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Homeroom. Find a seat immediately so that we can begin You will receive several forms that require parent signature – have them signed tonight and bring them to me tomorrow – your computer privileges depend on these signed forms
Homeroom • Find a seat immediately so that we can begin • You will receive several forms that require parent signature – have them signed tonight and bring them to me tomorrow – your computer privileges depend on these signed forms • We will be reviewing the student handbook today and tomorrow – make sure to bring them back tomorrow
Homeroom • Find a seat so we can get started. • All forms that require signatures need to be returned to me today. Otherwise you will be responsible for getting them in to the office. • Get your student handbook out so that we can review it.
Justin Burgin Laura Gregory Andrew Ganschow Teagan Fish Connor Finley Marshall Leonard Justice Kirk Whitney Jeffries Gavin Jameson Matthew Mayse Dylan Mayer Jess Malin Andrew Mahoney Bailey Cundiff Kayla Shepard James Spencer Cameron Paynter Jessie Payton William Payton David Shaw Colt McGuire Ryan Montgomery Cameron Morgan Mckinzie Parks Tierra Alison Erin Bush 1st – Humanities – Front of Room
Brian Skeen Keila Sharp Lindsy Ambach Nick Heightchew Eugenia Hernandez Justin Hewitt Jonathon Huff Mason Fish Cassandra Baker Airyana Hardy Dustin Hawkins Kathleen Baumann Devin Belcher Sara Bohannon Brandon Browning Levi Shouse Allisia Tyler Brandon Smither Jade Appleby Kayla Aldridge Conner Kneble Nick Jump Grant Jaggers Abbey Hyde David Fink Alek Pennington Wes Noe Brock McGehee Justin Sallee Dalton Rison Kailey Reynolds Caleb Phillips Jon Pendleton 2nd - American Cinema – Front of Room
Cassandra Purvis Kayla Hunter Eugenia Hernandez China Dennis Paige Deburger Bradan Pate Megan Marlette Alexis Kendrick Dalton Kemble Caley Richeson Brooke Crum Caleb Phillips Jon Pendleton Christopher Branham Ethan Tuggle Elizabeth Walls Madison Rucker Brandon Sams Megan Thomas Kathleen Baumann Paige Crawford 3rd - Sociology – Front of Room
Christopher Branham Tabitha Grimes Joseph Fischer Austin Craigmyle Diamondlee Carrillo-Quiles Nathan Johnson Haylee Jackson Abbey Hyde Aleah Hurley Brandon Miles Morgan McGuire Adam Kent David Jones Katherine Buckler Brandon Miles Austin Webster Quentin Wilson Madison Rabourn Cameron Sanders Joshua Shaw Emily Turner Andrew Nix Dennis Orme Abbigail Patterson Tyler Potter Dylan Beckley Maggie Bratton 5th - Humanities – Front of Room
First Week Schedule • Today – Review syllabus • Thursday – Finish syllabus/discovery notes (you must have pencil/pen and paper) • Friday – Materials check (graded) and getting to know each other • Monday we will begin the first unit
Materials – Humanities – Due Friday • 1 ½ inch binder • 10 tab dividers • Loose leaf college ruled paper • Ruler with holes for a three ring binder • Pencil and blue/black pen • Highlighter • 3x5 note cards
Materials – American Cinema – Due Friday • 1 ½ inch binder • 12 tab dividers • Loose leaf college ruled paper • Ruler with holes for a three ring binder • Pencil or blue/black pen
Materials – Sociology – Due Friday • 1 ½ inch binder • 10 tab dividers • Loose leaf college ruled paper • Ruler with holes for a three ring binder • Pencil or blue/black pen • Highlighter • 3x5 note cards
Materials – Humanities – Due Friday • 1 ½ inch binder • 10 tab dividers • Loose leaf college ruled paper • Ruler with holes for a three ring binder • Pencil and blue/black pen • Highlighter • 3x5 note cards
Class Resources • You will find coloring materials, glue, scissors, rulers, hole punch, stapler, hand sanitizer, etc. on the cart by the door and book shelf by my desk – any materials you borrow must be returned to the location you found them • You should not use/take materials from my desk without my knowledge • Hall passes are on the cabinet by the door and should be returned there when you come back to the room
Class Resources • You can find documents, such as this syllabus, Power Points, worksheets, etc. on my teacher webpage • Some assignments will be directed to be submitted through our class’ O-drive – always label these assignments with your name (first and last) and the assignment name and always save to the correct folder
Class Rules • Hall Passes – Administration has instructed that we strictly follow a policy of 2 hall passes per student per 9 week period • A hall pass consists of anything you ask to leave the class for (bathroom, locker, office, etc.) with only a few exceptions • Exceptions – medical issues such as illness (emergency) or need of medication from the office will not count against you – class needs such as visiting the library for class related needs will not require a hall pass • Hall passes must be limited to 5 minutes or less
Class rules • When there are announcements being made, the class must be silent (especially beginning and end of the day) • When you enter the class, get your materials, take your seat and read the PowerPoint for instructions or the class schedule • Before you leave, clean your area and push your chair in – Please do not move the desks unless directed to for an activity • Students will remain in their seats until the bell dismisses class • A tardy will be given if you are not in the room before the bell rings • Eating and drinking in class will be permitted unless it becomes a burden on the teaching or janitorial staff – It is the students’ responsibility to maintain eating and drinking privileges
