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Explore the environmental challenges faced in Africa, including water scarcity, poor soil quality, and desertification. Learn about the impacts on irrigation, trade, industry, and health. Dive into the Nile, Niger, and Congo rivers' significance. Discover the link between poor soil and deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Homeroom • Go to the RR and lockers – No book bags! • We are taking notes in class today so HAVE SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH

  2. Weds Warm Up Q’s Write what country each number is indicating 2 1 5 7 3 4 6

  3. Standards SS7G2 The student will discuss environmental issues across the continent of Africa. a. Explain how water pollution and the unequal distribution of water impacts irrigation, trade, industry, and drinking water. b. Explain the relationship between poor soil and deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. c. Explain the impact of desertification on the environment of Africa from the Sahel to the rainforest

  4. Environmental Issues • Africans face many different types of environmental issues • Lack of water • Poor soil quality • Expanding deserts • Most countries in Africa have trouble having enough water for people to live.

  5. Explain how water pollution and the unequal distribution of water impacts irrigation, trade, industry, and drinking water. • Many countries in Africa do not have enough clean water even though they have large rivers. • Many believe Africa is headed for a “water war”. • Clean water is needed for basic health and sanitation and those who are not able to have access to it are at risk for many diseases. • Some people in Africa also face the problem of water borne diseases spread by parasites living in standing water. • There are 3 major rivers in Africa that supply water

  6. The Nile River • The Nile River is the longest in the world • The river is used for water needs & transportation • However, overpopulation and poor sanitation regulations have made life along the Nile more difficult. • GROWING POPULATIONS = GREATER DEMAND FOR WATER

  7. The Niger River • The Niger River provides some water to those living in the Sahel. • As more water is drawn for the Sahel, less is available down the river. • Niger River is a vital transportation route

  8. The Congo River • The Congo River also supplies water for basic needs and serves as a transportation route for those moving from the interior of Africa towards the Atlantic Ocean. • The timber cut from the rainforest is transported down the Congo River

  9. Water is a real problem • Less than 50% of the population in sub-Saharan African has access to safe drinking water from environmental pollution. • This has caused a decrease in the country’s economic growth. • Some governments ignore industrial pollution of major rivers and waterways because they want their industries to make more profits.

  10. (B)Explain the relationship between poor soil and deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Deforestation • The destruction of trees and other vegetation. • This continues to be a problem in the Sahel, the Rainforest, and other areas in Africa. • Also, animals have been allowed to graze too heavily in an area and strip all the vegetation from the soil.

  11. The Sahel is an area of Africa south of the Sahara Desert. • It is an example of how poor farming practices and deforestation can lead to an expanding desert. • Centuries of farming and grazing along with less rainfall have gradually damaged land in the Sahel. • Millions of people struggle to farm in its poor soil. • Droughts, or periods of little rainfall, have hurt the Sahel, too.

  12. (C)Explain the impact of desertification on the environment of Africa from the Sahel to the rainforest • The Sahel is one part of Africa that is experiencing severe problems with desertification, the process of the desert expanding into areas that had formerly been farmland. • As the land is overused, the soil becomes poor and powdery. • The winds coming from the Sahara gradually blow the dry topsoil away, leaving a barren and rocky land. • Countries that border the desert say there is a “Green Line” ~ a line that separates the cultivated land from the expanding desert

  13. Desertification Spreads • The Kalahari Desert is a desert that is located in the Southern portion of Africa and is also experiencing desertification • Desertification is caused by: • Pressure from increasing populations • The need for fuels like firewood and brush • The constant grazing of animals have worn away soil

  14. Desertification spreads • Another place where rapid desertification is happening is East Africa. • In Ethiopia, people who have lived for generations by farming and raising grazing animals like sheep and goats are finding they have less and less land available to them.

  15. Links to videos • Climate video- Africa.asx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8iuyaS16-c&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xel82kovCgI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC9Be3vO5JA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DrZMo03OS0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGGctK4aWGg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1ih9kqZIyk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq2UHiyYwLo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyR9HPAtFGc&feature=channel

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