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Creating and Supporting Venturing Roundtables

November 2000. wlacc - www.bsa-la.com. 2. A Need for Venturing Roundtables . Being a new program, a real need for Venturing Roundtables existsTraining of Advisors

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Creating and Supporting Venturing Roundtables

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    1. Creating and Supporting Venturing Roundtables By Doug Hilke Director of Field Services Western Los Angeles County Council Presentation created by Dave Rozelle – Asst Council Commissioner for Venturing Jon Cieslak – District Executive, Venturing Staff Advisor www.bsa-la.com venturing.bsa-la.com

    2. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 2 A Need for Venturing Roundtables Being a new program, a real need for Venturing Roundtables exists Training of Advisors & Officers Encourage formal training classes Provide specific training about relevant topics Provide information to crews on available activities District & Council activities Council & High Adventure Camps Sharing of ideas between crews Motivate and recharge Venturing leaders Let them know they’re not the only “Green Shirts” in the district

    3. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 3 Current Resources Good resources are beginning to be available for organizing Venturing Roundtables “Venturing Roundtable Guide” Guidelines for organizing Planning ideas How-To’s, Games & Program Features Venturing & Boy Scout Literature Venturing Leader’s manual Merit Badge pamphlets Ranger Guidebook Experienced Scouters and Scouting Professionals

    4. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 4 The Guide From the “Venturing Roundtable Guide” Hold Venturing Roundtables along with Cub and Scout Roundtables Start with joint announcements then break to own meeting Provides visibility of the Venturing program Expected attendees: Crew Advisors & Assistant Advisors Committee Chairs Unit Commissioners Youth officers (on occasion – advisors should invite)

    5. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 5 The Guide (continued) Suggested Program: Opening/Announcements How-to section Activity section Program section Closing Use Scout & Community resources Annual Venturing Roundtable Planning Conference Survey crews for interests Review past roundtables Plan the years program Build a “Team” atmosphere to involve all

    6. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 6 Roundtable Guide Resources Excellent array of pre-planned activities/sessions in manual 17 “How-To” sessions to teach skills Example skill: How to elect crew officers Indicates resource references to support 16 “Activities and Games” to get things moving 16 “Program Features” to provide interesting meets Example Program: First Aid Resources, such as Ranger Guidebook, Merit badge pamphlets, etc. referenced Ranger award requirements being addressed

    7. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 7 The Real World Only a few active Many (most) struggling to maintain attendance Roundtable commissioners are frustrated by working hard to improve program only seen by a minimal audience With such great resources, why aren’t there successful Venturing Roundtables operating everywhere?

    8. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 8 The Survey One district or council’s experience with Venturing Roundtables isn’t representative of the country An informal survey of Venturing leaders with Roundtable experience performed Requests for inputs on the Venturing email lists Venture-L ( www.bowline.org ) a national discussion list for Venturing Advisors and other leaders Philmont Venturing Crew 2000 discussion list Email and phone contact with key leaders Responses from 14 Venturing leaders from around the country collected and summarized

    9. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 9 Survey Findings Common themes arise from a review of the surveys A few key areas for improving the process Successful program areas Need for promotion Novel & alternative approaches A list of recurring areas crying out for improvements follows:

    10. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 10 Too few crews in the district to create a critical mass Too few crews fail to create a meeting with the necessary excitement Council organized Venturing Roundtables may be necessary in these early years to bring larger groups together Joint District Roundtables should be considered when long distances make Council meetings impractical As crew numbers grow the Roundtables should plan to move back to District meetings

    11. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 11 Lack of Council Support Council support for Venturing and Venturing Roundtables is usually lacking Crews need the councils and districts to provide a full program of training, activities and leadership opportunities Better communication of activities already available is required Many Advisors were Asst Scoutmasters with little or no previous district/council experience – They need help!

    12. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 12 Require Youth Participation Venturing youth are REQUIRED at the Roundtables, NOT optional Venturing is strongly youth leadership oriented – the Roundtable should be structured the same way Youth leadership adds the energy to make it work Crew officers need interaction with other crews at least as much as the adults Breakout sessions with youth only and adult only sub meetings have been successful

    13. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 13 LDS Support Encouraging LDS crews to support the Roundtables helps all Education of Stake leadership is critical Must be convinced of the value of Venturing and Venturing Roundtables Stake leaders need to actively encourage Roundtable attendance Assignment of crews to provide the Roundtable program on a rotating basis ensures involvement

    14. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 14 Promote, Promote, Promote! Heavy promotion of the Roundtable is necessary Promotion must be continuous, not just at the inception Many avenues need to be pursued Crews calling crews (youth) works best.

    15. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 15 Promotion Ideas from Survey District & Council newsletters Use you Unit Commissioners Flyers and mailings to crew advisors Emailing invitations Best if sent by youth Council/District Web pages Announcements At training events At announcement session of roundtable with Cubs & Scouts At activities Word of mouth Leaders-to-leaders Youth-to-youth Face-to-face or phone

    16. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 16 The Internet The internet provides a new & exciting way to communicate with scouting youth and leaders Email Web sites Discussion boards & lists Todays youth live in the middle of this technology – Use it! In may areas most youth and adults will have easy access to the internet Allows FAST and exciting communications Up to date calendars, events information, training schedules can be made instantly available

    17. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 17 Provide an Exciting Program An interesting program is the key to KEEPING your attendance up Program must satisfy the interests of the crews Surveys of attendees interests necessary Offering program options for upcoming months keep interests linked to planned program Youth input and participation should be integral to the program “The bottom line is … offer what your attendees want, not what someone else thinks you should present”

    18. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 18 Program Ideas from Survey Backpacking Rock Climbing Scuba Wilderness Survival/Edible Wild Plants Leave No Trace Wilderness First Aid High Adventure Camp Opportunities Ethics in Action/ Ethical Controversies Panel Discussions Dealing with smoking, drugs, crew dating, etc. Emergency preparedness Shooting Sports Mountain Biking ……..

    19. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 19 Provide for Fellowship The Roundtable should be planned to let youth and adults interact informally Exchanging ideas, problems, successes is a major part of the process Encourage joint activities between crews Food following meeting creates good opportunities

    20. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 20 Alternate Approaches Other approaches to the Roundtables are being tried Quarterly Roundtables Quarterly Council Roundtables with District Roundtables in the intervening months Rotating Meetings i.e. November - Venturing committee meeting, December - Venturing Roundtable, January – Advisors & Officers meeting… then repeat Merging the Scout with the Venturing Roundtables run by co-commissioners Alternate between Scout & Venturing activity programs Topics chosen to be of interest to older scouts

    21. November 2000 wlacc - www.bsa-la.com 21 Where to go from here??? Venturing is still a developing program with growing pains and joys Many good ideas have been suggested by dedicated Venturing leaders The ideas need to be tried and refined to develop a great program By sharing our experiences and trying new approaches we work towards providing the youth the best possible program!

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