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Indicator 6: Preschool in the LRE Massachusetts. Patricia Cameron, 619 Coordinator, Department of Early Education and Care Donna Traynham, Elementary School Services, Department of Elementary & Secondary Education. Preschool in the LRE.
Indicator 6: Preschool in the LRE Massachusetts Patricia Cameron, 619 Coordinator, Department of Early Education and Care Donna Traynham, Elementary School Services, Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Preschool in the LRE • Massachusetts collects information on where 3, 4 and 5 year old children with disabilities are spending their day, in addition to the services they are receiving through special education, through its Student Information Management System (SIMS). • New codes were assigned for the 3-5 year olds; former codes now used for 6-22 year olds. • Districts were trained in Spring 2007.
Preschool in the LRE • Tools were developed to assist districts in collecting this information at IEP team meetings, and become part of a child’s file. • http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/iep/forms/word/PL2_3-5.doc • http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/iep/forms/word/PL2_3-5.xls
Baseline Formula # of hrs of special education services in an inclusive setting plus # of hrs in a natural environment divided by 25 hrs Revised Formula # of hrs in an inclusive early childhood setting divided by (the # of hours in special education settings outside of an inclusive early childhood setting plus the # of hours in an inclusive early childhood setting) Formula Change
Early Childhood Environments Decision Tree ≥80% 30 Attends EC program? What % time spent there? Yes (use formula) 40% to 79% 32 <40% 34 no separate class 36 yes Attends spec ed program? separate school 38 or 42 What is the location? residential facility 44 or 45 no Receives spec ed at Home? Home 46 yes no Service Provider 48
Preschool in the LRE Conclusions…. • Importance of communication between district early childhood special education staff and data staff • Need for closer analyses at the state level to understand trends around early childhood special education services and inclusion • Ability to use trend data to inform professional development for: • Early childhood special education • K-3 special education practices