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Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security

2007/2008 State Declaration AAR Presentation to Emergency Coordinators, 24 JUN 2008. Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security. Highlights. ID - 06-2007: Wildfires in the State of Idaho Cost Share for Structure Protection EMAC Agreement and Execution Resource Availability and Costs-IDL

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Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2007/2008 State Declaration AAR Presentation to Emergency Coordinators, 24 JUN 2008 Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security

  2. Highlights • ID - 06-2007: Wildfires in the State of Idaho • Cost Share for Structure Protection • EMAC Agreement and Execution • Resource Availability and Costs-IDL • FMAGP process • ID - 01-2008: Statewide Severe Winter Weather • Project Agreements vs. Mission Assignments • Contracting to meet resource requirements • Cost Reimbursement Process

  3. Highlights-continued • ID - 02-2008: Idaho Spring Flooding • Use of the IMT both to run and Incident and to provide subject matter expertise • Use of WebEOC to send and receive reports • Cost Share for requested resources in a State Incident • BHS Area Field Officer

  4. ISSUES EOC and Incident Command (MINN Bridge Collapse AAR) Cost Reimbursement Information Processing Logistics (Resources, “STUFF”) Training

  5. EOC and Incident Command Emergency Operations Center vs. Incident Command Statewide/Jurisdiction Wide Focus i.e. an Area Situational Awareness for the elected leadership Deals with the politics so the first responder does not have to Resource Provider – the Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAST), IDL Type III Incident Command Team is a provided resource Plans, Logistics and Finance

  6. EOC and Incident Command Incident Command FOCUS is the Incident TACTICAL-Plans, Operations, Logistics, Finance Authority/Limits based on Delegation of Authority from the Jurisdiction Leadership Handles the incident not the politics Identifies the resources required and orders them from the EOC

  7. Cost Reimbursement State Declaration triggers availability of the State Disaster Emergency Account – ID Code, 46-1005. The account shall only be used to pay obligations and expenses incurred by the state of ID during a declared state of emergency State Administrative Plan to mirror that found with the Federal Government and in ID Code. 46-1008. Cost Share mirrors the non-Federal Share apportioned to local taxing entities – 10%

  8. Information Processing ID State EOC uses WebEOC to process information Automated/Real Time NIMS/ICS forms are the basis(Situation Report, Action Request Form, Mission Assignment) Broadband is the carrier Phone/Fax work as well EOC SOP documents the process Transparent process Jurisdiction EOCs connected and utilizing WebEOC is the goal.

  9. Information Processing We only know what we know Talk to your counterpart: Jurisdiction EOC to State EOC Generally, in a State Declared Incident, the Incident Command Team works for a jurisdiction, not the State EOC. The AFO is a great tool to ensure information is flowing and if not why not and can make it work! – use them.

  10. Logistics Mutual Aid is very good, most responsive at least cost Request for Assistance/Action Request Form/Mission Assignment/Project Agreement = “STUFF” and services Don’t wait until you are out to order/request Mission Request = State Agency resource Project Agreement = Jurisdiction contract Status is on WebEOC or a phone call to Logistics Section, Mission Assignment Unit

  11. Training It is not a good time to find out you need training when you are in the middle of a crises What have you been told to do? Expectations, Regulations, the LAW. Training – Ensures that the skill set is present Exercise – Practices how to use the skill set GOTTA HAVE BOTH / Hand in Glove Needs Assessment is key – don’t fool yourself Enough Personnel Adequate Processes. if it is not a process then someone will make it up Does everyone understand…elected officials-don’t forget them

  12. Training You will do what you have practiced……or not

  13. QUESTIONS ??

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