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The comparing of natural antibacterial substance on E. Coli. Manhasset Science Research Jean Cheng Period 4. Need. Figure 1: Antimicrobial drugs resistance pattern of urinary E. coli from Southern Brazil. http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/bjm/v39n4/arq27_fig01.jpg. Knowledge Base.
The comparing of natural antibacterial substance on E. Coli Manhasset Science Research Jean Cheng Period 4
Need Figure 1: Antimicrobial drugs resistance pattern of urinary E. coli from Southern Brazil http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/bjm/v39n4/arq27_fig01.jpg
Knowledge Base Figure 2: Chemical formula for Penicillin http://itech.dickinson.edu/chemistry/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/penicillin-core1.png
Knowledge Base Figure 2: Chemical formula for Penicillin http://itech.dickinson.edu/chemistry/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/penicillin-core1.png
Knowledge Base (cont) Figure3: Penicillin attacking the peptidocglycan http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Gram_negative_cell_wall.svg/800px-Gram_negative_cell_wall.svg.png
Knowledge Base (cont) Figure3: Penicillin attacking the peptidocglycan http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Gram_negative_cell_wall.svg/800px-Gram_negative_cell_wall.svg.png
Knowledge Base (cont) Figure 4: Tea tree’s terpene chemical formula http://www.wacker.com/cms/appL/mdm_images/R67_IV-1_-432011277_8959.jpg Figure 5: Pectin Chemical formula http://sci-toys.com/ingredients/pectin_2.gif
Knowledge Base (cont) Figure 6: Aloe vera http://apps.who.int/medicinedocs/fr/d/Js2200e/5.html
Knowledge Base (cont) Figure 7: Citral http://www.impgc.com/images/Structures/Citral.bmp
Literature Review Figure 8:Chemical Change in Allicin subjected to different conditions. (Ariga, et al. 2008) http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/33/7433-004-96DFD197.gif
Literature Review (cont) Figure 9: Antimicrobial activity of aloe vera gel (Alemdar, et al. 2009)
Literature Review (cont) Figure 10:Yuzu fruit seed oil on different microbial (Nakazono, et al. 2006)
Literature Review (cont) Figure 11:12 different essential oil on different species of bacteria. (Rusenova, et al. 2009)
Purpose • Find which natural substance is best in inhibiting E. coli. • Null Hypothesis: No effect • Alternative Hypothesis: Tea tree oil is the best antimicrobial substance against E. coli
Methodology The comparing of natural antibacterial substance on E. Coli Essential oil and antibiotic plant substance N=12 Aloe (anthraquinones) N=3 Garlic (allicin) N=3 Tea Tree oil N=3 Yuzu fruit oil N=3 Petri dish, E.coli, filter paper, glass spreader Disc diffusion assay method Millimeter SPSS ANOVA Test
Protocols Paper disk with substance being tested Bacteria on agar Inhibited Zone(mm) Figure 12: Disk Diffusion method http://diverge.hunter.cuny.edu/~weigang/Images/20-17_diskdiffusion.jpg
Protocols (cont) Figure 13: http://gsbs.utmb.edu/microbook/images/fig10_5.jpg
Do-Ability • Not expensive • doesn’t require large amount of space • Some materials found in lab or supermarket • E. coli is needed as well as agar, aloe, tea tree, yuzu, and garlic • Natural antiseptic doesn’t have negative effect
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