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Common Cause Analysis

Common Cause Analysis. Common Cause Analysis – Principles. Common cause analysis techniques are an extension of deductive analysis specifically targeted at the detection of non-independence between events which would otherwise have been treated as independent Functional dependencies

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Common Cause Analysis

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  1. Common Cause Analysis

  2. Common Cause Analysis – Principles • Common cause analysis techniques are an extension of deductive analysis specifically targeted at the detection of non-independence between events which would otherwise have been treated as independent • Functional dependencies • Shared-equipment dependencies • Physical interactions • Human-interface dependencies • Generally require very detailed knowledge of system • Common cause analysis is important • Can undermine design, qualitative and quantitative safety / risk analyses

  3. CCA – Outline General outline of common-cause analysis process:

  4. Zonal Hazard (Safety) Analysis 1 • Common-cause analysis technique which specifically considers physical proximity of different technologies, and how a failure in one could cause failures in others • e.g. hydraulic leak leads to intermittent electrical connection • Aim is not only to identify interactions, but also where they invalidate claims of independence • e.g. hydraulic leak causes open • circuit in wire from hydraulic • pressure sensor, claimed to • be independent test for leak • Based on structure of platform • e.g. wing as a single zone • or may take section... • Often regarded as a “black art” • certainly requires experience, and can be hard to systematise

  5. Zonal Hazard Analysis 2 Simple example of a zonal problem rain water entering through ventilator air intake is drained into top of double bulkhead and then out through drain holes moisture in presence of battery fumes makes weak acid, which attacks bulkhead (structural component) maintenance problem claimed that battery could not be relocated due to space constraint

  6. Zonal Hazard Analysis 3 Aircraft ZHA example • heating to aircraft front canopy • one heating mechanism is via hot air from engine • for a particular aircraft • hot air duct went through a zone containing two of the four FCS computers • leak of duct could cause over-heating of computers, and both to fail – leaving the other two (which is acceptable) • BUT other two FCS computers in adjacent zone • thermal effects would mean that other two computers may fail shortly afterwards • redesign desirable

  7. Zonal Hazard Analysis 4 ZHA should be carried out at various stages – earlier identification of a problem the better • early design stage • from engineering drawings, showing location of items • in future, do from electronic product definition • e.g. Rolls-Royce and Boeing do electronic pre-assembly • “Virtual Reality” CAD • mock-ups • sub-assembly / platform in build • completed prototypes • production platform • (hopefully) confirmation / finalisation of earlier analyses

  8. Zonal Hazard Analysis 5 ZHA procedures • determine zones • determine the threats to the system • e.g. fire, water movements for ships • determine the ways in which the platform can contain the threat • fireproof doors/partitions, bulkheads • determine zones that reflect this physical containment • based on traditional manufacturing division of platform • e.g. connectors for hydraulics, cables etc. at ship bulkheads

  9. Zonal Hazard Analysis 6 • determine zones contd • may be decomposed hierarchically into major zones, sub-major zones etc. • e.g. in aircraft • major zone – left wing • sub-major zone – left wing leading edge • zone – left wing leading edge inboard section • decomposition is to the level where a threat can affect that (sub)-zone • battery compartment • but battery cell would not be • remember the exterior of the platform is a zone • e.g. paintwork of a car

  10. Zonal Hazard Analysis 7

  11. Zonal Hazard Analysis 8

  12. Zonal Analysis 9 • Beware of false zones • e.g. the bulkheads for the Titanic • can bulkheads provide containment against water movement between zones in all circumstances?

  13. Zonal Hazard Analysis 10 ZHA procedures – continued • identify equipment in zones • either show location or just produce a list • Assess impact on other equipment within and outside zone

  14. Zonal Hazard Analysis 11 ZHA should address • Mechanical problems, e.g. • clearance from moving parts / uncontained failure of moving parts • foreign object damage • vibration… • Electromagnetic and radiation effects, e.g. • ionising & non-ionising radiation • electro-static discharge and lightning • magnetic fields… • Human factors, e.g. • difficulty of access to the system and its components • spatial relationship of operators to the equipment • ZHA also considers effects of normal operation

  15. Zonal Hazard Analysis 12 • foreign object damage • e.g. roo strike

  16. Zonal Hazard Analysis 13 Gloster Javelin maintenance example

  17. Zonal Hazard Analysis 14 • Part of a zonal analysis taken from ARP 4761

  18. Defensive Strategies Against CCA • Design the common cause failure out • Barriers • Physical impediments • Personnel training • Ensure procedures followed • Redundancy and Diversity • Preventative maintenance • Monitoring, testing and inspection • Including dedicated tests on redundant components following observed failures

  19. Particular Risk Analysis 1 Most safety analysis techniques are: • systematic • largely independent of technology Particular Risk Analyses (PRA) • are technology dependent, or circumstance dependent, analyses • examples from aerospace - fan burst, fire, EWIS • examples from railways – SPAD, vandalism etc • may involve complex calculations or simulation • used in common cause analysis

  20. Particular Risk Analysis 2 Example – fan burst • burst angle for fan defined, e.g. ± 3º • blade trajectory (and penetration) modelled • interaction with other aircraft systems and technologies identified, e.g. loss of all hydraulics (Sioux City) • common cause – perhaps in ZHA

  21. Conclusions • Common cause analyses are important • common cause failures can undermine design, qualitative and quantitative safety analysis • There are techniques for carrying out common cause analysis • ZHA – looking at proximity • particular risk – considering specific problems and technologies such as stores • also other issues, e.g. manufacturing, maintenance • Key area for systems safety engineers, as these issues cross (sub)- system boundaries and technologies • likely to be come more demanding in the future

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