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Biology: The Study of Life

Biology: The Study of Life. Question 1 - 10. Define metabolism. Answer 1 – 10. Combination of chemical reactions in which an organism uses materials to carry out life functions. Question 1 - 20. ____________ are the basic/smallest units of life. Answer 1 – 20. Cells. Question 1 - 30.

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Biology: The Study of Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biology: The Study of Life

  2. Question 1 - 10 • Define metabolism

  3. Answer 1 – 10 • Combination of chemical reactions in which an organism uses materials to carry out life functions.

  4. Question 1 - 20 • ____________ are the basic/smallest units of life.

  5. Answer 1 – 20 • Cells

  6. Question 1 - 30 • What is the difference between sexual and asexual?

  7. Answer 1 – 30 • Sexual – 2 parents create genetically different offspring. • Asexual – 1 parent produces a clone of itself.

  8. Question 1 - 40 • ____________ is the process by which an organism keeps its internal conditions fairly consistent in order to survive.

  9. Answer 1 – 40 • Homeostasis

  10. Question 1 - 50 • All living things share the following………

  11. Answer 1 – 50 • Are made up of units called cells • Can reproduce • Are based on a universal genetic code (DNA) • Grow and develop • Obtain and use materials and energy • Respond to their environment • Maintain a stable internal environment • Change over time

  12. Question 2 - 10 • What is Zoology?

  13. Answer 2 – 10 • The study of animals

  14. Question 2 - 20 • What is Biology?

  15. Answer 2 – 20 • The study of life.

  16. Question 2 - 30 • A _____________ is someone who used scientific methods to study living things.

  17. Answer 2 – 30 • Biologist

  18. Question 2 - 40 • ___________ is the study of plants.

  19. Answer 2 – 40 • Botany

  20. Question 2 - 50 • What is Paleontology?

  21. Answer 2 – 50 • The study of ancient life.

  22. Question 3 - 10 • What do living things use as their main source of energy?

  23. Answer 3 – 10 • Carbohydrates

  24. Question 3 - 20 • What is used to store energy, insulate, repel water, and form membranes?

  25. Answer 3 – 20 • Lipids

  26. Question 3 - 30 • What are the two major types of Nucleic Acids?

  27. Answer 3 – 30 • DNA and RNA

  28. Question 3 - 40 • Proteins are made up of _____________.

  29. Answer 3 – 40 • Amino Acids

  30. Question 3 - 50 • What are the 4 types of organic molecules in living things?

  31. Answer 3 – 50 • Carbohydrates • Lipids • Nucleic Acids • Proteins

  32. Question 4 - 10 • _________________ are substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the body needs for essential processes.

  33. Answer 4 – 10 • Nutrients

  34. Question 4 - 20 • How much water should an adult drink daily?

  35. Answer 4 – 20 • 8 cups

  36. Question 4 - 30 • What vitamin deficiency can casue bowed legs, rickets, and poor teeth?

  37. Answer 4 – 30 • Vitamin D

  38. Question 4 - 40 • What mineral deficiency can cause osteoporosis?

  39. Answer 4 – 40 • Calcium

  40. Question 4 - 50 • Name three nutrients needed by living things.

  41. Answer 4 – 50 • Vitamins • Minerals • Water

  42. Question 5 - 10 • What does the prefix ‘mono’ mean?

  43. Answer 5 – 10 • Single/One

  44. Question 5 - 20 • What does the prefix ‘poly’ mean?

  45. Answer 5 – 20 • Many

  46. Question 5 - 30 • What does the prefix ‘macro’ mean?

  47. Answer 5 – 30 • Large

  48. Question 5 - 40 • What does the prefix ‘micro’ mean?

  49. Answer 5 – 40 • Small

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