Class Rules • All graded work must be kept (especially tests)– If grades are misplaced, missing, or get deleted, this is the only way to be certain that you get the grade deserved – If you choose to throw materials away, you may be required to redo the grade if any of the above occur or be awarded a 0 • Grades missed due to unexcused absences or suspension will not be allowed to be made up – these missed assignments will receive a 0 • If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to collect and make up any missed work
Class Rules • Academic dishonesty, as described in your student handbook, will result in a 0 for the assignment, a referral to administration, a phone call to a parent or guardian, and the completion of the assignment in ICE • Respect really is key in our class!!! Students will always be respectful of the rights and opinions of others • Discovery rules and procedures will be discussed separately tomorrow – You will be required to copy Discovery policies and keep them in you binders– brig a pen or pencil and paper tomorrow
Class Rules • I understand that everyone has bad days. Let me know before an issue arises. Just don’t let me know that everyday is a bad one…optimism is absolutely appreciated. I will do my best to greet you with a smile every day as well. • The seating chart will be used until I have learned everyone’s names – probably two weeks
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) • This policy will allow students to use their devices to access the internet to further class activities • Devices may be out in our class only when I have announced that they may be used • They are not to be out for “checking the time” – there is a clock on the wall • Devices may not be used for texting, making calls, playing games, or any activities that distracts others in class • Devices should never be out or accessed during lectures, group discussions, tests, or videos
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) • Devices may NEVER be out during a test – If a device is visible/accessed during a test, you will receive a zero on the test • If a phone rings during class, it will be taken • If your device is taken during class and you respectfully relinquish it, it will be returned at the end of class • If any other disciplinary actions are required when the device is confiscated, it will be sent to the office – school confiscation policies will then apply • If I must take your device regularly, I will send it to the office as well
School rules for phone confiscation (when sent to the office) • 1st offense will receive a warning and confiscation of devices, only to be returned at the end of the day by the administration • 2nd-3rd offense will receive a warning and confiscation of devices, only to be returned at the end of the day by the administration to a parent or guardian • 4th offense will receive confiscation of the devices, only to be returned at the end of the school year by the administration to a parent or guardian
Grading – Humanities and Sociology • Grades will be divided between Participation, homework, unit tests, and projects • At the end of the semester there will be a cumulative final exam that includes all of your studies from throughout the year. Take good notes and keep them along with all unit tests that you take!
Grading – Humanities and Sociology • Binder checks are essential/substantial parts of your grade…keep up with notes and class work. Notes must be taken in Cornell style. A worksheet and example are found on my teacher webpage. • Participation will be based upon your being prepared for class. This means having materials and being prepared to discuss materials. Students will participate to the best of their abilities in each day’s lesson.
Grading – American Cinema • Each until will begin with a short session of notes – I expect these to be 45 minutes at maximum – you are required to take these notes for use in movie reflections and the final exam • Each unit will consist of 2-5 movies – for each movie you will be required to write a reflection – the model worksheet should be used and will be on my teacher website and can be printed from there – we will look at this more closely next week • Your binders will be checked periodically (dates will be announced) – In these checks, you will receive a grade for the notes taken as well as for each movie reflection
Humanities - Schedule for the year (tentative) • Visual arts • Music • Dance • Theater • Renaissance • Baroque • Classical • Romantic • Realism • Impressionism/post-impressionism • Final exam
American Cinema - Schedule for the year (tentative) • Silent Film • The Musical • American Comedy • War and Cinema • Film Noir: Somewhere in the Night • The Making of the West • Horror and Sci-Fi • Hollywood and the Cold War • Hollywood and the age of Television • The 1960s: The Counterculture Strikes Back • The Film School Generation • Into the Twenty-first Century • Final exam
Sociology - Schedule for the year (tentative) • An Invitation to Sociology • Sociological Research Methods • Culture • Socialization • Social structure and society • Groups and formal organizations • Deviance and social control • Social stratification • Inequalities of race and ethnicityModern • Inequalities of gender and age • Final exam
I believe that we will have a great year. • I will be available most days both before and after school. If you need me to help with your studies, please let me know so that we can make arrangements. Feel free to email me anytime at: Toby.Smith@henry.kyschools.us . I Check my email very regularly and so should get back to you quickly. • Changes may be made at anytime during the year to this syllabus as the school or I feel is necessary. • Any questions or concerns?