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The Learning Statistical Investigation. Presented by Kezia Roma ,Georgia and Nathan. Information. Our clients are the teachers.
The Learning Statistical Investigation Presented by Kezia Roma ,Georgia and Nathan
Information • Our clients are the teachers. • We gave the surveys to the whole school but it was only supposed go to just the Middles and Seniors but one of our crew members gave it to the whole school because she for got. • We choose to do our Statistical Investigation about learning because we thought that it would be a good topic. • There were 306 students present on the day we sent out our survey.
The Learning Group Roma Georgia Kezia Nathan
Our mission We decided to help the teachers by doing this survey about learning to all the classes these are the questions we came up with. How would you mostly like to learn new things ? What would you prefer to learn more of ? What would you prefer with your home learning? . . . So here is the data we ended up with
Our Predictions • Many students may want art for an everyday subject • Many people don’t want writing for an everyday subject • Many students probably want to learn new things on a computer or an IWB
Surprises • 18 out of 306 wanted more of writing • approximately 1 third of the school wanted more of art • More than 2 thirds of 306 students would prefer to learn new things on a computer or an IWB
How would you like to learn Question= How would you prefer to learn new things Key: Option1=Explained By The Teacher Otption2=From a Worksheet Option3=working in cooperative Groups Option4= individually Option5=Using a computer or a IWB
AnalysingthatGraph • That 65 more people in the seniors like working in cooperative groups than in the juniors • 220 students of 306 students prefer learning on the computer • 41 students out of 306 students prefer learning new things from a work sheet • 60 students out of 306 prefer learning individually
Questions about Learning New Things • Why do Juniors not want to learn in co-operative groups than in the middles and senior ? • Why doesn't the Juniors want to learn from a worksheet? • Why does the Seniors like working in co-operative groups? • Why do the Middle like learning new things explained by the teacher?
What Awapuni School should Learning More Of Question= What would you like to learn more of
Analysing that graph • 172 students out of 306 students want art for an everyday subject • 18 students out of 306 students want more writing
What Awapuni School should Learning More Of? • Why is Writing barely loved by the students? • Why do the Middles like reading than the Juniors and Seniors? • Why is art wanted as a every day topic than writing? • Why is math's liked in the Seniors than the Middles and Juniors?
Question= with your Home learning What would you prefer HOMELEARNING
HOMELEARNING Question= What would you prefer with your Home Learning
HOMELEARNING Question= What would you prefer with your Home Learning
Analysing those Graphs • The seniors and middles both have most of the syndicate want less homework. • But the juniors want their homework to stay the same. • more home work in all of the syndicates are the least popular
Mean Median Mode and Range Key :Q = Question Seniors Q.1 Median=34 Q.2Median=8 Q.3Median=47 Mean=23 Mean=22 Mean=37 Range=13-74 Range=5-70 Range=13-50 Mode=none Mode=none Mode=none Middles Q.1 Median=28 Q.2Median=18 Q.3Medain=36 Mode=none Mode=none Mode=none Mean=17 Mean=22 Mean=38 Range=16-75 Range=4-55 Range=34-44 Juniors Q.1Median=17 Q.2Median=7 Q.3Median=26 Mode=none Mode=6 Mode=none Mean=11 Range=6-46 Range=25-33 Mean=17 Mean=28 Range=2-71
What next?? • The learning group recommend making art an every day subject or do art three times a week. • The learning group recommend you give students less homework. • The learning group recommend students to learn on the I.W.B than from a work sheet. All these what next's were decided with the data that the students in the school sent in.
We thank you for watching our slide show Also for taking part in our survey and sending in data We hope you think about how the students in the school want to learn more of ,how they would like to learn and the amount of home work they would prefer. Many thanks ,the learning group