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Environmental Stewardship Campaign. Environmental Stewardship Campaign Objectives. Keep growers informed about environmental issues and regulations Promote the industry’s environmental stewardship efforts Advance almond industry efforts in sustainability.
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Objectives Keep growers informed about environmental issues and regulations Promote the industry’s environmental stewardship efforts Advance almond industry efforts in sustainability
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Launched Campaign in November, 2003 Key Elements a web-based database focusing on environmental issues and providing up-to-date information on Almond Board sponsored research in air quality, water quality and crop and environmental protection, a pro-active public relations campaign highlighting environmental stewardship activities among almond growers, and grower newsletters and articles emphasizing environmental issues impacting the almond grower community
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • Fall 2006 Newsletter • Grower Matt Billings and his Sustainable Farming Practices • Water Board Sets Deadline for Joining Watershed Coalitions • ABC Funds Environmental Research
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • Winter 2007 Newsletter • Kerman Grower Paul Toste Takes Simple Steps to Reduce Spray Drift • Tips to Reduce Offsite Movement of Pesticides • Statewide Rules Enacted on Diesel Engines • Guthion phase out for almonds detailed by EPA
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • New newsletter format begun in April 2007 allows for partnership with Pacific Nut Producer, which inserts California Almonds newsletter into each edition.
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • April 2007 Newsletter • Regulators See Almond Industry Progress in Addressing Environmental Concern
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • May 2007 Newsletter • Burn Ban for Almond Orchard Removal in SJV Takes Effect this June
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • June 2007 Newsletter • Almond Growers Urged To Comment on New Soil Fumigant Proposals • Almond Board Helps Identify Technology Research Priorities • June workshops will discuss ag engine replacement rules
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Newsletter Articles • July/August 2007 Newsletter • Simple Steps to Reduce Dust at Harvest
Five Releases Issued During Crop Year. Placements Included: Environmental Stewardship Campaign Press Releases
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Electronic Newsletter • Monthly electronic newsletter is emailed to those interested in almond environmental news. • Subscribe by emailing mark Looker at mllooker@ainet.com • Also find California Almond Newsletter online at www.almondboard.com Environmental Information for the California Almond Industry
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Sustainability Project - Definition Ecologically Sound Economically Viable Social Equity
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Sustainability Project - Definition Sustainable almond farming utilizes production practices that are economically viable and are based upon scientific research, common sense and a respect for the environment, neighbors and employees. The result is a plentiful, healthy and safe food product.
Almond Board Sustainability Project – Possible Levels of Sustainable Efforts • A Mission Statement Internal guidance using mission as anchor • A Vision Known internally and promoted externally • Farm-to-Fork BMP’s Pulls together all BMP’s and GAP’s under one “whole systems” approach • Voluntary Self – Evaluation Documentation of self-assessment of BMPs/GAPs • Value-Added Marketing Tool Third party certification and marketing advantage
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Partnerships and Collaborative Efforts Almond Pest Management Alliance (PMA) II Builds upon PMA I Visibility Seasonal Guide Thorough analysis of PUR’s Special emphasis on PCA’s in outreach and education Dialogue with chemical suppliers for more reduced risk options
Environmental Stewardship CampaignPartnerships and Collaborative Efforts Roots of Change (ROC) Promote sustainable food system for CA for 2030 Develop 4 – 5 initiatives for RFP’s One initiative is “Celebrate Farming” Holding farms and farming in high esteem Farms contribute significantly to social well-being due to their premier value in agricultural use Encourage youth to seek this inheritable commodity as a meaningful vocation
Environmental Stewardship CampaignPartnerships and Collaborative Efforts Sustainable Production Systems Action Network Larger commodities Top regulatory officials UC ASI ROC To engage significant acreage in CA toward sustainable practices, thereby enabling DPR to see the greatest impact
Environmental Stewardship CampaignPartnerships and Collaborative Efforts Ecosystem Services Measuring benefits from sustainable efforts An accounting approach, called “metrics” First, baseline data of current ecosystem services Next, benefit and costs of alternative practices Society sees the benefits from growers beyond providing food and fiber Farmers can measure improvements and perhaps receive incentive benefits
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Partnerships and Collaborative Efforts California Roundtable for Agriculture and the Environment (CRAE) Working to develop a set of environmental standards Adoptable by commodity-specific sustainability programs Involves participation by regulatory agencies Pursuing avenues for regulatory relief based on objective assessment of sustainable efforts
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Future Efforts Complete draft of self-assessment/BMP’s Keep us one step ahead of metrics effort “Targeting Sustainability” Today 10:15 a.m. Where should the almond industry go in its sustainable efforts? Michael Dimock, ROC; Jonathan Kaplan, NRDC; Cindy Wire, EPA; Keith Warner, U Santa Clara; Cliff Ohmart, Lodi-Woodbridge
Environmental Stewardship Campaign Thank you Q & A