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Learn how to reverse inflammatory diseases by understanding the effects of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and incorporating plant-based sources into your diet.
Reversing Inflammatory Diseases • Marvin Perkins
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Speaking about the Children of Israel in one of his songs, the psalmist wrote God rebuked the Red Sea, and it was dried up: so, He led His people through its depth, as through the wilderness. And saved them from the hand of him that hated them, and redeemed them from the hand of the Egyptians their enemy. And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left. Then they believed God’s words; and sang His praises. However, they soon forgot God’s salvation; and waited no more for His counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. Thus, God gave them their request; for they hated the bread of heaven He provided for them, but the flesh food, they requested sent leanness into their soul.(Read Psalms 106: 9-15.) We are morally obligated to God to keep our body and spirit in the best of health according to God’s revelation that illuminates our generation in these last days, the time of the end. Is it not written that knowledge shall be increased in these last days?
Here is what God has shown me about fats, in particularly animal fat. This says the Lord, my teacher, the fatty acid omega 6 and omega 3, which is found within the tissue of animals, is not essential at all, instead they pose more harm than good, especially omega 6. The Lord made me to understand that due to the excess intake of animal fat or processed plant derived omega-6 fatty acid, a chemical battle takes place in the body between arachidonic acid (AA) and omega-3 fatty acids. Now when AA continues to be the predominant enzymatic substrate; it compromises the integrity of the cell membrane, and increases the concentration and release of pro-inflammatory chemicals within our body, which in turn causes a dysfunction within the white blood cell social group, alter our mood and behaviour, strengthen our animal passion, and increase the risk of autoimmune diseases, mental diseases, cardiovascular diseases, aggression, and abnormal sexual preferences. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES • Yes, so-called scholars, men who reject the authority of God will tell you that arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid (omega 6) that our body need, which is true. However, what they will not say because they love the smell of filthy lucre is that when omega 6 is consumed primarily from animal and their derivatives, it can cause excessive inflammation in the body.
While, on the other hand, dietary linoleic acid (omega 6), one of the only two essential fatty acids which is predominantly found in seeds and nuts is easily synthesised by our body to form AA, and when taken together with Alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) in the relative magnitudes, the two quantities have a total opposite chemical effect on the body such as: correcting cardiovascular problems, obesity, diabetes, immune dysfunction, and optimising neurological transmission and brain function, especially when it is obtained from unprocessed plant foods. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES OMEGA 3 AND DHA FOR VEGETARIANS Walnuts Chia Seeds or Linseed, Ground Evening PrimroseOil Vegetarian DHA Borage Oil
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES YOU CAN CUT OUT THE MIDDLE FISH Although other non-inflammatory fatty acids like what we get from fish oil competes with AA for access to certain enzymes (Δ6-desaturase, Δ5-desaturase, and elongases) in their biosynthetic pathways to lower the output of AA eicosanoids and reverse chronic inflammation, linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) from plant source in the right proportion is more than sufficient to do the same without any drawbacks. So, contrary to what you might hear about how important fish and Krill oil is, the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) we get from them is not classified as essential; for the body can synthesise them. Linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids found in plants are the only essential fatty acids there is; and they are the precursor of all other omega 6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
If we provide our body with at least 3:1 ratio of Essential Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids by eating foods like raw flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, kiwi fruit and plant-based Omega 3 supplements daily, our body will synthesise all the other less inflammatory fatty acids such as: Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA), the elongated by-product of omega 6 Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA), which is the desaturated product of omega 6 linoleic acid. It will also synthesise both long chain omega 3 fatty acids that is found in krill and fish oils, omega 3 EPA, which has 20 carbon atoms, and omega 3 DHA, which has 22 carbon atoms. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES THE FUNCTIONS OF OMEGA-3s One of the functions of omega 6 and 3 essential fatty acid is to create eicosanoids (signalling molecules): prostaglandins, prostacyclins, thromboxanes, which are formed by the oxidation of fatty acids by Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme and leukotrienes by lipoxygenase (LOX) enzyme. Cyclooxygenase refers to either of two related enzymes that converts fatty acids into eicosanoids: COX-1 is produced all the time because its role in tissue homeostasis is continuous and vital and COX-2 is synthesise and markedly expressed to meet the physiological demands based on the number of molecules of the substance that it is going to act upon at sites of inflammation.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES As you can see from the diagram; both COX-1 and COX-2 control the production of prostaglandin, prostacyclin, and thromboxane, which in turn mediate their effects on the immune system, the central nervous system, the stomach, the kidneys, blood vessels, and platelets found in our blood, which we need for blood clotting. Please keep in mind that this presentation is about the therapeutic benefit of plant-based OMEGA-3s. So not by a long shot am saying that other fatty acids like the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut and palm oil does not have a role to play in the scheme of preventing or recovering from a chronic inflammatory disease. On the contrary, they do.
