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Non fossil fuel power production

Non fossil fuel power production. International Energy Outlook 2011. Renewable Energy as Share of Total Primary Energy Consumption, 2008. Hydro-Wind-Solar Energy. Hydroelectric Harvest water energy China, Canada, Brazil, and US Wind Harvest wind energy China, US, Germany, and Spain

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Non fossil fuel power production

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  1. Non fossil fuel power production International Energy Outlook 2011 Renewable Energy as Share of Total Primary Energy Consumption, 2008

  2. Hydro-Wind-Solar Energy • Hydroelectric • Harvest water energy • China, Canada, Brazil, and US • Wind • Harvest wind energy • China, US, Germany, and Spain • Solar • Harvest sun’s energy • Europe, Asia, US Power = Head x Flow x Gravity Power = 0.5 x Swept Area x Air Density x Velocity3 Energy = (mW/cm2) x (Area in cm2) x (Time in sec)

  3. GeothermalEnergy Natural heat of the earth which is present in the Earth's core, mantle and crust. • Worldwideproduction: 10,716 MW (IGA) • Electricitygeneratedbygeothermalenergymeetstheneeds of 60 millionpeople http://www.mhi.co.jp/en/discover/earth/technology/geothermal.html

  4. Biomass Biomassis solar energystored in organicmatter. As trees and plantsgrow, theprocess of photosynthesis uses energyfromthesuntoconvertcarbondioxideintocarbohydrates. Carbohydrates are theorganiccompoundsthatmake up biomass. • Worldwideproduction: 65,000 MW (2010)

  5. Nuclear TOTAL PRODUCTION: 1533.7 GW Energy of an atomic nucleus, which can be released by fusion or fission or radioactive decay. Use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and do useful work. • Worldwideproduction: 375,000 MW (2010)

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