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Age of Exploration - Prince Henry the Navigator and European Expansion

Explore the impact of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portuguese exploration, technological advancements, and European goals during the Age of Exploration. Discover the reasons behind the decline of the Silk Road and the shift towards sea routes.

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Age of Exploration - Prince Henry the Navigator and European Expansion

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  1. Portuguese, English, French Exploration Prince Henry the Navigator

  2. Do Now • In your warm up section make a plan of what you would need to bring with you if you were traveling along: • The Silk Road Land Route- • Sea Route- • Which route would you prefer? Why?

  3. Why did Europeans stop using the Silk Road? • It was dangerous (thieves, Muslim merchants) • The journey was long and difficult (mountain, desert) • Cheaper to travel by sea • Carry more goods by boat than by horse or camels

  4. European’s Goals • From the 1400s to the 1700s, Europe experienced an “Age of Exploration” • The Renaissance encouraged curiosity & a desire for discovering new ideas and possibilities • As a result of exploration, European countries grew rich, powerful & spread Christianity throughout the world

  5. Navigation & Maps • Before the Renaissance, sailors did not have the technology to sail very far from Europe & return • Trade & cultural diffusion during the Renaissance introduced new navigation techniques to Europeans • Magnetic compasses made sailing more accurate • Astrolabes used the stars to show direction • Maps were more accurate and used latitude & longitude

  6. What do you notice about these two maps? Cantino World Map, 1502 A 15th-century manuscript copy of the Ptolemy world map, reconstituted from Ptolemy's Geographia (circa 150)

  7. Ships • European shipbuilders built a better ship; The caravel was a stronger ship that could travel in the open seas & in shallow water • Caravels had triangular lateen sails that allowed ships to sail against the wind • A moveable rudder made the caravel more maneuverable • Cannons & rifles gave ships protection Caravel Viking Longship

  8. Prince Henry’s Navigation School A. Portugal was the early leader in the Age of Exploration 1. In Portugal, Prince Henry the Navigator started a school of navigation to train sailors • He brought in Europe’s best map makers, ship builders, & sailing instructors • He wanted to discover new territories, find a quick trade route to Asia & expand Portugal's power • Prince Henry’s navigation school & willingness to fund voyages led the Portuguese to be the 1st to explore the west coast of Africa

  9. Portuguese Explorer’s • 2. In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias became the first person to sail round to the southern tip of Africa • Dias’ ships rounded the perilous Cape of Good Hope and then sailed around Africa’s southernmost point. 3. Vasco da Gama was the 1st explorer to find a direct trade route to Asia by going around Africa to get to India • Portugal gained a sea route to Asia that brought them great wealth • During the Age of Exploration, Portugal created colonies along the African coast, in Brazil, & the Spice Islands in Asia

  10. Portuguese ExplorationRecap Small country with big interest. Prince Henry the Navigator spends his own money on navigation school and voyages.. Set up trade and colonies on east coast of Africa. Dias and da Gama = trade route to India. Competition with Italy for Asian goods means cheaper items for Europeans, demand goes up, Portugal makes money.

  11. Search for a North West Passage Both the English and the French sailors sailed in search of a trade route to Asia. Their efforts took them North West towards the “New World” in search of that route. English Explorers • John Cabot- Set sail for Asia in 1497 but found Newfoundland In Canada instead of route to Asia • Henry Hudson- Best known for his discovery of the Hudson Bay in North America

  12. Search for a North West Passage Giovanni da Verrazzano- made three trips, exploring most of the North American coastline, as well as South America and many Caribbean islands Jacques Cartier- sent by the king of France to find a northwest passage and to discover certain islands and lands where it is said that a great quantity of gold and other precious things are to be found. In 1541 finds “Fool’s Gold”

  13. Exploration Cause and Effect/Compare and Contrast • In your classroom account, open up and read the 3 cause and effect statements. • Highlight any context clues that help you determine the cause and effect in each scenario. • Compare similarities and differences between the two maps shown that explorer’s used on their voyages.

  14. Exit Ticket • Which technological improvement had no influence on Exploration? • Compass • Flax • Astrolabe • Caravel • Who was Prince Henry? • Prince of Portugal • Prince of Persia • Founder of Portugal Navigation School • American Explorer • What was the North West Passage? • Directions on the compass • Path Portuguese sailors took to get to Asia • Path English and French searched for to get to Asia

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