The above statement is not true. This only happens in individuals who consume a diet high in omega 6, macro-nutrients: protein (especially from animal), animal based saturated fatty acids, and Trans fatty acids. However, if one eats a sensible diet of fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and culinary herbs prepared in the simplest way, the increased dietary micro-nutrients: vitamins (i.e. vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, pyridoxine B6, niacin B3, and vitamin D from the sun), phytochemicals (i.e. Soy flavonoids (genistein, daidzein), thymoquinone, curcumin, and xanthone), and minerals (i.e. calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, potassium and magnesium), along with the right ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 it will help to lower the pro-inflammatory AA eicosanoids in the body and inhibit the overproduction of COX-2 enzyme, which is involved in the induction of inflammatory scenarios in the body without inhibiting the production of COX-1 enzyme, which maintains the baseline levels and the adaptive response of anti-inflammatory eicosanoids in normal cellular function to inhibit or prevent the occurrence of induced pro-inflammatory gene expression. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Insidious men that control the media will tell you that only about 1% of dietary alpha-linolenic fatty acid is converted to EPA, and a negligible amount is turned into DHA.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES LET ME REPEAT The chemical properties in our food are more than able to prevent or treat any inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. However, it is vital we learn that unless one provide the body with the right proportion of dietary Linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3), phytochemicals and sufficient micro-nutrients, one will lack the foundation necessary to synthesise other fatty acids and activate endogenous antioxidant enzymes that our cells use to maintain their natural anti-inflammatory protection mechanisms. This is what I am saying in layman terms. We need to eliminate coffee, caffeinated tea, and all flesh foods were possible; if it is not possible to remove all flesh foods because of financial constraint or some other difficulty that does not allow one to procure the ground provision, then one should do his or her best by cutting out all red meats and poultry and use fewer fish, and avoid polyunsaturated omega six rich oils such as hydrogenated soya bean and corn oil, and use less vegetable oil to prepare food and more cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil for dressing and extra virgin coconut oil for cooking.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES • Furthermore, one must get rid of all dairy products, pickled foods, spicy foods, fried foods, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated margarine; and cut out refined baked goods, sugar and eating between meals to reduce advanced glycation end-product (AGE) from binding to the AGE receptors on immune cells and activating them.
