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ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM)

ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM). SGB Meeting March 19-20, 2002005 John Tufarolo SIGSIM Chair. SIGSIM Finances (as of 16 Mar 05). SIGSIM Membership. SIGSIM Conferences Full Sponsor.

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ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM)

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  1. ACMSpecial Interest Group on Simulation(SIGSIM) SGB Meeting March 19-20, 2002005 John Tufarolo SIGSIM Chair

  2. SIGSIM Finances (as of 16 Mar 05) 19-20 March 2005

  3. SIGSIM Membership 19-20 March 2005

  4. SIGSIM ConferencesFull Sponsor • International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) • Previously co-sponsored with SIGMOBILE • Now 100% SIGSIM • Attendance: ~50 • Web site varies • Oct ’04 in Venezia, Italy 19-20 March 2005

  5. SIGSIM ConferencesCo-sponsor • Winter Simulation Conference • The premiere discrete event simulation conference • Attendance: ~600 • http://www.wintersim.org • Early Dec each year • Various locations: every 3rd year in DC • Parallel and Distributed Simulation Workshop • Leading parallel simulation workshop • Attendance: ~40 • http://www.pads-workshop.org • May/June each year, various locations 19-20 March 2005

  6. SIGSIM ConferencesIn-cooperation Conferences • Simulation Workshop Series • UK Operational Research Society • http://www.orsoc.org.uk • Mid-September, various locations in UK • Simulation Interoperability Workshop • Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization • http://www.sisostds.org • Various locations: often in Orlando • 2/year: Early Spring and Fall • SIW-Europe (targeted/pending) • 1/year: late spring • Various locations in Europe 19-20 March 2005

  7. SIGSIM ConferencesIn-cooperation Conferences (continued) • International Workshop on Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation • Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) • March: Budapest, Hungary • Training, Education & Simulation International (TESI) • Highbury Business, Media House, Swanley Kent • http://www.tesi2005.com • March: Maastricht, The Netherlands 19-20 March 2005

  8. SIGSIM Management Bylaw compliance (elections) • Good election slate • Chair – 2 • Vice-chair – 6 • Sec/Treasurer - 2 19-20 March 2005

  9. SIGSIM – TOMACS Editor Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) • TOMACS previous editor (David Nicol) completed a lengthy period as E-I-C (1997-2003) • SIGSIM is grateful to David for the excellent service to the community, and presented a plaque thanking him for his service and dedication in those efforts • TOMACS rotates the responsibility for selecting the E-I-C • SIGSIM was responsible for the next nomination • Richard Nance volunteered to lead the nominating committee • The committee nominated Jim Wilson for the next E-I-C • The nomination was approved, and James R. Wilson is now the current Editor in Chief of TOMACS 19-20 March 2005

  10. SIGSIM Current Issues • Need to complete elections • Need to push to help get the Digital Library “up to date” • New conference agreements take time to get their content into DL 19-20 March 2005

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