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The Study of Life

The Study of Life. Biology 110 - Chapter 1 (Bio110_C1). Living Things …. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. Living Things …. __ __ __ __ __ __ __. Extra Credit Hint. Just underlined words will be part of extra credit questions. Words like… …autotroph …heterotroph.

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The Study of Life

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  1. The Study of Life Biology 110 - Chapter 1 (Bio110_C1)

  2. Living Things … • __ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __

  3. Living Things … • __ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __ • __

  4. Extra Credit Hint • Just underlined words will be part of extra credit questions. Words like… • …autotroph • …heterotroph

  5. Possible Short Answer • Describe the characteristics of living things.

  6. Multiple/Multiple Choice • Which of the following statements are characteristics of living organisms? • Living organisms have the capacity to adapt • Living organisms ignore stimuli • Living organisms lose materials and energy • Living organisms are organized Which of these answers is correct? Is there more than one correct answer?

  7. Evolution explains … • __ • __ • __ • __ • __

  8. 2 Ways to Classify • __ • __

  9. Organization of Genetic Material Prokaryotes Eukaryotes • )

  10. Evolutionary Classification of Organisms

  11. Domains

  12. Domains • Archaea: • Bacteria: • Eurkarya:

  13. Kingdoms

  14. Domain Eukarya

  15. Evolutionary Classification is How Organisms are Named • Binomial

  16. Organization of the BIOSPHERE • __ • __ • __ • __ • __

  17. Test Taking Hint - Matching • Terms • Animals • Plants • Ecosystem • Community • Biosphere • Definitions • Able to photosynthesize • Absorbs food • Ingest food • All populations, of all species for a given area • All the living and non-living components of an area Write down your answers.

  18. Test Taking Hint - Matching • Terms • Animals • Plants • Ecosystem • Community • Biosphere – the collection of all ecosystems • Definitions • Able to photosynthesize • Absorbs food • Ingest food • All populations, of all species for a given area • All the living and non-living components of an area Extra credit: Define the word that doesn’t have a definition.

  19. Test Taking Hint - Matching • Terms • Animals • Plants • Ecosystem • Community • Biosphere • Definitions • Able to photosynthesize • Absorbs food – fungi or protist • Ingest food • All populations, of all species for a given area • All the living and non-living components of an area Extra credit: Put the correct term next to the definition.

  20. Biodiversity

  21. Biodiversity • Three Levels • __ • __ • __

  22. Biodiversity • Importance • __ • __

  23. Exam #1 • PowerPoints • NSET_1 (Sections 1.4, 1.5) • Bio110_C1 (Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

  24. Understanding & Creating graphs Biology 110 – Lab 1

  25. Which Graph To Make • Line – when the independent variable contains continuous data • Time, numerical • Bar – when the independent variable contains categorical data (groups, bins, pigeon-holes) • Example: 12hr, 14hr (two groups)

  26. Line Graph

  27. Bar/Column Graph

  28. Graph Variables • Independent– the different categories of the experiment, scientist determines (x-axis) • Dependent– what is measured, depends on the different things manipulated in the experiment (y-axis)

  29. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • What is being measured?

  30. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • What is being measured? • Temperature • What temperature you read on the graph depends on the day you are asking about.

  31. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • Determine the independent variable. (The other variable.)

  32. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • Determine the independent variable. (The other variable.) • The day.

  33. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • What is being measured?

  34. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • What is being measured? • Amount of money spent • The amount spent depends on the category of the spending.

  35. Line Graph • Determine the dependent variable. • And the independent variable?

  36. Components of a Graph • __ • __ • __ • __ • __

  37. Critique the graph

  38. Critique the Graph

  39. Make a Graph

  40. Lab – Assignment #1 • Using only the data from handouts, construct the appropriate graphs for… • Ice Cream Cones (next to last page) • Alcohol/Glucose (last page) • Hint: right out numbers for x-axis

  41. Lab – Assignment #1 • Due via email by Sunday, 26 August • Make graphs in Excel (you have the instructions) . • Copy & paste BOTHgraphs into ONE Word document. • One graph based on the ice cream data • One graph based on the alcohol data • Put your name in the document. • Filename: LastName_Graphs • Example: Reznik_Graphs

  42. 27 Aug – LAB QUIZ 1 (5pts) • Lab 1 • Lab Safety (pgs. 1-2) • Definitions (dependent/independent variable) • Components of a graph • All lab quizzes are given at the beginning of each lab. • Reminder – there are no make-ups for lab quizzes

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