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Host Deanne DeMarco interviews special guests Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey’s Ambassador of Hope and Excuse Removal Expert Feature on Deanne DeMarco’s Radio Show Host Deanne DeMarco interviews special guests Oprah Winfrey’s Ambassador of Hope Marala Scott and Excuse Removal Expert Karen Gridley on Thursday’s episode of “Today’s Inspiring Women.” Noon Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Network. Tempe, AZ, March 10, 2014 - Success by overcoming adversity and eliminating excuses is a winningcombination in the next episode of Deanne DeMarco’s high energy show, “Today’s InspiringWomen.” (http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2182/todays-inspiring-women) Deanne DeMarco’s guests next Thursday March 13 2014, for her weekly program on theVoiceAmerica Empowerment Radio network, are two very inspiring women. During the hour-long broadcast DeMarco, who has herself enjoyed twenty years of success as acareer coach and entrepreneur, will interview Oprah Winfrey’s Ambassador of Hope MaralaScott and excuse removal expert Karen Gridley. Marala Scott is a Best-selling, Award-winning Author, Motivational Speaker, and Ghostwriter whospends her time Teaching to Forgive, Inspiring to Live. Her efforts earned her the unique honor ofbeing named an Oprah Winfrey's Ambassador of Hope recipient, in addition to The Sunny 95's 20Outstanding Women You Should Know. Marala speaks from unimaginable experiences. She sharesthem with considerable passion, which translates into heartfelt truth. Her life-altering memoir, InOur House: Perception vs. Reality tells of her horrific childhood. Surrounded by Inspiration, sharesher journey of healing through faith, personal growth and understanding relationships. Her passionate and honest words will challenge you to become a better, stronger, more passionateversion of you! Deanne DeMarco will be exploring Marala’s path to success through forgiveness. Marala will besharing her five steps to overcome any adversity and how to use your personal history as apowerful tool for personal and professional success. Deanne DeMarco’s second guest is Karen Gridley who coaches and teaches individuals and teamsto think the way they want to act and act the way they want to think. As a former scientist and aRecovering Excuse Maker herself, Karen gives practical tools for business professionals to addresseveryday life and business challenges. Her clients refer to her as a unique blend of the head andthe heart. Audiences gain insights and get into action with her dynamic, personable, down-to-earth, humorous and matter-of-fact approach. She is the author of Embrace Your Rights and thecreator of The Recovering Excuse Maker Prayer. Karen partners with professionals from a varietyof fields who value work-life balance, personal leadership skills and high-performance to create
success in life and in business Deanne DeMarco will particularly want to know how to stop making excuses, and what are themost common reason’s why we make excuses. Karen will be sharing her TWA strategy that issimple enough we can all stop making excuses and get on with business. Deanne DeMarco herself has used her innovative strategies—drawn from successful experiencesas a scientist, college instructor, management trainer, Fortune 500 manager, author andentrepreneur—to help business executives and individuals break through personal and careerroadblocks. DeMarco says, “Each week I introduce extraordinary and inspiring women who may not yet be household names but are business and entrepreneurial rising stars. Marala and Karen are leadingthe way. I’m thrilled to have them on the same show. Learning to overcome adversity andremoving excuses, what a winning combination.” “Today’s Inspiring Women” airs Thursdays at noon Pacific / 2 PM Central / 3 PM eastern on theVoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel Radio. To access the show log on to:http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2182/todays-inspiring-women. All shows will be available inDeanne DeMarco’s Content Library on her Today’s Inspiring Women Website. About The Host: Deanne DeMarco’s career has revolved around helping people break through boundaries and career roadblocks. She is a career coach and has a strong business background with expertise inmedicine, education and utilities. As a medical scientist she was on the original three-memberteam that first discovered the cancer link to second-hand smoke (published in the Lancet). As acorporate trainer her management coaching program won national recognition from TrainingMagazines Top 100. For more than 20 years she has helped managers and individuals advancetheir careers. Today, she continues her work as an executive and individual coach. She conductsfun, interactive workshops and seminars and is a keynote speaker at business and associationmeetings around the world. For more information please visit: http://www.deannedemarco.com orcall 1-708-836-0118 or 1-866-91-COACH. Contact: Deanne DeMarcoDeanne DeMarco 2205 S. Wolf Road #730Suite 304 Hillside, Illinois 60162708-836-0118 Deanne@DeanneDeMarco.com http://www.deannedemarco.com ###