A low dietary intake of the less inflammatory fatty acids, especially the omega-3 fatty acid, and a diet high in animal protein make the body acidic and undermines the epigenetics of our body without necessarily altering the genetic code in the billions of DNA base pairs in our cells that have a nucleus containing all of the genetic information needed to build and repair our body. Yes, the circulation of excess unwanted chemical substances like ammonia, uric acid, aspartame, methanol, formaldehyde and alcohol within our body affect the biological mechanisms that turn genes on and off switching them from a healthy state to an inflammation-related disease state like eczema, rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, vitiligo, lupus, MS, cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and even mental disorder. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES EPIGENETICS MECHANISMS IN HUMAN HEALTH & DISEASE
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES WHAT TO DO If you are someone you know suffer from any inflammatory disease, be not dismay, trust in the Lord, and the counsel of his servant and God will break your chain of ill health and set the glorify of His name on you and you will learn to bless His holy name. Only the right ratio of dietary omega 6 to omega 3 along with a plant-based micro-nutrient rich diet will counterbalance any undue inflammation caused by excess AA which derives from too much dietary omega 6 linoleic acid, especially from animal products and trans fatty acids. For the chemical reactions produced by endogenous antioxidant enzymes, micro-nutrients and essential fatty acids within the body, in particularly omega 3 alpha-linolenic fatty acids and certain phytochemicals bring a metabolic balance to the body by forming anti-inflammatory cytokines, eicosanoids and resolvins from endogenous EPA and DHA fatty acids, which resolve inflammatory exudates and offset any disrupting changes that was brought on by excess AA eicosanoids in the brain and spinal cord, and in our immune cells where COX-2 is synthesised to produce pro-inflammatory eicosanoids. So to properly down regulate inflammation in the body and maintain blood pH, one should follow a vegan diet, so here is a transitional diet plan. Breakfast and Lunch could look like this: (See next slide)
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Skip dinner and try having two meals instead of three, as it will allow your digestive system sufficient time to rest, as well as down regulate inflammation. However, if you really desire a third meal, it should be taken no later than 6:30pm. Moreover, it is best if this meal is a minuscule portion of fruits and toast, or a simple pureed soup. This will be much easier to digest than a full cook meal. Yes, it is a daunting task for anyone to change his or her lifestyle; if it was not, we all would have made some much-needed changes because we all want better shape bodies, healthy heart rate, and more enduring strength and energy. There is actually a method to what may seem to be a preposterous endeavour to turn back the hands of time. There are people I know that are sick and would love to get well, nevertheless, they have been reluctant to do what it takes to recover from their illness. However, let me paraphrase an old saying, if you keep on doing what you have consistently done, you will get the same results you have always gotten.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES WORSHIP A long with the suggested transitional diet plan cited above, the way I propose that you achieve your goal is to overcome evil or bad habits with good ones little by little (Romans 12: 21). Start by setting aside thirty minutes each day for prayer and reading. Read the Bible for it will inspire hope in you. Why do this? You or someone you know might be suffering from what you are told to be an incurable disease, and your physician has given you up to die. However, if you seek help from Jesus, the Great Physician, your prayer will cause Jesus to begin a silent work in you that will enlighten your mental faculty, and strengthen your will power to achieve your goal. Moreover, Christ will do for you “exceeding abundantly,” “according to the riches of His glory,” and “the working of His mighty power.” Ephesians 3: 20, 16; 1:19. Believe me; we can all do with some help outside of ourselves. TEMPRANCE Moderation or abstinence is an indispensable requirement for anyone truly to recovery from any illness and enjoy life; for it saves us from the path of ruefulness. However, temperance is not just about eating and drinking. So, dear reader, as you strive for the mastery practise temperance in all things. Let your habits of self-denial be coupled with earnestness of purpose, diligence, and steadfastness. To do this, pray and ask God for wisdom and power to keep your body in good health, and to bring it into subjection to His will. EXERCISE One such way of keeping the body in good health is exercising. Exercise stimulates both the mind and the spirit, and keeps the body well toned. It is also one of the best remedies for those who have trouble sleeping. It rekindles one's zest for life, but as with everything, one must be careful not to overdo things, we need but to get the heart pumping faster and our blood circulation greatly improved. Research has shown that over exercise can cause immune dysfunction, thus, making it easier for us to succumb to chronic inflammatory diseases.