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Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) . ISTA Germination Committee. Presentation of work of the Committee. Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) . Agenda Welcome and Introduction Summary of the work of the committee over the last year Discussion Points
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) ISTA Germination Committee Presentation of work of the Committee
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Agenda Welcome and Introduction Summary of the work of the committee over the last year Discussion Points Performance based germination methods Joost van der Burg Germination issues raised by stakeholders Ending germination tests once pre-determined germination levels are achieved Not differentiating between categories of non-germinated seed Reducing the time till final count of certain grass species Harry Nijenstein Questions from the audience
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Chair: 1 Ronald Don United Kingdom Vice-chair: 2 Sylvie Ducournau France Members: 3 Ignacio Aranciaga Argentina 4 Krystyna Kolasinska Poland 5 Joël Léchappé France 6 Lea Mazor Israel 7 Gillian McLaren United Kingdom 8 Günter Müller Germany 9 Enrico Noli Italy 10 Zdenka Procházková Czech Republic 11 Hakon Tangeras Norway 12 Grethe Tarp Denmark 13 Anny van Pijlen Netherlands 14 Kari Fiedler United States 15 Takayuki Okuda Japan Committee Membership
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) The aims of the Germination Committee are (mainly): To update and contribute to improvements in germination test methods To improve the germination section of the ISTA rules To create training material e.g. Handbooks To introduce new procedures and method for species not covered by the rules. Specific attention being paid to tropical and subtropical species. To share the knowledge among laboratories and seed testing professionals. To facilitate the exchange of information and improve standardisation.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Update of the Rules The Committee held a Workshop in the Netherlands in September 2009 where a major revision of the Germination Chapter of the Rules was undertaken. Inputs considered by the Committee: A questionnaire sent to all member Laboratories Questions sent to the Committee by Members Findings of ISTA Audits
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Update of the Rules correcting errors; providing greater clarity and precision as to what is required when testing germination; providing definitions currently missing; ensuring that the numbering of the types of abnormal seedlings is the same in both the Rules and the Handbook on Seedling Evaluation.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Update of Rules providing methodology for testing fewer than 400 seeds in certain circumstances; correcting errors in current tolerance tables; providing enhanced guidance on re-testing and new tolerance tables that are required when more than one retest has to be carried out; providing tolerance table that should be used when fewer than 400 seeds are tested; making Table 5A more user friendly.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Flow Chart included in the Rules explaining the re-test procedure Aim is to make it easier for analysts to understand and carry out the procedure
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Table 5A has been clarified Recommendations for breaking dormancy have been separated from Additional Directions and Additional Advice and we use the symbol to denote alternating temperatures
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Alternating Temperatures Symbol The use of a dash – to denote alternating temperatures, e.g. 20-30 is unsatisfactory. Some labs interpreted 20-30 as meaning any temperature between 20 and 30 degrees. The committee considered a number of options: ↔ →← >< We eventually decided on the later. We realize that for labs who use type writers to produce certificates that this may cause problems but consider that as an alternative to typing 2030, they could type 20, 30 alternating temperatures.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) • The current Rules only permits this for Beta and Arachis Some Proposals that have initiated debate Allowing labs to apply fungicidal treatments to untreated seed of all species
Day, 00 June 2010 Agenda Point (00:00-00:00) Requiring labs to indicate the number of seed tested on the ISTA certificate. Germination Result Reported: 90% For transparency and to avoid having to include uncertainties on ISTA Certificates customers must be aware of what the result means.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Removing the tolerance table that allowed the germination results of different labs to be compared This table was not required in the Rules and led to confusion. However many official labs use it for enforcement , certification and licensing purposes
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Tolerance and Confidence Limit Calculator Developed In tandem with the changes to the tolerances in the Rules a “Tolerance and Confidence Limit Calculator” was developed in conjunction with the ISTA Statistics Committee which is freely available for download on the ISTA Website http://www.seedtest.org/upload/cms/user/Germinationtolerancescalculator-V0.3.xls
Day, 00 June 2010 Agenda Point (00:00-00:00) The tolerance calculator is extremely powerful. It can be used to assess: replicate results repeat tests results obtained in one lab test results obtained in different labs The results of as many as 10 laboratories can be compared so the calculator is the ideal tool for analyzing comparative, ring tests and mini PTs. Text
Day, 00 June 2010 Agenda Point (00:00-00:00) This is of great value when explaining the meaning of results to customers A Confidence Calculator is also included: It will also be of assistance to gene banks who want to limit the number of seed they have to test when assessing whether acquisitions should be regenerated
Day, 00 June 2010 Agenda Point (00:00-00:00) Work for the Future on Rules Development At the Committee Workshop, some major philosophical issues were also considered : finishing germination tests once a pre-determined germination level is achieved; not differentiating ungerminated seed; introducing performance based germination procedures. We open the debate on these issue amongst members with today’s presentations from Joost and Harry. It is possible that Rules changes could be considered at the 2011 meeting in Japan
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) • Examples of additions to the Handbook this year: • Guidance on the application of the 50% Rule for Cotyledons; and • The inclusion of a Flow Chart illustrating the assessment of Ungerminated Seed Handbook Development and production of training material
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) 50% Rule For Cotyledons Evaluation of ungerminated seed
Day, 00 June 2010 Agenda Point (00:00-00:00) Work for the Future on Handbook Guidance on: Assessment of fused cotyledons; Assessment of Soya and Helianthus seedlings; Assessment of apical meristems of dicotyledons The committee wants to hear from members as to where further guidance is required .
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) New Species and Method Validation
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) To share knowledge, facilitate the exchange of information and improve standardisation.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) To share knowledge, facilitate the exchange of information and improve standardisation.
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) Any Questions
Day, 19 June 2010 Agenda Point (11:30-12:30) A few words of thanks • The Germination Committee • All those who have taken part in validation studies • All that have contributed to the update of the Rules • The Secretariat