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Joanne Gallaher, model for the iconic “Artichoke Woman†poster for the 1988 Castroville Artichoke Festival, will attend and sign posters at the 2018 Castroville Artichoke Food & Wine Festival
Model for Iconic ‘Artichoke Woman’ Poster Will Be in Attendance, Sign Posters, at 2018 Castroville Artichoke Food & Wine Festival June 2-3, in Monterey Joanne Gallaher, model for the iconic “Artichoke Woman” poster for the 1988 Castroville Artichoke Festival, will attend and sign posters at the 2018 Castroville Artichoke Food & Wine Festival Castroville, CA, May 24, 2018 — Joanne Gallaher, model for the iconic “Artichoke Woman” poster for the 1988 Castroville Artichoke Festival, will attend and sign posters at the 2018 Castroville Artichoke Food &WineFestival,setforJune2-3,2018,attheMontereyCountyFair&EventCenterinMonterey. The image was inspired by renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz’s 1979 photo of Bette Midler for Rolling Stone magazine to promote her film “The Rose,” as well as Marilyn Monroe’s 1948 status as Castroville’s first-ever honorary Artichoke Queen and later Monroe’s first Playboy centerfold image in 1953. In 1986, photographer Sue Bennett and long-time friend Gallaher collaborated on the image, which shows Gallaher, much like Midler and in a similar pose, lying on a “bed” of artichokes. Bennett and Gallaher combinedtheirmutualloveforartichokesintobothanhomageandacreativeproject.The image first appeared on a postcard in 1987 and sold at the Giant Artichoke restaurant and store in Castrovilleand in1988became theimageforthatyear’sArtichokeFestivalofficialposter. Bennett was close friends with both Gallaher and her husband Bill Mueller, first meeting in 1977. An architect,MuellerdesignedBennett’sstudiospaceinFlagstaff’s Babbittbuildingintheearly1990s. After Mueller passed away in 1999, Bennett spoke at his memorial and regaled the gatherers with amusing stories involving the three ofthem. Festival attendees will enjoy dozens of fresh artichoke food delicacies, a beer, wine and spirits garden, chef demos, liveentertainment,fieldtoursandmoreduringthetwo-dayfestival. General admission is $15 for those 13 and older; seniors 62 and older and military personnel withID are $10;childrenages6-12 are$5; generaladmissionforoneadult,withwinetastingpass, is$45(mustbe 21 yearsorolder);winetastingaloneis$30; andfieldtoursare$10(dailytourschedulestobe announcedattheFestival),goodforadultorchild5-12.Onlinepurchases areavailablethrough9 a.m. June 3, 2018. Norefunds.
Two discounted packages are also available, the Arti-Family Pack and the It’s A Date package.The formeris$30,a$10saving overtheregularprice.Itincludes twoadultticketsandtwochildren’stickets, goodforSaturdayorSunday.ThisearlybirddiscountendsMay19,2018,at12a.m.Norefunds. TheIt’sA Datepackagefor21 andolderonly,is$70, a savingsof $20,includestwoadultticketsand two wineandbeertastingtickets,goodfor SaturdayorSunday. About the Castroville Artichoke Food &Wine Festival The Castroville Artichoke Food & Wine Festival began in 1959 and has since developed tobecome a harvestfestivaltocelebratetheiconicartichokeandregionknownasthe“ArtichokeCenterofthe World.” The festival features family-fun events for all ages and has been a primary source of funding for localnon-profitgroupsformanyyears.Formoreinformation,visithttp://artichokefestival.org/. Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://artichokefestival.org/