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Nature has gainfully employed exercise to help in the fight against infection, mental stress, and physical fatigue: loss of strength and energy. Exercise, even in moderation will enhance our energy and reduce inflammation and mental tension. When we exercise, the adrenal secretes a rush of the hormone norepinephrine, which is also released at synapses and cause the brain to deal with stress that often leads to depression and anxiety; the effect will be tenfold if we read the word of God, pray, meditate, and maintain a simple diet. Moderate exercise along with a good daily intake of fresh fruits, nuts, whole grains, and vegetables are of extreme importance in the conflict against chronic illnesses. These foods with their high-energy content a long with water and exercise will increase the body healing potential.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES LET ME EXPLAIN IN LAYMAN TERMS As we work out, our breathing gets deeper and our lungs accumulate more air to give some much-needed oxygen to the deoxygenated red blood cells as they return to their circuit through the body. Now whenever certain molecular catalysts along with glucose, the breakdown product of our food, and an adequate amount of oxygen are present within the mitochondria, the production of the body’s energy currency: adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is use for cellular reactions increases dramatically. Let us do the math. For every sugar molecule that enters the mitochondria when an adequate amount of oxygen is present within the cell, 36 ATP molecules are produced, thus, the available energy for use increases the body’s healing potential. However, whereas exercising increases aerobic respiration, which in turn increases the oxygen level within the mitochondria, and aid the body's buffering systems, conversely, lack of exercise does the complete opposite. Within the absence of free oxygen; only 2 ATP molecules are produce for every sugar molecule that has been metabolised. Thus, there is less energy to carry out daily cell life processes in anaerobic respiration, which in turn leads to tissue hypoxia; and it is well documented that tissue hypoxia impairs cardiac output, due to the reduction of the endothelial nitric oxide. The reduction of nitric oxide with its powerful vasodilator properties in turn leads to lung vascular and alveolar growth retardation, cardiopulmonary failure and vascular inflammation.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES It is no wonder so many of us are suffering with chronic atrophic arthritis, weakening or degenerated organs and muscles and hypo or hyperactive immune system. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of myocardial oxygen suppression due to tissue hypoxia, the flow of oxygenated red blood cells and nutrients with their inhibitory elements should not be impeded. So, depending on how chronic your illness is, you should do moderate exercise for a minimum of thirty minutes during the morning or evening at least four days a week. This will enhance the digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, endocrine system, immune system; stimulate lymphatic movement, and the entire nervous system. As well as improve the function of the Lung, Stomach, Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Heart, and reduce vascular inflammation due to the uninterrupted flow of oxygenated red blood cells and nutrients with their inhibitory elements to these areas within the body.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES WATER No one can live without water. So, we should drink lots of water between meals; 20 minutes before you eat and one and a half hour after you have eaten. Take, for example, if you ate breakfast at 6am, the next meal would be five hours from the time you had your breakfast. Take the first drink one and a half hour after your breakfast and continue drinking water on the hour. Do not wait until you feel thirsty. Take your last drink of water between meals twenty minutes before your next meal. Once you have had the next meal repeat the water process. To know exactly how much water you should drink each just divide you total body weight by 16. So, a person weighing 165 pounds would need to consume a minimum of ten eight ounce glass of water each day. Drinking water between meals, instead of juice or snacking, will down regulate the inflammatory process within the body by improving the fluid exchange between the blood and the lymph circulatory system and aid in the detoxifying process. REST Besides the Sabbath sleep is the best rest designed by God to aid in the development of a sound mind and a sound body. The mind, and the body is closely related, but even more so in this natural and periodic state of rest. It is no secret that loss of sleep can lead to depression and premature death, as well as speeds up the aging process. The intimate relation between the brain and the body during sleep regulate the secretion of body chemicals, such as Ghrelin, Leptin, and melatonin, which helps to maintain weight naturally as well rejuvenate the mind and body.