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How will European Regions contribute to an European Knowledge environment able to face global society changes

How will European Regions contribute to an European Knowledge environment able to face global society changes. Carlos GOMEZ Regional Dimension of Innovation DG Research and Innovation European Commission. Consequences: Thematic concentration to maximise the impact of investments

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How will European Regions contribute to an European Knowledge environment able to face global society changes

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  1. How will European Regions contribute to an European Knowledge environment able to face global society changes Carlos GOMEZ Regional Dimension of Innovation DG Research and Innovation European Commission EC DG RTD.C.5 DC

  2. Consequences: Thematic concentration to maximise the impact of investments Conditionalities and strengthened partnership to ensure effective implementation Common Strategic Framework: coherence across funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF); clarify synergies with Horizon 2020 etc. Novelties– comparedtocurrentregulations FutureCohesionPolicy 2014-2020

  3. The need for Synergies with the ESIF

  4. Keys to Synergies Smart Specialisation ex-ante conditionality Thematic Concentration

  5. Thematicobjectives • Research and innovation • Information and Communication Technologies • Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) • Shift to a low-carbon economy • Climate change adaptation and risk management and prevention • Environmental protection and resource efficiency • Sustainable transport and disposal of congestion on major network infrastructure • Employment and support for labour mobility • Social inclusion and poverty reduction • Education, skills and lifelong learning • Increased institutional capacity and effectiveness of public administration smart Europe 2020 sustainable inclusive

  6. The Synergies and Smart Specialisation Matrix

  7. In the future: "European Structural and Investment Funds" Between €80-100 billion will be invested in innovation-drivers and take-up, notably research and innovation projects, SME competitiveness, digital growth and energy efficiency / renewable energies. € 70 billion for ESF investments in skills, life-long learning, social integration, employment services, social innovation … Via theCohesion Fund around € 66 billion will gointo trans-europeantransportconnectionsand environmental projects

  8. "Up-stream" "Down-stream" Horizon 2020 ESIF €80-100 billion € 70 billion Hopefully also excellence, but "InnovationExcellence" "Staircase to Excellence" "Research Excellence" National/RegionalR&I systems Capacity Building Research & Development Innovation Market

  9. Synergies in practice Responsibility lies now with the Member States and regions’ planning authorities > need to create the appropriate “space” in the Operational Programmes for synergy actions with Horizon 2020 The Commission prepares a concise Guide on Synergies

  10. Horizon 2020 marks a departure in terms of support to regional innovation Focus is on institutions, companies and people, not on regions…. However: Novelties such as new financial engineering instruments, the new SME instrument and the Fast Track to innovation pilot may have a strong and lasting effect at regional level

  11. Spreading excellence and widening participation through Horizon 2020 New Part III-a in Horizon 2020 (budget circa EUR 800M) Main actions on Teaming (Centres of Excellence), Twinning (institutional networking), ERA Chairs (bringing excellence to institutions); also Policy Support Facility and a special action from COST on Widening actions

  12. Combining public funding sources for ambitious industrial projects What is combined funding? Combined funding is the possibility to use different public funding sources, including EU funding sources, within a programme, project or a group of projects. It seeks to exploit complementarities and synergies while at the same time needs to avoid overlaps and exclude double-financing. Combining EU funding sources H2020 and ESIF – Legal basis: The H2020 Rules for Participation (Article 31) and for the Common Provisions Regulation on the ESIF (Article 55(8)) both deviate from the Financial Regulation (Article 129) as they allow for the funding of the same action by two different instruments, subject to the absence of double funding.

  13. Potential cases of combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF • Two potential cases of combined funding for the same industrial project • Simultaneous / additional / parallel use of funds for the same industrial project: the simultaneous use of different public funding sources in the same industrial project • e.g. H2020 money and ESIF that are used together to fund different cost items within a single industrial project • Sequential funding for the same industrial project: the sequential use (in time) of different public funding sources in separate successive subprojects of the same industrial project • e.g. first ESIF for R&I infrastructure, then Horizon 2020 for innovation activities

  14. Basic budgetary principles • "non-substitution principle" • The use of a Union funding instrument to substitute the non-Union contribution to another Union instrument is not allowed: ESIF cannot be used to substitute the national or private contribution to H2020 projects. • Substitution of a non-Union contribution (eg. to a Horizon 2020 project) with Union funding (eg. ESIF) is not possible • 2. "no double funding principle" • It will be possible to award a grant under Horizon 2020 for an industrial project which is also funded by an ESIF grant but the absence of double funding should be ensured. • The two Union grants (Horizon 2020 and ESIF) may not cover the same cost item.

  15. Combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF for ambitious industrial project Definescopeofindustrialproject (incl. beneficiaries), detailedactivities, budget (private/public) Look ateligibilityofactivities: localisation (e.g. region), type ofcostitems (e.g. equipment) in combinationwithbeneficiariesandtimeline Preparefinancialmaster plan forindustrialproject: groupactivities in projects (=setofcostitemsforcertainbeneficiaries), identifycostsandfundingoptionsforeach (ESIF, H2020, national funds,…), contact Managing Authorities,… PrepareH2020 proposal(project & consortium) =>self-standing multi-national project PrepareESIF proposal(projects + beneficiaries) foreachregion/countryinvolvedtakingintoaccount Smart SpecialisationStrategies Submit H2020 and ESIF proposalsincludingmaster plan forindustrialproject)

  16. Example: Industrial project with combined funding from Horizon2020 & ESIF Combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF for ambitious industrial projects Industrial project description (master plan) Work packages (ideally geographically attributable) and definition of cost items ESIF proposal and budget Incl. public or private co-funding + specifying which Operational Programme will co-fund and where … But no Horizon 2020! Horizon2020 proposal and budget Incl. public or private co-funding … But no ESIF!

  17. Example: Industrial project with combined funding from Horizon2020 & ESIF Horizon 2020 ESIF MS/region public/ private co-funding public/ private co-funding Grant agreementHorizon 2020 Industrial project Horizon 2020 + public/ private co-funding ESIF of MS/reg + public/private co-funding Grant agreement ESIF

  18. Example : Industrial project with combined funding Combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF for ambitious industrial projects • Horizon 2020 proposal to be delivered: • Industrial project description (master plan including information on parts depending on other financial sources) (*) • Horizon 2020 part => self-standing grant agreement • (*) Modalities on sort of proof for existence of other funding sources being worked out

  19. Combining Horizon 2020 & ESIF for ambitious industrial projects • Example : Industrial project with combined funding Evaluation ESIF Managing Authority: … look into this to appreciate the entire project and looks into this part of the budget and checks the eligibility of the type of proposed costs, the location of the operation, etc. • Industrial project description (master plan) • Work packages (ideally geographically attributable) and definition of cost items Horizon 2020Evaluators: look into this to appreciate the entire project … and negotiate this part of the budget. Horizon2020 proposal and budget Incl. public or private co-funding … But no ESIF! ESIF proposal and budget Incl. public or private co-funding + specifying which OP will co-fund and where… But no H2!

  20. Learn more: www.ec.europa.eu/horizon2020 http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_fr.cfm Thanks a lot for your attention

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