Europe “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion by 2010”

  6. Trade Unions (ETUC) Business Networks & Organisations (CSR Europe) Civil Society Organisations (Green G8/Social Platform) Employers Organisations (UNICE) Brief overview of EU Agenda on CSR European Multi-Stakeholder Forum 2002 - 2004 • Mission: • « foster CSR through innovation, transparency and convergene of CSR practices » • Objectives: • Improving knowledge (btw. CSR and SD) • Explore opportunity for establishing common guiding principles Roundtables on: • Improve knowledge & exchange best practices • Foster CSR among SME’s • Diversity, Convergence, Transparency of CSR practices • Development aspects of CSR

  7. European Roadmap for a competitive and sustainable enterprise - 2010 • A Vision of Businesses • Towards a European enterprise built on short and long-term value creation, stakeholder engagement, new skills and innovation in every compartment of business activity • Ten Commitments • A Business AppealTo EU, National Governments and other key stakeholders

  8. EU Communication on CSR – 22 March 2006 • The EU Alliance on CSR is at the heart of the EU Strategy on Growth & Jobs, CSR: voluntary action, innovation and stakeholder engagement • EU commits to ensure a more business-friendly environment in Europe if companies commit to CSR. • EU commits to integrate the promotion of CSR into EU policy (Trade, Development, Research etc…)

  9. European Alliance on CSR: a renewed opportunity for collaboration • A renewed opportunity for key stakeholders to collaborate: • CSR Europe, UNICE, UEAPME are each recognising the importance of engaging behind the movement of the Alliance, in a collaborative manner and together with key stakeholders • Over 125 companies have already committed to engage behind the Alliance, via CSR Europe and its National Partner Organisations.

  10. European Alliance: How is the business community engaging? CSR Marketplace: SharingEuropean Practical Solutions • Annual event brining together hundreds of CSR practitionners to share, learn from eachother and network • Online networking platform with over 500 Practical CSR Solutions, online communities and discussion forums for members

  11. What solutions do companies implement? Access to Electricity Hybrid Systems Improved Health For Roma Women Work Life Effectiveness Programme Ethical Sourcing Sustainable Procurement Supplier Diversity Access for disabled people to labour markets

  12. What solutions do companies implement? EMS Communication The Safety Matrix The Danone Way Business in deprived areas Fighting corruption - Transparency Intl. Integrated Reporting PCs for Schools

  13. European Alliance on CSR: how is the business community engaging? • European Cartography on CSR • Based on 545 business solutions & 141 networking activities • Provides an overview of gaps and areas of excellence throughout EU • 53% solutions are linked to change in management systems and 46% solutions are based on stakeholder involvement. • 45% of business innovations yielded direct bottom line benefits to business. • In 1 out of 3 solutions, the constraints are largely internal and/or managerial

  14. European Alliance on CSR: how is the business community engaging? • Coalitions for Cooperation – CSR Laboratories • Business and stakeholders – joint action • Exploring collaborative action for companies with stakeholders to deal with major socio-economic challenges in Europe and globally • CSR Europe board is currently reviewing over 30 proposals • Roll out in coming months throughout Europe

  15. THANK YOU Ben Davies bd@csreurope.org www.csreurope.org

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