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Allow me to explain Ghrelin is a peptide hormone that has the ability make you feel hungry when there is an increased level or suppresses your appetite when there is a decreased level; it is found in various places in the body, but in greater concentration in the endocrine cells within the GI tract, in particular, in the fundus (the left basal portion) of the stomach containing rugae folds, and in the pancreatic alpha-cells and epsilon cells, which is an endocrine cell type also found within the Islets of Langerhans. Along with stimulating and suppressing our appetite, one of its major roles is to regulate glucose homeostasis. Now if a person does not get sufficient amount of sleep a night; the lack of sleep causes an increase secretion of this hormone, and its effects on their body work contrary to the interest of their overall well-being. In other words, lack of sleep put the body in unfavourable endogenic environmental conditions on a cellular level; as it causes a constant increase of Ghrelin, which inhibit insulin secretion via beta-cells and epsilon-cells of the islets of Langerhans that regulates the storage of glycogen in the liver as well as accelerates the oxidation of glucose in cells.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Now due to the interruption of the release of insulin, glucose is not able to enter the cells, thus, an increase of glucose occurs in the blood longer than normal, which over a period of time reduces the body’s power or capacity to tolerate glucose. The body’s inability to metabolise glucose leads to a chronic metabolic state of energy expenditure and an increase in body-fat production, which may lead to pathophysiological processes such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, ADHD, auto-immune and other inflammatory diseases. On the other hand, lack of sleep decreases leptin levels, which is the opposing hormone to Ghrelin, involve in appetite regulation and metabolism. From a gastronomic and thermodynamic perspective, leptin is concerned with food intake and the expenditure of the different forms of energy use in the body by sending signals to the brain, in particular, the hypothalamus. When leptin binds to leptin receptors in the hypothalamus, it increases your body metabolic processes, especially its ability to induce fat burning. The etymology of the word leptin derives from a Greek word called “Leptos,” which means thin. So it is no surprise that leptin is a protein hormone, produce by adipose tissue (fat cells) to regulate the storage of fat. In various researches it is well documented that habitual lack of sleep below 6-8 hours at night retards the production of leptin and increases a person’s body mass index (BMI) and based on that persons genetic predisposition; he or she can become insulin resistant, which leads to other metabolic syndromes: a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Simply put, a decrease in leptin level fools the brain to think that the body needs to be fueled with food, whereas it is an increase level of Ghrelin that fools the brain to think you are hungry. Both Ghrelin and Leptin increase a person’s susceptibility to diet-induced diseases. This is but some of the wonderful effects that rest have on the human body from a physical view point. Thus, it is so important not to deprive oneself of sleep. REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES TRUST IN GOD Because we have turned away from the simple natural provisions of God for the mere gratification of taste, and have perverted our appetite by indulging in a rich repast that consist largely of red meat such as beef, pork, lamb, along with dairy products, coffee, sodas and other harmful foods; we are now suffering with chronic inflammatory diseases; and it pains my heart to see young and old suffering with disease like diabetes, arthritis, autism, MS, cancer, and the list goes on, day after day in vain making their way to their physician, which they imagined is their last hope of cure, only to hear their physician declare, your malady is incurable, there is not much I can do for you but alleviate your symptoms. Let not your faith in God falter because of the simplicity of His method. Do not doubt in your heart that the deliverance, which you seek will be realised; secure for yourself an appointment with Jesus, the Great Physician, He who has the power to remove the cause of our maladies. Do you not know that every disease is associated with one or more symptoms, and every symptom linked to a disease points to the cause that gave rise to the symptom or symptoms of that disease? And yet, the medical institutes just carry on business as usual giving symptomatic treatment, instead of looking at the causative factor of a person’s illness.
REVERSING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES Every known disease can be cured, but not everyone whose body is afflicted with disease will be cured. So, do not anchor your faith in Christ merely upon Him granting your request for physical healing. Say like Job, “though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him,” because our Lord, the Great Physician, has a blessing greater than physical healing, which He desires to impart to the sick. Therefore, lose not heart, instead, be confident of this one thing, that though your outward man is perishing and you are confined to this world in your sick state, Jesus offers His grace to pardon and cure your sin sick soul that your inward man may be renewed day by day. The grace of God is more than sufficient to preserve the soul: our body and spirit, to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy when He comes the second time to establish His Kingdom that shall never end. Now “to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever, Amen.” Jude 1: 25. …………………