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European Environment Agency

ENPI-SEIS Project ‘Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the European Neighbourhood’ NSI Directors’ Meeting, Luxembourg, 17 November 2011. European Environment Agency. Gordon McInnes, Deputy Director, Head of Programme Governance and Networks. Overall objective:

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European Environment Agency

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  1. ENPI-SEIS Project‘Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the European Neighbourhood’NSI Directors’ Meeting, Luxembourg, 17 November 2011 European Environment Agency Gordon McInnes, Deputy Director,Head of ProgrammeGovernance and Networks

  2. Overall objective: • Promote the protection of the environment in the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy area

  3. ENPI-SEIS project objectives • Specific objectives: • Promote the setting up of national and regional environmental information systems in line with SEIS principles • Improve capacities in the field of monitoring, collection, storage, assessment, and reporting of environmental data • Identify / further develop environmental indicators • Track progress of the regional environmental initiatives (European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership, Horizon 2020 , etc.)

  4. Development of SEIS with different country groupings EEA Core budget W.Balkans IPA • Eastern neighbours & • Russia ENPI COOPERATION DATAFLOWS Southern neighbours INDICATORS ASSESSMENT • Central Asia DCI INFRASTRUCTURE 4

  5. ENPI-SEIS project ENP South: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, PalestinianAuthority, Syria, Tunisia ENP East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine Strategic partnership: Russian Federation Strong partnership with European Commission, UNEP/MAP and UNECE Providing input to the Union for the Mediterranean and Eastern Partnership Project duration: 2010-2014

  6. Climate Change Natural resources Integerated prod. Biodiversity Land use Forests Waste Water Soil Air ... Data and information Data and information services Reportnet, ICT, EEA SDI, Inspire, GMES,... SEIS Conceptual Framework Content Infrastructure Institutional cooperation Networking, Eionet, Group of 4, EPAs, ENP, agreements 6

  7. ENPI-SEIS Project: Applying SEIS Conceptual Framework with ENPI South Freshwater, Marine water, Municipal waste, Industrial emissions Data flows + Indicator development, Eye On Earth Shared content Data & information Services, Spatial Data Infrastructure Inspire, Reportnet (tools and systems) Infrastructure Environment Ministries/Agencies, National Statistical Offices UNEP-MAP, Other regional activities Eionet bilateral cooperation Institutional cooperation 7

  8. ENPI-SEIS National Focal Points

  9. SEIS principles Information should be • managed as close as possible to its source; • collected once, and shared with others for many purposes; • readily available to easily fulfil reporting obligations; • easily accessible to all users. • accessible to enable comparisons at the appropriate geographical scale, and citizen participation; • fully available to the general public, and at the national level in the relevant national language(s). • Supported through common, free open software standards

  10. Agreed priority themes for the South region Priority themes identified jointly with the countries during the first consultation meeting in November 2010 are: • Fresh and Marine Water (both in terms of quality and quality), Urban waste water • Municipal waste • Industrial emissions (to air and water)

  11. Overview of activities in 2011 (part 1) • Country visits(Morocco was visited in 2010): April – Algeria, Jordan, Armenia May – Egypt, Palestine June – Georgia, Azerbaijan July – Israel September –Moldova, Belarus October – Lebanon, Tunisia November – Ukraine, Russia • Overview of state-of-play and priorities for activities in 2012 (pilot projects, technical workshops, expert visits, capacity building, hands-on training sessions etc.) to be agreed and prepared by the National Focal Points in cooperation with NFPs as reflected in Country Reports

  12. Overview of activities in 2011 (part 2) • Links to relevant regional projects and identification of synergy activities • Preparation of SEIS ‘Cookbook’ • Communication activities • Preparation of ENPI-SEIS newsletters twice yearly • Development and update of ENPI-SEIS portal • Contribution to relevant publications and participation in appropriate events

  13. Upcoming SEIS ‘Cookbook’ • Living e-document: ‘one cookbook for all’ • Offers an overview of SEIS components • Reviews preparatory steps – legal basis, resources needed • Provides guidance to the interdisciplinary teams (managers, data providers, scientists, technical staff) for step-by-step development of SEIS in terms of cooperation, infrastructure and content • Addresses good practice examples • Identifies a series of services/tools that can be (re)used to meet the SEIS demands in a range of contexts

  14. Activities proposed for 2012 onwards • Support to implementation of pollutant registers (e.g Emissions and Pollutant Transfer Register); • Support/strengthened adoption of ecosystem accounting approach, with a particular focus on the development of water accounts; • Support development of waste statistics; • Support in indicator development and indicator-based assessments; • Key role of NSIs to promote adoption of statistical standards and classifications; data harmonisation, QA/QC; • Support to setting-up of National Environmental Information Systems, facilitating cooperation and open data policies

  15. Example of application of SEIS principlesData collected once, and shared with others for many purposes National assessments Regional assessments National data, information and assessments Global assessments

  16. The Eye on Earth website Updated, enhanced website being developed by EEA in cooperation with ESRI and Microsoft for data and information integration, modelling, assessment, discovery and use by public and private organisations and individuals

  17. SEIS and ENPExpected outcomes Long term: • Improved assessment of the quality of the environment at regional level by using common tools and methodologies • Stronger institutional partnership at national level • Trained experts in all SEIS components (from data to assessments and communication) • Improved regional cooperation and partnership with regional and international bodies Short term: • Clear baseline of existing situation as basis for improved national and regional reporting

  18. Thank you for your attention! Visit us at: http://enpi-seis.ew.eea.europa.eu/

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